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Kang Ji Hwan Does the Perp Walk on Way to Pretrial Detention in Rape and Sexual Assault Case

I seriously cannot believe I’m writing a post about K-actor Kang Ji Hwan‘s real life perp walk. It’s not a scene from a drama where he plays a wrongfully accused hero that will soon get his redemption. This time there doesn’t seem to be a twist forthcoming as police have gotten pretrial detention for him claiming possibility of flight and destruction of evidence. His currently airing drama Joseon Survival Tale is looking for a new male lead to replace him for the second half episodes and I wouldn’t be surprised if his agency Huayi Brothers drops him as a client soon. Kang Ji Hwan was one of my all time favorite K-actors, not gonna lie, thanks to dramas Be Strong Geum Soon, Hong Gil Dong, Coffee House, and Lie to Me. I doubt if he did commit the crimes alleged by the two female victims of rape and sexual assault that he turned into a criminal overnight, being in the law constantly reminds me that offenders are merely people who never got caught until they did and it’s never the first time. Sigh. Cancelled dude.


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  • I like Kang ji hwan oppa , I pray God will help him, I thought those girls lied against him but he confessed to the rape and asked the public not to villify the girls. Good luck to oppa.

  • There is a Chinese saying ‘knowing one’s face, (you) may not know their heart (real thoughts)’. This is the case with all famous people and the more reason companies/people shouldn’t back rapists like him.

  • I just don’t get it why someone like him with fame and money could have done such a thing he could have find someone easily to have consensual sexual with like why ruin your own life like this ... I just don’t get it

    • That's why one shouldn't drink till he lose his mind.

      This case settle pretty fast cos he admitted to it eventually,though he said he was too drunk to remember. At least, he never went to such cowardice act of denying. Such a shame that all his years of hard work wasted by this kind of mistake.

      Also hope women learn something from here. Have some responsibility to not put yourself in precarious position like this. The world is no bed of roses, better be cautious than be sorry.

      • @MistyEyes

        The police made the statement that he was drunk. When he was arrested the next day, the police confirmed that he was still too drunk to be investigated.

      • There's ALWAYS someone who says that women need to learn not to put themselves into precarious positions. "Why were you wearing those clothes?" "Why did you walk alone home so late?" "Why did you go out with those men?" "You should have known better". That's victim blaming. Yes, world is not a bed of roses but shifting the blame, the responsibility and the onus to rhe women while lamenting how the man's hard work went to waste is fucking disgusting. Shame on you.

      • @prettyautmn
        That is not victim blaming dummy. The world is full of vultures so best thing one can do is be vigilant. Atleast we should learn from the mistakes of past victims.

      • So how he could he successfully raped or sexually assaulted 'two' ladies if he was too drunk? Maybe "attempted" raped or "attempted" sexual assault as there was no way he could stand with two people when he was too drunk. Either way, he still have to face the court, it is just if only an 'attempt' he may not face jail time other than detention.

      • @Female, guess what? People get raped no matter what, even if they take all the precautions in the world. Women get raped even if they wear burqas and children get raped if a rapist is around them. Instead of thinking you're invincible and could never be a victim because you'd do everything otherwise, not go out late, not be with male colleagues or male employers too late out, wear un-sexy sweatpants and do EVERYTHING differently than countless rape victims, why don't you have some shame and consider that it is the rapist that needs to be blamed. You low IQ idiot.

      • @prettyautumn
        You incorrigible jerk asking someone to be careful is not equal to victim blaming. Although rape can happen anywhere and anytime just like the other crimes but still certain places, situations and people are more vulnerable to them.
        Since the society and law is bound to be failure at some point of your life so it's better to be vigilant.
        Just always be careful with men. Doesn't matter how close you are always keep a repectful distance.

      • @prettyautumn I feel sad how you perceive woman. I wonder what kind of environment you are in that you view woman as weaklings.

      • @PrettyAutumn

        You are taking things out of context. Nobody not blaming the rapist here. He raped the victim, admitted to it and he should be paying the price for his crime. I don't see anything wrong for saying that such a shame he wasted all his hard work by comitting this kind of crime. Obviously not learning from whatever that happened in K-ent lately.

        Having said that, what's wrong with the opinion of asking women to be more cautious and not putting themselves in unsafe situation. Yes, rape can happened anywhere, to anyone, but least of all to feel sorry for yourself because you weren't responsible in taking good care of yourself. I still stand by what I said, having further drink to a drunk man's house and had a sleepover without locking the door is an act of irresponsibility to oneself.

    • This is something that can happen to anyone who’s drunk. Sadly, we lose control and follow our urges when drunk. He could get any woman normally, so why need to rape them? Besides as a woman why would I want to drink in a man’s house and sleep over? I’m not saying he’s not guilty but it’s just a sad out of control drunken act, which has caused him to lose everything.

  • The factthat he’s too drunk to remember shows that the incident is fishy. It looks he’s being framed ,,,

    • Wow, in his too drunk to remember he can still put his D to his victim that means he automatically doing it out of his habit. So, yeah, sorry he framed himself.

    • Of course. A naive idiot would automatically believe that the man was piss drunk to rape and that rapists can't rape while drunk or high as fuck. Go out and see the real world.

    • In korea if you claim you don´t remember anything, and you say you were too drunk, the court can reduce the sentence.

      In korea a CHILD rapist got less years of jail, because the rapist said he didn´t remember anything after beating the victim half dead and raping her.... she was 8 old. He claimed he was too drunk, so not in his " right mind (search Nayoung case), he got just 12 years. And he was a serial offender, and almost killed the poor girl.

      It is so disgusting.

      Every men when they get caught, and the proofs are strong, say they were "too drunk".

      Also, if they apologize it is also good for getting a light sentence.

  • Never liked this disgusting ass. He wasn't a good actor and not handsome. Put his ass away...disgusting

  • He could have been framed, and also maybe not.

    Bonus pts in his favour that he's admitted regardless, and taken the 'higher road' in not wanting the ladies villified. (great for imaging too).

  • Not here for the disgusting ass ahjummas who are perpetually misogynistic that keep defending subhuman rapists on this site.

    • LOL You're on a roll, aren't you? :) But I'm with you. It always makes me utterly helpless and frustrated when the victims get blamed, especially by other women. We should stick together, shouldn't we? So why do so many women excuse the (criminal) men?

      Once a couple years ago I read about a horrible case and the way the raped woman was insulted and demeaned online really horrified me, so I looked victim shaming up and found an article that said that many people find it easier to believe that the victim did something (be it their clothes/behaviour/etc.) to provoke getting attacked instead of wholly blaming the attacker, because then it would mean it could happen to truly any woman no matter what she wears/does/says at any given place and time, and they can't handle that truth.

      So now I take comfort in the thougt that many women that blame other women for getting raped either hate their own gender (and thus themselves) or are too scared to face the fact that they could also be in danger (despite their "correct" and "proper" way of life).

      It's probably a too simplistic view on the issue of victim shaming, but it actually gives me some comfort (and not give up on my own gender).

  • Another one bites the dust. It is too bad, he was such a good actor. Ironic, that this seems to be from one of his dramas where he was framed and was arrested also.

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