Dang, I’m so pleased and onboard with this drama casting, it’s like the drama gods are righting a major wrong from last time with Ha Ji Won. K-actor Jin Goo has been confirmed for the upcoming action spy drama Prometheus, which had Ha Ji Won signed on but was looking for a suitable leading man after Joo Ji Hoon passed on the role. Joo Ji Hoon would have been nice but now I’m way more excited with Jin Goo as the male lead, he’s so perfect for the tough military spy guy, plus he’s age and experience appropriate to Ha Ji Won unlike the Kang Min Hyuk casting in Hospital Ship. Super excited now to see the sparks and tension fly in Prometheus.
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Nice casting. Both of them fit the action genre very well.
Not only righting a wrong for Ha Ji Won.But literally the whole of last year.2017 casting for most dramas was tragic.No wonder there were very few memorable and quality dramas last year.This year casting for the most part is on point.
As for Ha Ji Won, am so happy for her.This is good.Lets hope the script and directing is good too.I think they need to recruit actors only for the supporting characters.No idols or actors with glaring acting weaknesses especially if its going to air on the public channel and its a weekday drama.If they do it will flop regardless of HJW leading it.
Tbh, I am the minority who don't really like this casting. Jin Goo is a seasoned actor and he is good no doubt, but he lacks charisma. He does not have commanding presence on screen which make him so forgettable. Definitely not the on-screen partner i was hoping for HJW.
Yes, I agree, he’s a good actor but lacks a certain charm. Also, he’s married and I really wanted to ship her with someone single haha
The thing about Ha Ji Won, she always confirmed first before she knows who will be her male lead.
She’s kinda not so wise to consider first if to whom she will be pair before confirming. Awwww.
@hey I think its kind of impractical and diva-like too for an A-list star like her to confirm the role only after knowing who she is working with.She would miss out on good offers like that.She is also the one who will be used to sell the drama to investors and the public.So if she waits till she know who she is working with and if she doesnt like her co star then reject the drama even if all other aspects are good.Then it puts the production team in an awkward situation if the other party has already signed on.
I am no expert but I would think casting process goes like this order.They offer the role to the A-list actor first, and they accept or reject the drama depending on the description of the role or overall plot.Then if A-list actor accept, then they can now screen who will co-star with him/her.Its up to the one she is working with, to accept or reject the drama after looking at who they are working with, what part they will play in the drama and whether the plot is interesting or not.
@alexa I think at this point in her career, any actor who would be co-starring with HJW would be playing somewhat of a supporting role even as a male lead.Well it almost has always been that way with her dramas(hwang jin yi, empress ki, damo, the time I never loved you etc).I can guess that she will be the one with the meatier role and her character will be the one driving the plot more than the male character.This could explain the casting choice.It could also explain why Jo Ji Hoon turned it down(although it could be other reasons too).
Anyhow, I would rather an "uncharismatic" actor with the acting chops who fits the role.Than a classic handsome and charismatic actor who might have the acting chop but doesnt fit the role or the delulus will start shipping her with him instead of focusing on the message of the drama.And HJW has bucketloads of charisma and screen presence so she can carry a drama herself even when male lead is lacking in that aspect.She has also worked with a variety of male actors.The so called "uncharismatic" actors.older actors.significally younger actors.But she makes it work.Only in her last two dramas where I didnt buy the chemistry with the guys she was paired with.
I would be more iffy if this was a romance drama but a geo-political action drama.I think he suits her just fine.
If they cast more charismatic actor ie Jo In Sung, Jang Hyuk, Lee Jun Ki or Yoo Ah In, I am sure the male counterpart would have a role of balancing weight to HJW.
I am not expecting romance at all but just the delight of watching equally charismatic actor alongside a strong actress like HJW.
@Alexa looks like you can keep your fingers crossed.Lee Jun Ki just said in an interview today on MBC section TV that if an opportunity comes(not this drama of course) in the future.Ha Ji Won is the actress he would love to work with next.So if PD, writer, TV station, investors and the queen herself are willing.He is available for the offers.
Clearly the charisma is expected from Ha Ji Won here.
I really agree with this.
HJW will never get a hot papable with acting prowess A-lister male lead compare to before, since her choices of projects must be always her as the center of the story. So her male lead could only be just as supporting character. And no any big A-lister star would go for that.
So, her fans must not be sulky.
Tbh. She has never gotten a co-star that's as famous as her because of this reason.
Even people like Jo In-sung, So Ji-sub and Hyun Bin were not very famous at the time they were cast alongside her.
Coz some of her fans are bitchin’ in some social media, and I could only see that as a reason plus the fact that when she has a drama, she’s the one who confirm first without knowing who will be her male lead. And I kinda admire her for that. She’s like choosy yet not too choosy.
This is why many fans don't like Ha Ji Won because her fans are stupid. Ha Ji Won's fans can never find any flaws in her but
except actors are beening boost up by the help of their unnie. Sorry to say this but Ha Ji Won is not the best actress. She is only watchable in a couple roles. Many times her male co-stars has outshine her really bad.
She is not a unique case either.Its the same with actresses in her age group like Kim Hee Sun, Kim Su Ah, Lee Bo Young, Kim Nam Joo, Kim Hyun Joo, Song Yoon Ah, Lee Yo Won and many many more.They are the type who would be the go-to actresses for femalecentric dramas/roles.
Not to mention, these women's talent fee must be really high so add those kinds of actors.All the budget would be blown just paying the leads and this more often than not lead to poor quality production and staff underpaid.
This drama is not female centric though. Articles say Jin Goo's character is the heart of the story. So it's more likely that the importance of the lead male and female role is pretty equal. There's also Ki Hong Lee's character and another mysterious girl character.
Hyun Bin though? And yes, he was famous before SeGa. She also wasn't the center of the story in TK2H either.
The same thing you will always hear from Ha Ji Won's fans that no one is better but her. I hope after this drama we won't get to hear another saying of (OMG the great Ha Ji Won has again boost Jin Goo another not popular actor to become an A-list actors.) Indeed Hyun Bin is already popular before he was even cast in Secret Garden with Ha Ji Won. He stole the spotlight in Secret Garden not Hsa Ji Won. The same goes to Jo In Sung and So Ji Sub.
I hope HJW’s acting in this drama would be better than what she has shown in her last two dramas. I guess JG’s role is not expected to be the centric one so she has to show her charisma.
Agree.I hope she cuts out all the aegyo(cutesy)-like gestures(like the one from "time I never loved you", I saw glimpses of that too in the few clips I saw on "Hospital Ship").I also hope she modulates her voice so it sounds in a lower tone like she did for empress ki.
I liked her last drama and her pairing with KMH. The writter didn't exploit very well the love story by adding the typical female second lead who was unnecessary but they had chemistry and the BTS were very cute. I'm happy she decides to choose her characters because she wants it and not because of what people except from her.
I woul have prefered Joo Ji Hoon because I miss him in a drama but Jin Goo is not bad. I didn't watch his last drama, I didn't watch him since DoS.
I'm probably the only one here who'd say HJW is not watchable anymore. When she acts, she is concious that she's acting. And for some very strong reason, I can see one or two of her characters in her early career.
Idc what anyone has to say but OMG I'm super excited!!!! Yas!
Im suuuuper excited. JG is such an awesome, intense actor. He fits the role and will complement HJW.