Categories: K-dramas

Episode 5 of Memories of Alhambra Drops to 6% Ratings as the AR Game Fully Moves to Real World for Jin Woo

I’m legit flummoxed and frustrated with tvN Sat-Sun drama Memories of Alhambra, and those are not the f-words I wanted to feel towards this highly anticipated drama. Five episodes in the directing is way wonky, some scenes are dragged out unnecessarily and the pace is off with how events are being revealed and character interactions used. Episode 5 saw more character chemistry between Hyun Bin‘s Jin Woo and the precocious teenager Min Joo than with female lead Park Shin Hye‘s Hee Joo. I’m loathe to spend time to dissect what is going wrong other than saying it’s not working, the drama isn’t gelling in emotional or action-packed ways to make me tune in for anything other than Binnie watching. The ratings also went down to 6.829% while jTBC‘s totally unexpected hit Sky Castle hit new ratings high of 9.539%. Please let the screenwriter have some magic fix in store for episode 6 to turn things around because there remains so much potential for Memories to be a fresh work to push K-dramas into yet another level.

The following events happened in episode 5 but I didn’t feel any visceral emotional drawn from any scene: Jin Woo was attacked at the hotel by AR Hyung Seok and falls down 6 floors but and is discovered by Hee Joo, he’s rushed to the hospital and severely injured from the fall but not from the AR sword fight with AR Hyung Seok, Hee Joo is worried about Jin Woo, we learn about Hyung Seok’s estrangement from his dad who prefers Jin Woo and the impetus for why Hyung Seok ended up with Jin Woo’s ex-wife, Hyung Seok is still dead in the real world, Jin Woo’s current wife the spoiled actress Yoo Ra shows up in Spain, and AR Hyung Seok arrives in the hospital to continue his battle with Jin Woo’s avatar and Jin Woo can still see the game prompts despite not wearing the contact lenses, and finally Jin Woo is saved from AR and real life death by the arrival of Hee Joo as Hyung Seok cannot battle Jin Woo when she is present. Whew.


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  • I don't know about 4 female lead. But 2 supporting actor Jo ja-hyun and kim byung-chul acting was amazing in dots also goblin. They all deserve success, sky castle was amazing??. Jtbc slowly beat tvn in weekend drama after mr.sunshine. I thought science fiction drama not ahjumma cup tea because the story about game was hard to understand.

  • I still enjoy this drama very much. Ep 5 gives me more AR fighting scenes, more backstory of Jin Woo/Hyung Seok & his dad, cute interactions between Min Joo & Jin Woo. I like to watch action-packed drama rather than melos, so this genre is more for me than the one Ms Koala likes. There is no point trying to explain the rating. If you don't understand the story, the easiest way is to tune it out. Why try to document the events to non-viewers when your motive is so obvious? Do you think anyone will care? Those who remain watching clearly do not need your listing of events, this has never been your blog style because you used to write above average recaps rather than a half-hush piece of trash.

    • I agree with your point on writing about rating for every single episode with most obvious motive to generate traffic and ofc the fanwar between the two tvn's most hyped dramas... Another being "Boyfriend". When BF rating going down, there's the nonsesical writing about wanting the rating to drop so that the drama can be enjoyed to the fullest but when MA dropped in ratings, there's the posting trashing it. Like i said before, whatever rawks your boat. If you really love the drama, who cares about the ratings.

      • Boyfriend (encounter) really boring even the viewer want sjk appear and say "I came to end this war!" And save song hye kyo from disaster.

      • Not even properly researching that there's a football game which has 18% ratings airing in the same time as Moa, and instead trying to say the drop is due to low quality.

  • The story is entertaining although your point of view is showing that you didn't enjoy the drama from beginning so I hope you ignore the drama and write about what you like .

    • Yeah lol, it's weird that koala keeps dissing this drama since she personally doesn't like it. But a biased article doesn't make a drama bad IMO. Like how my ahjussi barely had 5% rating overall, but it was one of the best drama of the year, I feel MOA is a quite good drama, better than the writer's last drama W, in fact. It's a shame that you just gave your own opinion about why you think it's poorly made and there is no story progress? But the last episode was quite good and honestly, the story has just started making panning out so it's sad that you keep saying it's not good just because the rating dropped. After all rating success doesn't mean a drama is successful, or else park shi hoo's drama 'my golden life' doesn't make the drama itself is brilliant just because it had higher ratings. Korean viewers love makjang so they're sticking to it, even I myself enjoy it. But both these shows are very different story wise, so please, just write about shows you love. Don't give biased reviews just because you yourself don't like it. Because right now many of us still love the drama.

