I’m so ready to go on an adventure with Lee Seung Gi as the titular SBS drama lead in Vagabond. Wherever he’s headed it looks gorgeously picturesque such as the latest stills from the overseas location shoot in Morocco. He’s got the seasoned and weathered angry look down pat as a stuntman searching for answers in a plane crash that takes the life of his beloved niece. Similarly leading lady Suzy looks properly attired as the traveling government agent that ends up helping him, yes she’s still too pretty and young but at least I see glimmers of liveliness in her eyes and that’s probably due to reuniting with Lee Seung Gi from Gu Family Book days and their comfort level working together.
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That teaser looks amazing. I don't know if I'll ever be a fan Suzy's acting but she picks great projects. There is diversity in genre and character which is impressive. I have deep respect for IU and Suzy for making great career choices and working tirelessly because talent only gets you so far. As artists I like them more than any of their peers and its great to see them dominate over everyone. I'm excited for this drama and the chemistry looks great.
Seriously I agree with everything you've said. Suzy and IU are the best of their generation and they put in so much effort! I'm ready to move from HDL to VB back-to-back! Another awesome female lead coming our way :D
What effort? Look?
SOOP hit jackpot when they got Suzy but now I need a drama with her and Gong Yoo! Vagabond looks amazing and even if doesn't kill the ratings it deserves full marks for effort! That is best kdrama trailer I've seen in years!
September has the best dramas of this year. They just plan to bombard us with drama heaven ugh
My love for LSG quadrupled after his comment about trusting your partner in whatever they do and Suzy is always beautiful and amazing so this is a must watch for me!!
I really agree with you. We have to see the real fact nowdays, world has change. And 1 don't understand why people said suzy' acting bad than state that she never see her drama. I saw gu family book by coincident and i get suprise
Yoona - IU - Suzy - Hyeri the idols are dominating and winning. About time too.
Suzy looks amazing.Looking forward to kicking some real ass and hoping its to be one her finest roles.You go girl.?
Yoona iu suzy might be getting gud projects bcoz of their names but they will never match true actresses.. Idols will never dominate acting . They are just benefitting from lack of iconic actresses from 90s. But new actresses are emerging and will replace these bad idol actresses because they are replaceable.
Fact is these bad idol actresses werent able to replace 80s iconic actresses like jjh and shk. JUn ji hyun cf salary is way more than these girls and even at their ages she earned more!They cant be replaced by these idol actresses but these girls will be replaced when new young girls emerge..
Suzy iu yoona hyeri all are bad actresses and got projects bcoz of their companies but they cant act and their delusional fans can argue all dayand say they are awesome when they are not.. Just wait for few years and these bad idols will be replace by true next gen actresses. Actresses has aura , these girls dont have that! Can u compare them to iconic tae hye ji and take ir even more back like classic beauties lee young ae, kim hee sun, go hyun young? No! That is difference between idols and real actresses!
I didn't want to get into this argument but what are you talking about? All the names you've mentioned have been around for almost a decade if not more. New actresses have come and gone in that time but their power continues. Don't put down the hardwork of idol actresses just because someone fed you a lie that only actress can act and taejihye is especially a bad example since none of them are known for their acting prowess they only represent beauty standards. This article is about Vagabond why did you drag in their names anyways?
@parrot jjh and shk are known for acting as well as visual. Putting real good actresses for these bad idol actresses? sorry nothing to debate and dont worry late 90s actresses r rising plus early 90s actresses like park bo young, kim tae ri , kim ji won are popular too. These idol actresses will be hasbeen in mid to late 30s when new actual good actresses replace them. Yoona suzy are your standard of acting? ok then lol
@Parrot Lol, exactly. For years they've said that Suzy is just an It Girl and will get replaced. How many "Second Suzy's" have there been since her debut? Nine years later, she remains as one of the biggest names in Korea, dominating among her generation. Suzy has youth, beauty, good work ethics, and a likable personality. She's only going to expand her popularity and success as she matures. But sure, people can keep convincing themselves that she'll disappear once someone new comes along. Now watch me get bombarded with replies about how horrible of an actress she is, even though nowhere in my post did I mention about her acting being superior.
