At this point two major groups of viewers watching Memories of Alhambra are hopping mad at screenwriter Song Jae Jung. That would be female lead Park Shin Hye‘s fans and also the general K-drama fan who wanted to watch a comprehensively well-written story. On the flip side male lead Hyun Bin fans are likely content with his lot in this drama albeit also wishing it weren’t so one-sided because a good drama narrative needs balance to deliver the emotional connection. Turns out Writer Song knows the audience criticism which has increased as the plot progressed and did an interview this week explaining a lot of the noticeable drama flaws – the story was initially conceived as a male hero journey much like Odysseus, she modeled Jin Woo after Elon Musk, wanted to do a third time-travel drama to make a trilogy of sorts after W: Two Worlds to complement Nine: Nine Times Time Travel and Queen In Hyun’s Man but felt the genre was saturated and got the AR inspiration from Pokemon: Go, and after Hyun Bin Park Shin Hye was cast she added the love line so as to not waste her leads. That’s why the drama is focused on Jin Woo and Hee Joo/Emma are plot devices, and the romance so forced and awkward. Apparently Writer Song apologized to Park Shin Hye already for the lacking in her character.
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Honestly, I have no issues with PSH being a plot device. I was invested due to the AR aspect and Hyun Bin playing the crap out of his character. The loveline is very minute at this point of the game.
I don’t mind it too much either but only if they’d made an honest plot with a male cast only.
so PSH really did it for the money ig. I really doubt she accepted cos of HB? But who knows,eh? Good on her if she did. IK her acting is lacking but this was just a plain waste.
I think she really wanted to work with Hyun Bin. Remember, they both signed on for Fox Star Bride (FSB)/Where The Stars Land first and then when the FSB writer changed the plot they (HB & PSH) both dropped FSB.
I don't see any issue with this. I like the story and take the love story as a bonus. The AR game is so main point with the hero and Hyun Bin is great in this role. He acts very well the action scenes and the emotional ones.
I think the big mistake was to cast Park Shin Hye because it made everybody to have expectations for her role. I'm not sure to understand her reasons to take this role. Learning spanish and guitar must have been interesting, as well to go in Spain or to act with Hyun Bin, but as an actress and character development, there is nothing to show... She is a pretty actress but for me there are more beautiful actress to play the part of Emma in the game (who just has to be seated and beautiful).
This is the fourth drama I've watched from this writer and probably my least favorite though I can't totally judge as I'm on episode 11. PSH has been in the business for a while so I can't imagine she didn't read at least an episode or two of the script and have a discussion with the writer. I am curious if the writer felt pressure to include romance because it is very clear it was indeed "shoehorned in" and, by that, I mean pressure by the airing station and production company (because Netflix could not care less). I mean someone went and got PSH knowing the original concept wasn't so much about her character.
This drama would have worked way better just doing as the writer wanted to do in the first place, but I'm also not under the delusion that is the only issue with the drama. I like this drama but there are always - in every one of her shows- holes in her world-building but still, I appreciate she tries to do different things even if I don't think she always pulls it off.
They started shooting in April or may and just ended last December. It's almost 1 year so I doubt psh know that her character was pointless by the time she accepted the offer.
I really think that the TV production or whoever responsible for casting leads didn't give psh much insight about her role and she accepted because she thought Emma would play important role. But alas, it's just my assumption.
Btw, she wanted to work with the writer not just hb.
Simply they should have just gone for male-centric and cast a lesser known actress (who might act better than PSY for all you know) - I still stand by my view that even in a lesser role you can shine and my impatience with her is not the role , it’s how she acted the role.
Regardless I’m not surprised by this admission
It was very obviously clear that the romance was not the focus. In fact the first 3/4 of the drama was the stronger than the last 2 episodes with the lack of romance. Overall I think she did a ok job to weave it in despite her reluctance. I said it before : jin woo would have lean to anyone - it needn’t be Hee Joo, she was conveniently available and there. I would buy him going back to any of his ex wifes if they acted logically (but of course they didn’t) and I never really saw real passion from Jin woo for romance - he was a guy going insane and fighting for his life every day - he just needed a hug and perhaps 2 kisses. But I don’t think it majorly made a difference even if it didn’t happen. So there’s that. At least they had chemistry so it was still all in all acceptable.
Lucky for me - I like that she says she will resolve Jin woo complicated relationships and debt to Hs. That’s the core of story I would think
But I do think network money will win and we will see some crap of an ending where both leads will smile at each other and have a HE or an ambiguous one.