      • The problem it is her blog take it or leave it so with respect to her,
        I don't understand some people who didn't enjoy something why are you following or bother yourself to write about it , ignore it and for ratings don't be consider measurement of success many korean watch this drama on Netflix and being hot topics on Internet sites like Nate and Naver .
        I don't ask anyone to watch but at least something you don't like in first place how will you give a proper view about it .

      • @Nilerose oh yeah how could I forget about Netflix. Considering this is airing simultaneously in Netflix means something right? It looks so gorgeous in Netflix so more internet savvy people would watch it online that make more sense. I guess you're right that since it's her blog she can write whatever she likes but it just hurts that every week there is these type of posts. While I come straight from watching every week episodes and especially this week has been the best one lol. Anyway, there goes my rant and I guess next time I will just not bother anymore haha.
        PS: So many typos in my post above. Sorry guys.

    • This is a personal blog though. She's not a legit drama critic and her views are highly subjective. I don't understand why you're demanding her to write a certain way or that you think it's unfair that she's 'biased'. It's a blog! Damn right it's going to be biased.

  • So far.. I love this drama.. the more episode I watch the more I love this drama.. it get me engaged.. wondering what will happened next and what the writer has to unfolded each episode.. The more I curious the more I love! This is my highly anticipated drama so far.. I’m watching this and Fluttering warning, and been patiently waiting everyweek ? Yup! My drama choices are nit everyone favorite.. but I still love to wait and watch them when the new episode released!

  • A reason memories of alhambra will be success.
    1. Fantasy crossing reality plot (the show features various elements melodrama, fantasy,suspense and thriller also CGI effect)
    2. Dream drama god pairing( fans hb and psh have been anticipating Moa as their comeback drama after several years).
    3. Hyun bin continue flop after rampant, negotiation, world within, Hyde jekyll me and many more lols.

  • I’m happy that I’ve stuck this out moreso because it’s making me think which is a rarity for me as I love lazy watching and have everything spelt out however MOA has those twists and turns and although the OTP is really JW and AR it’s one of those dramas that I actually look forward to in the weekend. Although the ratings have taken a dip in Korea I can see that international viewers comments on kiss asian are as keen as ever and the fun part of deciphering each episode is actually amusing. I posted a few articles back my own theory about HJ and her involvement in the scheme of things so Im patiently waiting for the outcome....

  • People don't care, but there is a drama with bad ratings which is good KBS " JUST DANCE". Kind of social comedy drama .The Young actors and senior actors are doing great. It make me think of The 2 bigs dramas that everybody is raving about with stellar casting ( = marvel) versus a little drama ( = little miss sunshine, whiplash). Big budget / Sundance movies. Big Stars versus underated actors Chris hemworth, Chris Pratt / Paul Dano, Miles teller. If you get what i mean ...

    • Just Dance is really good, i watch it while waiting for sky castle and alhambra but it turn out to be my favourite at the moment
      Its charming in its own way

    • Just Dance is my fav drama too. The otp really have good chemistry. Something i crave So long from my otp. And the story has heart. Complex yet feels simple,

    • Yeah, sadly people think higher rating already certifies that a show is good, but in reality it could be that dramas rich in content can be understood by only a certain group of people. Even lot of award-winning movies didn't do good in box office so does that mean they are not good movies? MOA has been garnering good reviews even the drama didn't have high viewer rating so we need to keep that in mind too. Besides I was never fan of dramas like dots or mr.sunshine so the rating games never bother me or I never understood it lol.

  • I'm emotionally invested in the well being of Jin Woo and find the storytelling very refreshing and different. He has thoughts of killing his friend and he did it in a game that had consequences beyond his imaginations. So is he guilty, should he also be punished?I dun think we should focus on why the love angle hasn't taken off. I like the pace this is going! Definitely looking forward to the next episode.

  • It seems like this time we share different opinion. I dropped Boyfriend because the plot is boring and mediocre, the leads have zero chemistry and don't give me the urge to look for their romance at all. Sky castle is a good drama indeed but i personally prefer this one as it's a new concept that deals with AR game that may not be ahjummas cup of tea so the ratings means nothing to me, i dropped dramas before that were considered a hit (yeah i'm looking at you dots, goblin) as long its a fresh storyline, i am always in waiting for whats gonna happen next.

    • Encounter is utterly boring and there is nothing much happening in the drama except regular lunch and dinner dates. I am sad that PBG decided to come back with this drama. Gone are the days when we would watch him in exciting projects like coin locker girl and I remember you. It's also frustrating to watch song hye kyo playing same roles over and over again. She gets typecast with roles like of rich women, previously which was that winter the wind blows.

      • Isn't this the second time she is playing a rich character can fan of moa just support their drama without bashing encounter

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