Categories: K-dramas

SBS Postpones Action Drama Vagabond with Lee Seung Gi and Suzy For September to Align with Netflix Airing Date

There’s a change to the airing schedule which doesn’t surprise me because it was getting way too close for there not to be a concerted effort to promote such a big budget high profile K-drama. SBS is delaying the airing of pre-produced action drama Vagabond from the schedule May 2019 premiere date to later in September of the same year. This four month delay isn’t due to production difficulties but solely to align the drama with its contemporaneous simulcast on Netflix streaming. Money is king especially in the ever shrinking world of K-drama margins and returns so I’m not annoyed, the more money is made from these blockbuster material dramas the more it subsidizes the industry to go on. I am sad that I’ll have to wait another 6 months to see Lee Seung Gi back on the small screen, and wonder if his reunion with costar Suzy will be more sizzling the second time around.


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  • Rumor says SBS is giving up on this show due to high buget and filming delay. And LSG and Suzy do not have enough power to sell this overseas. I guess Netflix will pass on this too, then there is only chanels like MBN, JTBC to go.

      • Better to run and accept your loss than to put more money in this money pit. SBS is under huge finance pressure.

    • Don't lie since SBS has no intention of dropping it. Filming has been delayed due to Seungi's busy schedule and Netflix wanted a piece of the action so SBS decided to postpone it and make more money off it.

      • You will know if I lie or not. SBS is definitely considering dropping it, and Netflix is mah about it because they have a lot of action dramas in hand and action is never kdrama's forte.

      • It already confirmed for Netflix what is this bullshit. SBS hasn't confirmed it will pick up Absolute Boyfriend only the production house is claiming it. Absolute Boyfriend was already rejected by OCN, JTBC and MBN.

      • @over it - No, because VB is not a Netflix production, its airing is based upon completion of the drama. Sounds like VB now has problems with SBS production, either lack of funds or scheduling conflicts. There is no obligation for Netflix to air it whatsoever. Unlike those Netflix originals like MOA and Kingdom, you never see a delay in their schedules, because it’s simultaneous airing. Stop talking while the drama is not even in active shooting! I bet the actors are not getting paid that’s why production is halted.

    • Lol, it's already been confirmed to be picked up by Netflix, thus the postponement. Filming has also been delayed to May due to scheduling issues.

      • Still in talks not confirm, with big production and big names like this shldnt the confirmation happen long time ago, if the netflix airing is sept,does it means the original plan was to air it after korea, not simulcast since the news before said sony will do the simulcast to other countries,original airing suppose to be nov move to may thats why cast accepted other works, cast schedule is pre planned,the production delay due to unforseen events is legit reason, but not cast other sched,

    • Dont spread some negative rumors in here. Just read those legit korean portal sites. Sbs expected and has trust that this drama has a big potential that is why they donot hesitate on make some delays and make improvements with editing and their deals on other companies like netflix and sony. Youre level of hate is just hilarious lol

    • Complete lies. AB was passed on by ocn, jtbc and mbn and finally sbs took pity to pick it up. Vagabond is their crown jewel they have never said they will give it up.

      • LEE SEUNG GI HAS NEVER BEEN BEATEN WHEN IT COMES TO DRAMA RATINGS LOL.. ON NATIONAL T.V all of his dramas are double digit ratings. Don't act like they can easily dethrone him lol

      • LEE SEUNG GI HAS NEVER BEEN BEATEN WHEN IT COMES TO DRAMA RATINGS LOL.. ON NATIONAL T.V all of his dramas are double digit ratings. Don't act like they can easily dethrone him lol

      • Vagabond will easily be #1.
        MBC is broadcasting July Found By Chance in September with a newbie actress as lead, KBS is broadcasting Let Me Hear Your Song which is also by a nugu actress. tvN is broadcasting Miss Lee and nobody will want to watch Hyeri act.

      • Weird flex because this comment is talking about Absolute Boyfriend flopping and Seunggi fans came in for no reason lmao.

  • Poor Lee seeing gi why he accepted comeback drama with suzyflop???He need doing drama with park min young or park boo young that's drama will be hit for sure.

  • I thought this was a Netflix original and was always destined for Netflix? SBS were foolhardy for programming a May premiere date without confirming with Netflix first. Please don’t blame this on LSG due to his busy schedule. See how MOA didn’t take off well VG might follow suit so executives in both camps are most likely fretting. Oh well it is what it is. At least it has a fixed September 2021....I’m joking.

    • VG still costs less than MOA and is already pre-sold even before they started filming. MOA was a disaster but a great advert for Spain. If nothing the tourism industry in Granada must be satisfied.

      • you are soooooo wrong. MOA was always a Netflix drama whereas VG is not. Also VG costs more. MOA was NOT a disaster FYI. It has decent ratings in SK similar to Encounter. You cannot say the same about VG because it does not even have an airing channel nor date confirmed. LOL. MOA was not all filmed in Granada, it may have stated so but it has nothing to do with the Tourism business in Spain. You are making things up here.

      • Ummm...MOA filmed in Granda for 1.5 months. Go see PSH instagram account as well as the rest of the staff. They also filmed in other countries but they filmed the longest in Granada. You must not care enough about it o not know something so minute. VG has been a SBS drama from the beginning and still is. They just want to get the biggest paycheck out of it so they rescheduled its release. Plus LSG hasn't been free to film since he was in PD48, Fanmeetings and Master in the House. Suzy had CF and fashion show commitments so the schedule has been pushed back. Shin Sung Rok also filmed Empress Dignity so all the actors were busy and filming kept getting delayed and went off the original plan.

