When I hear the actress with the last name Park and the PD of Memories of Alhambra paired with the screenwriter of Doctors of course I’m thinking Park Shin Hye. But this is actually about movie actress Park So Dam who is riding a career high having starred in the award winning the box office winning Korean movie Parasite this year. It’s a coup, for sure. She’s in talk for a small screen return with the movie Youth Record based in the world of modeling, about a model with acting aspirations. Again it’s getting notice because Park So Dam is in talks for the female lead and also the production team mention above, and actually the PD also directed Secret Forest and the screenwriter did Temperature of Love in addition to the more high profile dramas I mentioned first. Park So Dam has been in movie hits and never succeeded in straddling dramas so hopefully if she accepts Youth Record it’s a smart pick for her because she is so so talented.
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Honestly the writer's dramas have been pretty meh to me :/
But Park Sodam's return to dramas is so exciting
Honestly, she should decline it. Ha Myung Hee's dramas are terrible and since 'Temperature of Love', I promised myself to skip all her future works...she is that bad. Park So Dam deserves way better. My advice to her: RUN!
Stay in films PSD please your talent will be wasted in dramas. Run for the hills! Unless it’s OCN then pass.
Ok changed my mind take it if Jang Ki Yong is cast as male lead. Don’t question it just accept it please. You might need a crane though since he’s a giant.
I think you're overrating OCN. They don't have various themes. Just serial killers, mysteries, frauds, violence, violence, and more violence.
@Titic They have a range of dramas that appeal to those who don’t want to waste their time watching sloppy rehased mish mashy rom coms. OCN is the go to for me when I need a break and want to indulge in a good storyline and great acting talent. Cue The Guest, Save me, Tunnel, Duel. They do have dramas though like Meloholic and Oh Man Soo.
Agree. Why do dramas after the successful movie Parasite? PSD should get out of SK toxic kdramaland and build on a name in the International Film Industry like Jeon Do Yeon. Win more awards internationally. Most Kdramas are no-talent-infested just to bring in CF money especially with young pretty actresses. PSD should stay as far away as possible.
Agreed I think she is the only Korean actress in the 1985-2000 age group who has the potential to win a best actress trophy at the big 3 film festivals (Cannes, Venice, Berlin)
Damn right! Choi Woo Shik should do the same. He had to play second fiddle to the likes of Jung Yong Hwa which is ridiculous. They’re both such talented young actors that deserve better. Makes sense why Ryu Jun Yeol sticks to movies, he may not be a Hallyu star like Park Bogum but he’s becoming such a force in the film industry with good projects and acclaim. The true winner of Reply 1988 right there
agree CWS is a great actor, speaks English fluently (he is Korean-Canadian). He should further a career in Hollywood. Given time, CWS may become another Don Lee/MDS (in acting talent in international movies) :-)
Lmao I'm sure RJY will give everything to take PBG's place. The only article who worth reading about him, just his dating news with Hyeri. Thats how suck his career right now. He is one of actor who better comeback to kdramaland, because movieland not give him any credit.
More like it's the other way around. Bubblegum will even give up this cult to be in RJY's position, who recently got casted as lead in Choi Dong Hoon's movie along with Kim Tae Ri.
hahaha... PBG is not even in any international movie yet... again no offense to @Tiani, this is just a fact!
@anotherabc don't be so Rude to PBG. You don't know him. For what I remember all the PD who want to cast him is a critically acclaimed PD. And so what if RJY with KTR? KTR is supposed to be his junior. so he has better career because he is with KTR?
@candycane not yet.
@Tiani now that’s a lie. RJY is the better actor and has a more lucrative, long term film career compared to PBG who has done one drama in the span of 3 years. He’s mainly a CF star at this point while RJY has been building up a great body of work. I can see RYJ, Park Jung Min and Choi Woo Shik having long term film careers like Song Kang Ho, Choi Min Sik and Ha Jung Woo
PBG is doing well with his career and RJY with his. They’re friends from their Reply days so obviously they would be cheering each other on. I like both of them and I thought RJY was exceptional in The King which is the only movie I’ve seen him in. PBG will always be a fave so I’m just happy they’re both doing well overall.
@sunshine I'm a big fan of Reply 1988, so it sound weird for me, putting down RJY like this. Not understand why you end up comparing him with PBG, there's a big age gap between RJY and PBG. No one know what will happened with PBG when he reached RJY's age. But we already know RJY is no one when he's still in PBG's age. Anyway RJY has more experience than PBG, but he's not doing that well after reply 1988. He has box office movie like a taxi driver, but he just supporting role in that movie, same with the king. He can take money and little forest but both just another underrated movie. The big PD love to cats him in their movie as supporting role, something they wont ever do to PBG. For me RJY still has a long way to go in Movieland, it will be easier if he comeback to kdramaland has a rating hit in there and comeback to movieland. Even if his new movie with KTR doing well, I'm not sure people will give him credit for that.