I agree with your post. Too true; opportunities are plentiful for idol actresses but to say they are better actresses then others well I guess I’m going to be here till Christmas saying otherwise. Popularity and CF/sponsorship deals yes by a country mile but acting Ah yeah that highly debatable. Keep acting separate to popularity because of course Idol actresses lead that pack. Can you see Suzy, IU, Yoona or Hyeri as Sang Mi in Save Me 1? I can’t. They wouldn’t be able to sustain the intensity needed for 16 episodes without becoming an emotional train wreck. There made my point if you beg to differ please do so but objectively. No use saying ‘You’re just jealous or don’t complain...’because that’s so lame and offers no insight.
In response to @adyijunjihyun
@gingercrush true.. And many 90s actresses are now getting popular and getting cf queens like park bo young, kim ji won and kim tae ri. These girls can act actually. Park shin hye.. She is popular but she doesnt get much cfs, i dont know why. suzy iu yoona hyeri are bad and they wont be slaying in mid 30s and late 30s
Intensity is not the most difficult skill imo.. act with so much subtlety is and I believe IU can do that with ease. Still don't get why people is still bring down IU as an actress after what she can do in my mister and now in hotel del luna with hong sister script which is hardly impressive, show good intensity in many scene. IU is skillfull and she is the most talent out of the three between IU Suzy and Yoona.
@missjb I’m not bringing IU down. Acting is subjective dependent on who and what you like watching. The catch cry that idol actresses are better then other actresses this is where the line is drawn. Save Me was an example that I raised because the female lead basically had to rely on her instincts to survive and there is no subtlety in the emotions she had to garner. There was really no male lead to really lean on it was her alone in a lot of scenes fighting to get through. That’s where the intensity was shown.
yea! Seo Ye Ji is love. I think the difference between original actress and idol actress is VIBE. Most idols actor/actress have difficulties in pulling dark energy. Who know … the more they emphasis on acting career, the more they will become true actress. In my opinion, IU can be said OK actress. She still lack something though. Uee is also OK. Don't know about others since I didn't watch them.
@ginger cruch, i don't know why you think IU can't do that when she has all the require skills and tools to pull off some of what Seo Ye Ji pull off in that drama. In the last episode of my mister, she basically run run run with desperation and can pull off such scene.
Every one seems to easily bring down idol in general. most of the time is true idol in general has limitation. But IU is the exception.
Opinion about acting is subjective is true, but it's when the gap in skills is no longer looks big and obvious. Different opinion i guess, since it's obvious some user just don't want to admit IU's capability as an actress.
She is talent. Anyone who is not bias against her might has eyes of what she is capable of. I'm not even afan of IU's music, but love her as an actress.
@missjb Like I wrote; I’m not bringing IU down I’m repeating myself again and acting is subjective so really don’t know why you want to keep driving at me to accept the validity of your statement? I’m not complaining or disagreeing with you why are you intent on changing my opinion? Obviously you want to drive home the superiority of IU’s acting over everyone else but like you said it’s subjective. What is there to admit? That’s your opinion and rightfully so I have mine.
Action dramas are pretty rare, so I'm really curious about it. But Suzy never convinced me in any of her characters. She's very pretty but she can't give depth to her characters. The action scenes look really good and I'm happy to see Shin Sung Rok in a serious role.
For the idol vs actresses, I don't agree actresses aren't necessarily better, Jin Se Yun had many lead roles and she's still bad for me, when I liked IU in every roles. I think Yoona and Suzy are not bad, but I don't see them as lead character, Hyeri is bad...
Thank you, Sayaris. I'm tired of the arguments putting down idol actresses. Some are much better than others. IU is very good and has mastered her craft. UEE's performance varies with the script. Yoona is up and down - good in some, not so great in others. And Suzy seriously needs to do a lot of work to prove that she can do better than a typical CF role demands. Hyeri is bad and should stay away from acting. Nana is good and chooses roles that accentuates her skills. Can we evaluate 'idol-actresses' the way we evaluate other ones - on their skill levels instead of lumping them up into one category? People's prejudices might be showing.
Seung gi looks hot, hopes his character has layers and manages to break our love for Lee Jae Ha. Also hoping that Vagabond is a well written/directed drama just like King 2 Heart.
Love Lee Seung Gi,so talented and handsome. This one should be a hit.