Categories: K-dramas

Veteran Supporting Actor Jang Seung Jo Has Breakout 2018 After Encounter, Knowing Wife, and Money Flower

For a 2018 prolific K-drama year with plenty of actor breakouts including Jang Ki Young and Woo Do Hwan, I’m giving my favorite and most memorable breakout actor to veteran musical, drama, and film supporting actor Jang Seung Jo. After his banner three-drama turn in 2018 the man is due for his upgrade to leading status. What’s incredible is that Jang Seung Jo delivered exemplary performances in three dramas with very strong male leads, with two former Daesang winners no less – alongside Jang Hyuk in Money Flower, Ji Sung in Knowing Wife, and now Park Bo Gum in Encounter (Boyfriend). His eyes do so much acting, subtle soft pools of manly emotion and sincerity, he was as much the heart of Knowing Wife as Ji Sung since his life also got upended with the do-over. And now in Encounter with any other male lead I wouldn’t even be unhappy if the female lead fell in love and remarried his second male lead but of course that’s not the trajectory of the romance and he’ll just have to pine behind-the scenes. That’s fine because next year he’ll definitely shine more in front of the screen.


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  • He's the most interesting character in Encounter and I really liked him in Knowing Wife. He's a good actor (but he has weird ears :p).

  • He stolen the show from park bo gum, cause park bo gum character really flat and boring. I hope after encounter drama he can landed with first lead role.

  • I fast forward to his scenes. I completely lost interest in PBG at episode 3...all he does is grin goofily and I find his talk of poetry, art, tea etc a teen trying to be cool.

  • I've noticed him in Familiar Wife and thought he was handsome and a good actor. His scenes sizzle with SHK, especially during the dinner scene when they first met. I don't see any chemistry btw SHK and PBG. I hope this actor gets a romantic leading ASAP.

  • Writer nim, can he end up together with cha soo-hyun in the end? Park bo gum and song hye kyo was mismatch. Park bo gum smiling in every situation was. It's not like he's fool. Seriously, I can't get immersed because because of Pbg acting. I can't understand why Pbg become popular. He just doing nothing to save this drama from disaster.

    • I think the drama is doing good? Good ratings...trending for the whole week in Korean...been airing at different countries TV station...The actors placed the top as buzzworthy actors..and received positive comments for the latest episodes..
      I am not a fan of PBG...never watch his drama except some parts of Love In The Moonlight but in my humble opinion his acting is good (of course if you are non fans it'll otherwise). As for Jang Seung Jo..he is great actor and very handsome too..but for Encounter, I am rooting for PBG and SHK to end up together...Writer nim...please...

      • yess, writer nim please give happy ending for park bo gum and cha soo hyun. I love them so much, they are too sweet together. The ex husband might be a good person too but his character still a bit blurry, anyhow,I will be rooting for our OTP.

  • Sad to say this but he is the spotlight in Encounter because Park Bo Gum and Song Hye Kyo are very boring. Their characters is too bland. Park Bo Gum failed to make his character a charming guy. Jin Hyuk comes off more like a try hard high school boy while Song Hye Kyo is more like a mother. I wish she could give off this womanly vibe rather than a mom vibe. I still love Song Hye Kyo but will probably drop Encounter for now. Will wait for her next project.

    • I think her character is improving and maybe we can see that woman vibe that you mention about in future episodes. She is older and mature woman,in other hand has a successful career. It is well shown from the very first episode that her character is someone who is losing herself, despite of being a CEO of the hotel,she didn't has right for her own life. while Jin Hyuk is a total opposite from her, that might be the reason they attracted to each other.

      • I decided to give today's episode 7 a try but is literally losing interest on this drama now so nah. I don't plan to watch it anymore. I'll wait till the drama finally ended to see if I still want to pick it up or not. I get where the writer is going and is aiming for but the character doesn't work for me. I'm not feeling the chemistry as well.

        Song Hye Kyo and Park Bo Gum performance is not working for me.

  • 1st and 2nd episode was cute and make my heart fluttering. But after that this drama became boring,flat make me frustrating. Just hope park bo gum and song hye kyo career won't hurt because this flop drama. Pbg can return with good pd and writer. And song hye kyo can get challenges role just like jang nara. Just hope Pbg and shk didn't end up together because they just like mother and son. Still pray soo hyun end up with her-ex hubby.

  • I was impressed by him in money flower and have definitely taken careful note of his character in encounter. I agree:this is one actor that should get more recognition and I would happily watch him as the main lead.

  • This guy is so manly his scenes with shk screams chemistry they look so good together.
    Pbg x Shk scenes together does give me butterflies but how i wish pbg will potray his character in a manly way than him acting like a fan nxt to her. I still can see his character to be manly the confrotation scene between him and ex Mil he look and act manly there. I wish the writer will give him more range is the upcoming 10 eps. As for Shk as Csy she potrayed her character so well very classy and her emotional scenes are really spot on.

    • I actually liked PBG's scenes with the ex mother inlaw and ex husband. I just get bored of his scenes with SHK. The tie scene was so predictable and cliched. Zilch chemistry. His boyish looks don't help.

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