Categories: K-dramas

Jo Seung Woo and Park Shin Hye Confirmed for 2020 jTBC Drama Sisyphus: The Myth

Okay, we’ll know we just have to wait and see. Days after K-ent reported that Park Shin Hye and Jo Seung Woo had been offered the leads in upcoming cable drama Sisyphus: The Myth, both have accepted. It’s a done deal so no need to sling positive or negative predictions, Jo Seung Woo will head into filming after he’s done with Stranger 2 (Secret Forest 2) and Park Shin Hye has finished with her last movie filming so is currently on hiatus. All we have to go on is that the drama is a sci-fi based drama and airing on cable network jTBC sometime in 2020. I think basically anything Jo Seung Woo picks drama-wise has turned into a critical hit so Park Shin Hye should be in good hands coming from a dud of a role in her last drama Memories of Alhambra.


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      • Whoa @Nike Rose that’s really harsh considering MOA was a beaut lil gem of a story a lot were following for that reason and pretty unfair to call the writer a female dog at that. Not nice and totally uncalled for. Maybe the writer didn’t write the character for PSH and the storyline had been developed but the Director and Producer decided on PSH as the female lead later on hence why her character was poorly written. The CF’s endorsements that PSH brought to the MOA drama were too much of an opportunity to not cast her. She earned herself a nomination for the Korea Awards this year so obviously the character did do well to be noticed.

      • I thought she was good in the last drama. It's not her fault it didn't play out like they expected

      • The main gaming plot of MOA is creative. The writer is ok. Agree with @Ginger Crunch that the female lead character was probably altered by the PD for casting PSH. IMO the romance was unnecessary and all her crying scenes are very annoying. Her overacting is certainly noticeable and the K-Award tends to nominate some unbelievables to generate buzz.

      • Yes. The writer make her female lead didnt take part to do action in the game to save him and instead make her keep worrying him and cry a lot. Well at least it shinhye that do job as she cry so good so knetz isnt complain but hate the writer instead for making her female character so poor and lack in the drama

      • gingercrunch did you read the writer's interview about her point of view about her female leads sorry bitch is little word on her
        1st as a woman how can she disrespect her gender the women today do everything even more than males beside who keep saying shin hye choose to work with her and accepted the role we all know that in Korean dramas not whole script is being delivered they only read 1st four or six ; when she said yes she said yes to play Emma more and to he part of the game not crying or being just willow of the male lead
        If she doesn't want the female lead from the start why making shin hye like that every one come on put blame as usual on the actresses but where is the script ??or the story in Korean entertainment they keep putting blame on actresses but if look carefully that the role itself doesn't have anything special bcz the one who wrote it escape from the annoying and harsh comments bcz someone else is getting the hate destructive criticism
        And for nominations it just nominations based in what ?! As her fan I am really sorry that she is being wasted in MOA

      • @Nile Rose - PSH chose the role, honoured it to the end and was paid handsomely so regardless of what or how the writer wrote her character I still stand by my comment that you’re harsh. Because you made it personal when you failed to grasp MOA was a good drama for a lot of us and if your bias didn’t live up to the expectation it doesn’t give you the right to call the writer a b****. If another actress played the part the same might have happened to her. So really your sense of logic is dull. And for the record I followed the MOA storyline and relied on that to get me through.

      • @Ginger why you put blame on actress. SHE ISNT THE WRITER OR WHO THE MAKE THE STORY. Yes THE PD WANT SHINHYE BUT Pd only direct as what the writer wrote the character in the story. Shinhye got interest at first because this whole game thing is sounds promised and something new in kdrama. She got offered and she only got 1/4 first script since its not 100% pre-produce so she doesnt know the whole about her character actually did in the whole story until the end yet. You all can see how success the drama proud to bring because the writer make the good story with good character and match w/ all their portion and not suddenly put supporting role out of nowhere having scene many than the female lead and making unnecessary problem that sounds dumb. MOA WRITER GET HATE BECAUSE OF THAT. YOU SHOULD CHECK WHAT KNETZ(NATIONAL VIEWERS) COMPLAIN ABOUT THIS DRAMA. DONT JUST DROLL OVER YOUR PERFECT MALE LEAD CHARACTER AND BLAME BECAUSE AN ACTRESS THAT THIS HAS POOR FEMALE CHARACTER. SHE ONLY DO ACT WHAT THE PD DIRECT AS WHAT CHARACTER WRITE IN THE STORY OF THE WRITER MAKE. THIS WRITER CLEARLY PUT ASIDE HER FEMALE LEAD CHARACTER WHEN SHE OWN THE THE STORY AND CAN DO MORE AS SHE IS THE WOMEN HERSELF. WOMEN CAN DO ACTION TOO IF SHE JUST MAKE IT AND LET PPL SEE BUT ALL SHE CARE IS HER PERFECT MALE CHARACTER, ONLY HER MALE WHO CAN DO ACTION. IM DISAPPOINT

      • @Ginger and shinhye get choosed at that award because she did good job to play that character not because her character that she get look good. Its too funny when the character isnt not that great or do have more (hyunbin own 90% scene of MOA) lmaooo. But knetz still choose her because she do great job to play that character and choose her to be there, if someone else play that character they only can get hate but knetz cant because shinhye cry so good and good at play different character. THEY SAID THE WRITER SHOULD THANKS, THAT SHE CAN HAS SHINHYE AND HYUNBIN. DID U SEE THAT COMMENT

      • @Momo OMG I am not blaming PSH for anything geez I addressed the issue rather succinctly and yet you are having a go at me for not supporting the character development of PSH character and that the blame lies with the writer. I said the overall story was a gem everyone played their part yet you're still dissatisfied because PSH got flak and that its the writers fault? We're going around in circles and with your capitals screaming at me yes yes it's unfair that the writer didn't flesh out PSH character to its full potential and it could have been better and I agree with that but MOA was still good imo as an overall drama. That is all I have to say. I like dramas that have a good storyline and MOA is in that category.

