Categories: K-dramas

Song Hye Kyo Brings the Youthful Sporty Vibe to New Sneaker CF

I’m a petite person so I have a fondness for high heels and an inordinate ability to endure the discomfort. So it’s a great trend to see platform sneakers so popular the last few years, allowing sporty comfort to coexist with height boosting. Song Hye Kyo has been wearing heels for her current drama Encounter (Boyfriend) befitting her hotel president business role but in her last drama Descendants of Sun she did platform sneakers/high tops especially during the overseas scenes as a field doctor. She’s petite and the sneakers were so cute on her, it makes sense now for her to rep newer platform sneakers styles as seen in these CF stills. Her hair from Encounter is growing out and overall the looks is super sporty chic, love it!


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  • Pretty but her acting is mid-tier. She can never give a performance like Son Ye Jin in Last Princess. Her acting is nit there and seems like she has no desire to go to that level. Why bother when her beauty can land her CFs? Suezy idol doesn't even have beauty like SHK but she's still getting lead roles so SHK is good

  • NOT a fan of the look esp sneakers + obvious heels - or trying too hard to compensate for lack of ht with heels can be unproportionate overall. Like 'too much heavy hair' on a shorter frame too.

    It shows, when you're short ... and it depends - often those super high high heels aren't proportionate overall to many shorter figures.

    Rather short people in flats ... so petite a pixie-ish elfin type type look which works - esp for a less chunky SHG these days, Pumps don't work either - they tend to chunk legs.

    I LOVE watching SHG these past yrs - she's improved so much. While her perfect face is always mesmerizing, and she's making very good clothing choices (rather than chunking her figure with matronly choices, and too high heels which unfortunately make her look instead - Stocky!)

    I never started out liking SHG (esp not in teary Autumn's Tale). Nor in Hotelier.

    Nor Full House which I found noisily immature (no offence)
    And her too high heels, platforms and short skirts in Full House which tend to chop her body. So fussy, so unnecc.

    She needed better choices in clothing proportions to suit her frame/figure/ht, back then. But her face - was always so beautiful.

    Think it was All In when I finally enjoyed SHG - her quiet brand of calm maturity in acting shone through, and she wore clothes to suit her frame. And it just went on and on - Worlds Within = > current Encounter, where she's so naturally nailing the role.

    I like them both. (Now ... if you compare her to the other CF darling - Kim Tae-hee - her petulant mouth makes her a notch down from SHG n beauty, and KTH's acting ... now there's something to discuss).

    Otherwise SHG is a different FLAVOUR from Son Ye-jin ... who can be in her own way one-note too. for eg: in Personal Taste. (you can see some of that in Pretty Noona - that deliberate cutesy childish etc)

    • Agree SYJ can be one note....the scene where she's dancing with the sister and two younger brothers walk in was very Cringe....
      and SHY tho' no great actor has evolved and has quiet dignity to her craft. She doesn't act cutesy like SYJ.

  • I'd say she's radiantly rocking the look bec she's teaming it right.
    With the gorgeous bob sitting down well on her, and the shorts.

    When petite folks try to over-compensate with high heels on shorter figures - it sometimes shows. And they'd be far better off with flats which instead packages the pixieish quality ... rather than the trying too hard vibe (Full House and too high heels, with those short skirts = proportions were all wrong).

    I enjoy both SHG and SYJ.
    Both imo have diff flavours - Son Ye Jin can be one-note too, with her deliberate 'childish girlishness' - ie same fr Personal Taste's Kae-yin ===> Pretty Noona.

    Now if we consider the other CF darling - Kim Tae-hee, then I'd say she's not as 'beautiful' bec of the down-turn in her mouth ... which comes across as petulant (maybe those 'roll the big eyes until they almost pop' images of Stairway to Heaven and the ugliness of the petulant downturn mouth registered too strong a bias in me).

  • SHK is very beautiful and for me her acting is very one dimensional that is it. Son Ye Jin has the charisma and talent to roll with any given role and her range of characters that she chooses is phenomenal. Beauty sells CF deals but acting talent gives you credibility.

  • Is she really that thin? And are her legs that slim? Too much photoshopping in ads these days. Whatever it takes to sell those sneakers...

    • Damn, you’ve spoilt the CF! I thought she looked gorgeous with those long slim legs and was more interested to know whether she has any gray hairs?

    • Hahaha. The only part without any photoshopping is the sneakers, Sneakers ??? Just compare these photos with her Airport pictures will give you an idea of the shape of her legs ?

      • Just check the bts video pictorial for this Ad. And you guys will all see that this ads just have a mild ps. She lost a lot of weight that explain the slimmer figure and legs.

      • ps is ps regardless of the flavor. No one has said her ps is spicy hot. Are you being a bit too sensitive here?

      • @candycane me a bit too sensitive? Lol NO. Just trying to point out that her final ads is just same with her raw bts video shoot. Cause some pips cant believe how slim she look well guess what she lost a lot of weight that is why.

      • Lol ... but she has lost a lot of weight since Encounter. She looks better and younger.

        She does have stumpy legs tho.

        She looks matronly on ENCOUNTER. gave up on this drama. Like misfit of science.

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