@Tiani: "don't be so rude"??? Said the person who has to stomp on another actor to elevate her fave. Like it or not, PBG is part of a cult and being casted by an acclaimed film director is universally more prestigious than being casted by an acclaimed drama PD. I never said RJY's career is better because of KTR, but being casted by Choi Dong Hoon is a pretty big deal, whose last two movies surpassed 10 million tickets starring top actors in Korea. Stop being so narrow minded and think winning popularity awards and getting CF deals equal success. No reputable actor would trade a promising film career for short lived popularity and CFs.
@another abc Ohhh what’s the name of the cult that Bogummy belongs to? Can anyone join? If it means I can get a glimpse I’ll sign up for real. Anyway each to their own and again both are doing well either way except RJY has a gf that likes talking about their relationship and I don’t know where I’m going with this sorry ?
@Ginger Crunch, your answer is only a google search away and your dream to get a glimpse of cult boy is only a plane ticket away. For real, you should join.
@another abc Thanks for the heads up cheers for the lame advice and for real please don’t leave your day job to take stand up comedy cos you’re dry.
@another abc Wanna keep dissing PBG be my guest; cult boy ummm keep going down the path and I’m game if you want to insult one of my many faves I’m in for the long haul.
@anotherabc "To stomp another actor to elevate her fav" How about you said that first to @sunshine then me. Btw Im talking about facts while your comment just full with hate. Did I say something about popularity and cfs? Idc about something like that.
And yeah you are rude. Honey, just stop being a troll and get a life.
(I cant see my first comment
@Ginger Crunch: you asked and I answered, what's so lame about that? Oh, you were trying to be cheeky? Maybe you should take up stand up comedy, because you are soooo funny. Har har!!!
@another abc Too true Ive done stand up comedy to be honest did quite well but that’s another story but you on the other hand seem quite apt at referencing PBY as bubblegum and being a cult member that’s quite novel indeed because maybe you should take up clowning instead it suits your style har har back at ya!
@Ginger Crunch: Oh I am so hurt! But not as hurt as a butthead fan like you who is embarrassed her fave is part of a cult. Remember he was born into the cult and proudly promotes it. You as a fan should not be ashamed of his love and faith. The more defensive you are just shows how ashamed you are!
@another abc Oh diddums you called it at butthurt but you’re the only being childish here on an unrelated post wanting to diss PBG and harping on about his cult status. Stay true to being bitter you suit that too. Nothing to be ashamed of as a fan of PBG I more ashamed that I’ve stopped to your grovelling level to face you. You have no clout or manners that’s shameful enough. However keep going you’re highly entertaining.
@Tiani the only reason I brought up RYJ in the first place is as an example of an actor working flourishing in movies instead of dramas. The only reason PBG was brought up was because they’re became famous off the same drama. I didn’t even put down PBG in my comment for you to get so worked up. Your insecurity reeks
CF deals......drama means bigger domestic audience can reach you hence better CF deals.........that's a lot of money
a lot of money for a load of crap... like VB. no offense for fans of this drama. the plot is a mess.
Yes. Even LBH is in talks to star in another drama despite doing well as a movie actor.
LBH is stale, he is actually not doing that well in Hollywood recently. No drama no money for this cheater now.
@candycane I wasn't talking abt Hollywood tho. Personal life aside, the man still attracts movie-goers. He could've just focused on doing movies but he didn't.
@candycane not sure Hollywood is of any use if they want to expand their acting range. They'll get only stereotypical Asian roles as Hollywood hasn't evolved. But if they want fame then sure.
@sunshine - LBH is a very commercial actor. His movies are all Hollywood and he does not go out of his comfort zone. He did kdrama Mr S bcoz he was promised an award. I am biased & I really don’t have any good things to say about this creep.
@Lynn - agree. CWS should also reach out to Cannes, Venice, and Berlin. He has great potential.
@candycane I don't like him either but my point is if someone as rich and successful as he is still wants to occasionally do dramas (regardless of the reason), I see nothing wrong with other movie actors wanting to choose the same path. My opinion only..
She acts in underrated drama “Beautiful mind” with Jang Hyuk and another drama like Flower boy F4 : Cinderella with four knights( which is a very blah drama).
Yes, I agree with everyone, stay away from kdrama, don’t waste your talent and shine internationally. Especially this year Parasite is nominated for Oscar award for international film.
The writer is not reliable. PSD deserves a better writer. Imagine her as Lee Ji An in My Ahjusshi. She would have done a terrific job. Dramas are failing on a massive scale. Better to stay in movies where women actually get to play interesting characters.
Now that you mentioned it I could imagine her as Lee Ji An. What a pity.
I'm not sure with the story, She is great actress, my fav right now, I hope She's just stay in movie like KTR.