      • @Momo And anyway I'm in support of the casting for the JTBC drama I haven't said anything different.

      • @Ginger did u suddenly forgot ur first reply? U want me to remind u again? "Maybe the writer didnt write the character for PSH" then u mean any else actress who will get this role still poorly written,right? MOA story has potential to has female character do BIG. I don't tell the writer lie but the material of this moa story has it potential to make happen strong female character but the writer doesnt want it. Same w/ her other drama too. I watch many drama of this writer and IM still disappoint w/ how she write her female character

      • @Momo Of course I remember I wrote it and yeah maybe that’s the writers point when she created the female character and that’s the writer’s right to create whatever way she wants. Just because she’s a female doesn’t mean she has to create strong empowered female characters. Far out that is really pushing it. Song Jae Jung is the creative I suggest you go to her directly and tell her how disappointed you are that PSH character in MOA was just sadly written.

      • @Ginger yeah i admit she has so creative w/ her idea first. But the mess at toward the half end. And well, korean netizen already shout out all their hate toward this moa writer w/ most upvote article over all drama article. Its not only about PSH character in moa it was BUT ALL HER FEMALE CHARACTER IN ALL HER DRAMA. Knetz hate her for that until this moa. Im just explain all ur nonsense related toward PSH when its just simply the writer write poorly her female character in her drama history. Just that. Its up to u if u like this writer

      • @Momo Well for decades there are tonnes of female script writers who write weak female characters in Asian dramas and Western dramas too to serve their story but that shouldn’t distract from the overall drama. I can’t name at the top of my head but they exist.

        Do I still like MOA yep I do which must mean I still like the writer regardless of how she created the characters. Story is key. MOA had a good story to tell. One character portrayal should not define an entire storyline.I focused on all the characters that drove the drama. PSH chose MOA so no going back on it and just because her character appeared to be the weakest link and wasn’t up to you and her fans expectations well then it’s something you have to accept. Nothing can change it. It’s unfortunate but hopefully the new JBTC drama has PSH character fully fleshed out as a 3 dimensional character to portray and is on equal footing with JSW because there are a lot of sceptics saying otherwise. Hope this clarifies my stance.

  • PSH is not on hiatus. She is preparing to film Alone with Yoo Ah-in so who knows when we will see this drama lol.

  • Let see she start from lee minho->lee jongsuk-> kim raewoon -> hyun bin-> jo seung wo
    Wow, This is what we call upgrade.
    Honestly many of PSH drama are great (except the heirs of course).

  • I'm not seeing her holding her own with Jo Seung Woo. He's an excellent actor. She isn't at his level.

    • What level are u talk about, both were already long in drama field and both respected get entry as best actress and best actor at Baeksang. Or are u question the credibility of Baeksang award nomination

      • If you don't know what level jo seung woo is at then you've wasted your entire life. He's one of the best actors to ever exist while park shin hye is a slobbering mess at best.

      • Too bad your genius actor gets paired up with her, because the people who matters (directors, producers, audience) thinks they match. Ha.

      • Yes it's is unfortunate thankfully he's brilliant enough to carry the entire drama without any help from her. That's what a real actor does something your unnie doesn't have the talent for. Even now all her dramas are dependent on the male lead.

      • Yeah continue convincing yourself that and she will get hits after hits, while her male leads may not always have successful projects.

      • @Jobs when both has respected at Baeksang, so what's the deal here? its win-win actually that same has get well know there and then get paired together

      • @Yoya "EVEN NOW ALL HER DRAMA depend on her male lead" lmaoooo check most her drama rating AND THEN check those guy so male lead (that have been paired w/ her) recent drama rating. For hyunbin, well.... the rating drama he work before moa is sooooo badddd. Shinhye drama back to back always get many attention. No knetz said about her acting was bad when her drama aired. Please stop already, i dont want to hurt any those guys fans but you started it nonsense w/o check the fact. WE JUST GIVE THE FACT AS WHAT THE RESULT OF NATIONAL VIEWERS

  • Totally agreed that MOA did well on rating even though PSH character wasn't that great in MOA but she did pulled it out well together, She did phenomenal job. She even got nominated for the top excellent actress for 2019 there's no denial how great she was in MOA. Anyways let us move on from MOA and see what this drama Sisyphus: The Myth. will bring us. As for me I'm sooo ready to get on board and watch these two talented actors PSH and JSW on screen.

  • PSH continues to get great offers despite many saying she flopped or is irrelevant lol. Hopefully this drama will let her mojo back.

    • Great offers to be a flower vase to her much more talented male actors. She should learn a thing or two from IU about what it means to be a critically acclaimed actress.

      • Lmao insecure idol fans keep coming to PSH articles because apparently your idol is not relevant or interested enough to keep you occupied yeah?

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