I hope I’m proven wrong because if she has the balls to come out and say this - let’s see the courage to standby her original story. She has always been candid - I still have PTSD on W and the unanswered questions - and how she just disregard them in the interview. Quite a character and despite everything - you cant deny she has great ideas, great premise - but just can’t seem to feeel motivated enough to finish them well.
He didn't need just hug or two kisses. Dude has been in celibacy for a year. He must have suffered from blue balls so he needed someone to empty his (emotional and physical) load into. Preferably an innocent girlie so she doesn't end up being a cheating, gold digging bitch. Clearly that's how Song Jae Jung sees the female characters. Not even one game developer, engineer or marketer as I read somewhere. Is there excuse for that? You'd think that in an era of Time's Up that you would start writing female characters that did more than revolve around protagonist's dick and only exist to develop the male lead. That's what SJJ said straight forward.
It’s not just a hug and 2 kisses that he needed. The guy’s been in celibacy for a year, you’d think he’s been suffering from blue balls. So he more likely needed someone to empty his (emotional and physical) load into à la American style action hero. Song Jae Jung even openly admitted it, all the female characters exist there to teach and develop the male lead. I can’t imagine any more misogynistic statement than that. It’s 2019, in the era of Time’s Up, there is absolutely zero excuses to reduce female characters into plot devices, make them revolve around one dick and then say that the female characters only exist to develop the male lead and anything else would’ve ruined the plot.
I’m surprised that it never occurred to her to make the developer of the game female and played by PSH. Then she wouldn’t just be a plot device or have shoe horned in romance. The writer could very valid reason for them being together in the game and a reason for the hero to save her outside the game. But I guess it’s impossible for people to see women as game developer!!! Sigh!
@Achaari yes there were no female game developers, engineers or marketing managers as someone pointed out. Every single professional was a man and it didn't help that the first ex-wife had a white doctors coat on. None of the female characters, that had even some significance, were persons of their own
I doubt PSH is that dumb. She probably thought Emma had a bigger role, not just appear as the saviour for the last two episodes. Oh well its still a hit for her so it didn't do much damage to her career.
Anyway this drama is just a snoozefest right now and I am glad it is ending soon. W had a lackluster second half but still feels way more action packed and fast paced than this. Even as a HB fan, I can't fully enjoy this because it feels like a drag at times. Still, I appreciate the good use of their Spain shooting and the unique concept.
I appreciate writer SJJ dearing works and all the casting involves. This is still the best drama of the years. After reading all the commenters I think it's all pointless and unreasonable. I don't see how one can be so outraging about how writer SJJ choose to write her story. Park Shin Hye and Hyun Bin both have the equal amount of times to review the script before taking this drama. So why putting all the pressure on the writer when Park Shin Hye can easy reject the offer. The drama has been doing fine until her fans started complaining about why her role is so pointless.
Nah I won't waste my times to reason out anything... I enjoy Memories of Alhambra and love Hyun Bin performances so much. I recalled when the drama was first announced Hyun Bin was just a name and people all doubting him while raving about Park Shin Hye and Chanyeol. ?
I don't think scripts are 100% completely written when actors/actresses are reviewing offers...I think they only get a few episodes worth of script and usually the writer will edit/revise scripts as they begin shooting.
Also, I think PSH probably accepted the offer thinking there would be more to her character, but it didn't turn out that way. I assumed that's why the writer apologized to PSH. This writer has always done a horrible job with her female characters, but damn, Hee-Joo is probably the worst female character she's written. Like, do you have to make her cry in every damn scene? So annoying. Lol.
And I think Hyun Bin was probably the biggest name attached to this drama to begin with because it's his first drama in years. So there were a lot of anticipation for his return to dramaland. Sure, PSH and Chanyeol received positive reviews too, but ultimately, I think Hyun Bin's name attached to this drama created the most buzz.
I apologize if I misunderstand some points but thanks for correcting. I didn't fully read the writers interview and seen her works before. As for Hyun Bin so far I've seen people criticized him as a flopper and some even complained he's only using Park Shin Hye star power to get back on track. As a drama and movie viewer I find that to be a great facepalm for Park Shin Hye and her fans. Still I think its pointless to argue about the writer at this point. Just be glad the drama is ending soon.
I read the writer's interview and I don't know why she don't just write movies lol, since she said she enjoys movies more.
I stay watching MOA for the AR gaming so I am satisfied with the story development. Agree with @Stardust that JW would team up with anyone who is willing to help him in the fighting and it is obvious that HJ follows him, phones him, searches for him like a crazy fan girl. I never find PSH a charismatic actress and it totally shows in this drama, she is just bland as hell. Her fans can blame the writer but all in all she appears always as PSH the CF star, not as much the characters intended for drama. I don't have high hopes for the ending on romance, it simply don't care who JW ends up with. I just want to see more of JW, Se Joo, Min Joo, and less of HJ with her annoying crying.
