Categories: Miscellaneous

Jtbc Itawon Class Drops Contrasting Underdog and Rich Asshole Drama Posters

Alrighty, I appreciate the new year new vibes but it’s hilarious to see such contrasting drama posters. jTBC released official posters for Itaewon Class and all I can say is that two different set of graphic designers worked on the end product. On one hand there is the underdog poster with Park Seo Joon leading a ragtag bunch of folks to run a restaurant to rival the one run by his rival with their own drama poster that screams “We are 100% evil and profit over people” with how everyone is standing with perfect posture and plenty of resting bitch face.


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  • It looks another hit drama in making. His rise is so great. Best thing he did military when he was 20, so no army break during his peak. Hope it works. Because actual money is CFs n events. But fir that u need to keep having hit dramas or movie. So i hope it works for him,

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