  • Vagabond is 25 billion won and MOA is 20 billion won.
    I think Vagabond is 2nd most expensive after Mr. Sunshine.

    • Wait for Arthdal Chronicles' budget to come out before saying this.
      Vagabond most likely delayed its May premiere because its scared of direct competition with Arthdal Chronicles.

      • I thought Arthdal was estimated for 30-35 billion for the 1st season. They made a brand new set just for the drama which took 5 months to make.

  • They have problem with netflix lol, or maybe scared of sjk's drama. LSG didnt have power to bring investor for them just see how suck hwayugi's CG. They need to cast Top Star for this drama, actor who can bring investor for them like GY or PBG and can sell them overseas, I think suzy's name alone cant carried this drama in overseas, especially if Vababond flop in korea. No hate for LSG tho, just a fact.

    • Scared my ass lol. Seung gi was never been beaten in terms of ratings especially in national t. V. And you are saying they are scared lol.
      Hwayugi even have a large income from netflix $$$$ and those asian countries tv stations paying it just to get their broadcasting rights. You sound a jealous af because ur idol did not get a chance to take a drama with 2nd largest budget in k-drama lool

      • Ah wait until the ratings before the mud slinging of whether there is jealousy or not most likely not as in no jealousy because we really don’t care about our idols being cast in dramas regardless of who they are. The teasers; media play and the hype for VB started last year so it was on track to air May. Asadal Chronicles airs the same time on TVN so it makes sense to shift VB to a later date because it would be embarrassing if a cable tv drama ended up with better ratings then a public tv broadcaster one so yes moving the date was clever and would save face.

      • Lol a word of advice for Seunggi/Suzy fans.
        Go get your numbers right instead of screaming like idiots. First saying Vagabond's budget is higher than MOA and now saying its the second highest (fyi, neither statements are correct).

      • I dont think they are avoiding asadal but the kbs drama doctor prisoners last 6 epi will be that time,they target a 2nd week of may broadcast,so dr prisoners will be at the last part, but anyway sbs said they arent sure yet if vb or absolute bf will air next of big issue, not to forget big issue have low rating they dont want it to be a follow up drama

      • @ma.Ilyanne Asdal will air in early juny, so yeah they will meet. @Froda My bias is doing well. (I actually have too many bias lately lol) and yeah Hwayugi's CG still suck, its mean they didnt have enough budget.

      • Its already known before that asadal and vb will air at the same time, they will compete with buzzworthy topics but not same timeslot so they will not really be competing for audience rating directly,they may have other internal problem but i dont think its coz they are behind schedule, they have filming since last yr,and fans saying coz cast have so many schedule is not really believable they have planners for a reasons, they know lsg have variety shows, him accepting more works to delay the production is not something he will do i think, he have to consult the production team for his schedule, and suzy filming cf and attending fashion shows, they need to coordinate with prod too. They will sched her filming when she doesnt have filming,

      • I think Shin Sungrok may be the reason? He's second male lead so I think he has lots of screentime.
        CFs and variety don't take up much time. Shin Sungrok was busy filming Last Empress for months so he has no time to film Vagabond. And he has another drama Perfume waiting for him.

      • It isnt shinsungrok schedule conflict, he accepted those projects means they have already talks abt filming schedule,perfume havent started yet,so its not that, they are still filming since yesterday and news said cast havent even inform of the change, the prod of absolute bf will not release a date for showing if they didnt talk to sbs 1st, it means sbs is just testing what will be the reactions

  • Scared of song jong ki loool.. Seung gi's drama ratings are great and why would sbs fund a nig project to Seung gi??. Lol Hwayugi have high earnings in terms of selling it to internationl broadcasting stations.. Even netflix bought hwayugi in a huge amount of $$$ . It just shows how stupid you are.

  • The comments on this website are truly infested with trolls, and the sad part is they all sound like the it's written by a same person who just keeps on changing his/her username. Anyway, I can wait until September, and even better if it's simulcasted on Netflix.

    In the meantime, I'll catch Lee Seunggi on Busted, which will also be on Netflix this May.

  • What 40 episodes for VB???? I thought it would be a nice 18-24 episode series. Oh well I do trust the scriptwriters to deliver as I did enjoy History of a Salary man with Jung Ryeo Won. Also if Netflix has confirmed then someone needs to update Wikipedia to say so as the distributors are still showing just Sony Pictures and SBS.

    • Its 40 30minutes 2 each night, they have been doing that for more than a year to have more ads in between,and its not officially out that netflix will simulcast it, they didnt even confirm the sept showing yet,

  • After Prometheus get cancelling, vagabond will be postponed for sure. With Suzy being female lead this will another flop for Suzy. Maybe because she leave jyp, so now production hard to find other channels who will be broadcast.

    • Honestly if the writer and PD of this drama are the ones to finally get her blank face to emote, I'll be really happy to see a promising drama not get marred by a subpar performance.

      The bigger likelihood is that it'll do maximum 10-ish percent ratings against other no-name dramas and be media played as a 'smash hit'.

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