No actress can sell a character that’s only purpose is to cry all the time and run around and call after a dick. promising actresses like Park So Dam who did well in The Priest sucked big time in dramas because her character there was the typical annoying kdrama FL.
A drama character is a drama character. Even second male lead Mr Zombie sells his character quite well without any dialogue. First ex-wife cries too and her drama character as an ex-wife sells. PSH's acting is very poor in MOA which is the main reason her characters do not sell to the main audience.
First ex-wife screaming acting is bad. Second ex-wife haughty act is bad too. Mr Zombie character is very sympathetic and touching but his acting isn't that special either. Hyun Bin is the only one who outdid himself but that's because he has a lot of material to work with, his character is multifaceted and his character has character development, which none of the other characters have. PSH is bland in MoA but at least 60 % of that is directly the fault of the characterisation. She serves no purpose there except being a random love interest and cry all the time. That would annoy no matter who the main actress were. I had the same problem with KGE cringe acting in Goblin. It really is more on the character albeit PSH bores me as an actress. She is image conscious and seems to have lost her remaining passion for acting if there was ever that. She just isn't a chameleon and can't immerse herself into her character 100 %. But this writing is certainly not helping her too much...
I'm still in the ride for the drama and Hyun Bin mesmerizing performances. Finally it's really ending this weekend. I'll be sadden because I won't have nothing to watch for Saturday and Sunday. Hee Ju role could be given to anyone and still shine if the actress is able to bring her to life though she is not as significant in the game. Park Shin Hye still failed to deliver the character so why questioning the writer and calling her a lack of respect to women. More like fans have too much expectations thinking that if it's Park Shin Hye than the character role giving shouldn't be disappointed at all. I'm not trying to be rude but Hee Ju role is to cry only and Park Shin Hye still fail so shouldn't be so rude to the writer.
There is no way anyone can deliver such a bland character. Imagine if Jun Ji Hyun or Song Hye Kyo had roles like that, they’d only cry and call and run after the protagonist. No one would’ve tolerated that, no matter how pretty these actresses are when they cry. If you have no problem with the line ’’All the female characters have been created to develop the protagonist’’, and you happen to be a woman, then we have a long way to go to rid this world of sexism. PSH is by no means a brilliant thespian but she’s had decent to pretty good performances too because she’s had a better director and characters with more meat than running and crying after a dick.
I don't like PSH's acting either but I really can't believe people don't have the issue with how the writer worded her statement about female characters. She also didn't have the best record for writing good female characters in her past dramas, even though Heejoo is her worst written female lead.
YUP! I agree with you! You totally hit the nail on the spot. Park Shin Hye is getting unnecessary flack for just appearing and crying in every scene. Trust me, I have liked some of PSH's previous works before (she's a decent actress), but damn, if ANY actress was given the same role (Hee-Joo), I would have eye rolled the whole damn time too. I don't think anybody could have done justice to such a poorly written character where her only screen time was to appear and cry in every scene. LOL.
I don't know if you are a fan of Park Shinhye or not but your criticism of her seems to be the most unbiased from what I read here. Others are either blaming it all on her or shielding her from all faults.
Couldn't agree more that Park Shin Hye is in the industry for so long and she still failed to pull the character Hee Ju off. When fans all know the writer is a Male centric person only, shouldn't they know what they'll be watching even if Park Shin Hye was casting. All these blaming the writer and siding Shin Hye is unexceptional. The first ex-wife has no character development except to stand there and cry as well. She has even lesser screen time but still can pull her character off and isn't bad like Shin Hye. All the saying of the writer doing Shin Hye dirty are shallow of her fans.
@Jestina I'm not a fan of anyone here. I watched drama and movie criticizing what I see that is exceptional or not. Especially when it's big names actors and actresses people seem to go cross the border with such high expectations for their biases. I'm pretty sure if the role is switch around with Jin Woo being a weakling character, Hyun Bin will still be able to pull it off. I don't see the need to throw tantrum at the writer when people already know her style of male centric story. If Park Shin Hye fail such a character like Hee Ju then just accept it. As long as the drama is good and fans still watch it till now then the writer shouldn't be a big problem so stop the complaining. I know I'm still in the ride for Memories of Alhambra because I take Hee Ju as a person who's the light to Jin Woo misery life. Park Shin Hye performance is bad but at least she had chemistry with Hyun Bin then it work.
You talking to the wrong person?