If you’re a K-drama fan living among the 20% of the world population under home quarantine/shelter-at-home/safer-at-home local or national ordinances, enjoy your life line to sanity with two new K-drama offerings. The Mon-Tues time slot opened this week for tvN to premiere warm romance A Piece of Your Mind (Half of a Half) with Jung Hae In and Chae Soo Bin while over on prime time MBC dropped 365: Repeat the Year starring Lee Joon Hyuk and Nam Ji Hyun. Neither was ground breaking in terms of being a ratings surprise, 365 got first episode ratings of 4.0% and 4.9% and A Piece of Your Mind debuted with 2.449% ratings, on par with what jTBC Mon-Tues romance When the Weather is Good got for its episode 7 of 2.255%.
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365 looks quite good! will watch it
Totally proves JHI cannot carry a drama!!
quarantine and reach just 2.449%?
really bad
The whole JHI hype ended so fast, I've never seen something like this before
Due to lockdown, i was able to finish Episodes 1 to 4 of 365: a year of defying fate. Each character is well played. Plot is interesting, i am also loving the cinematography. The series, so far, is not dark even though it is a mystery thriller drama. Im loving it so far.
Viewership rating for A PIECE oF MIND has decreased from 2.4% to 2.1%. while rating for PMY's drama went up to 2.7 %
whats happening to JH drama? hes one of the most talented actors and well loved in Sk. His previous dramas did okay in terms of rating. hope the rating will pick up soon.
JHI was riding on the noonas. He is bored as hell.
A proof that he can't carry a drama by his name alone.
The network news ratings are going through the roof at the moment. Most K Drama ratings have not been good recently as people are obviously concerned and have bigger priorities with other issues like trying to hang on to a job at the moment.
i mean, not really surprised by the initial ratings for a piece of your mind. jhi has, up until this point, relied on popular veteran female leads for good ratings. he isn't at the level to carry a drama.
i'm a bit sad for pmy though. her last 2 dramas have had low ratings although i'm really loving her current one. i guess she needs bigger male leads.
She always relies on A-listed male leads to bring in ratings. Sad but very true.
The first two episode "The Weather Is Fine" is not really full of event and touch the real narrative plot yet, so I understand why It's not generate viewers . Viewers in Korea Are so used to get the first 2 episode an introduction of the grand plot.
I Read Naver, that they really thing the first 2 episode When the weather is Fine is boring.
So I disagree It's on all Kang Joon's fault. The first 2 episode it's not even about his character. His character become the focus in latest 2 episode, and it's increasing.
And Jung Hae In last drama is directed by the same PD and writers Something In The Rain. even if there is hate on Something iN The Rain, that alone can generate buzzworthy.
At Times, It's not the actor, but also PD and writers behind production and their creativity that matters. I actually don't care that much about my fav actor popularity, Unless because of this they always get bad drama or bad production offering them.
But the first 2 episodes of piece of your mind were actually pretty good and intriguing.Chae soo bin was exceptional in the role.Maybe he isn't at the level to carry a drama, but he doesn't have to, since the drama started off pretty good.
I'm watching when the weather is good right now, and I pretty like it. The male leads is kinda weak tho. I felt bad for PMY, she is the only one who is good in there. SKJ acted like he is in watcher, not melo romance material's actor. And the other male actor is a no no even tho I love the character. Anyway Im still like the drama.
MBC drama rating always low since extraordinary you, not suprise.
SKJ was very good in the Third Charm. What has happened here? PMY is knowingly weaker than Esom in acting in my opinion. Esom is a Movie awarding winning actress but what is PMY? I am thinking hard too. Not trying to put down PMY but something is wrong here.
Probably when you have good costar who can help improving your acting, it would be better. Maybe.
Esom is really good at dragging the emotion out of the costars.
Why you sound like you blaming PMY for SKJ? He is not a rookie actor, he need to take care of himself. PMY doing well with her part. Maybe esom was kind enough to help SKJ in third charm but its not PMY responsibility to take care of him.
Did I sound like I was blaming PMY? I didn’t mean to. I was only wondering. But now you said it, this is truly the reason! I got my answer. PMY is just not good enough. She was riding on her costars like everyone else was saying. Without PSJ, PMY is nothing!!
Yes you sound like you blaming her. And now I knew you're PMY hater, so its more clear to me. I'm not PMY fan, WWWSK is overrated drama from me.
Now I know you like to calling people a hater. How shallow!
The first 2 episode the third Charm is charming and full of event. The first two episode might be low rating, due to not enough publicity, but because of that 2 episode, the next episode 3-4 increased quite significant. The third charm might be generated hate, but the haters are still watching and comment lol and that's enough to generate loyal following.
I actually love Seo Kang Joon's character here, because finally a male lead I can relate too. He is introvert, and his life is full of loneliness, which make the romance quite addicting if you ask me. Maybe I'm more drawn to into their character than the actual chemistry. they have quite decent chemistry actually.
^I mean The second paragraph I'm talking about When the weather is fine.
They visually match but I still cant see their chemistry yet. I'm more interisting with the story between hyewoon and youngwoo tho, but because the actor is kinda bad and too young for PMY, I dont felt hurt when they didnt end up together.
About rating, its difficult for this type of drama to get high rating. People get bored easily, This is more slow pace drama. Healing one, and will depend to the chemistry between main leads.
Skj’s acting is a hit or miss for me. Maybe it depends on his role? I like his acting in hwajung and are you human, but the rest is meh. I like him though bec he looks like he is a good person in real life.
JHi, on the other hand, is a bland actor for me. Maybe it is just Ahn Pan Seok’s magic that he delivered in the past two dramas. His movie tune in for love has a bland character too so maybe his acting is bland too.
Just my opinion, so don’t be too pressed to hate on me lol.
i thought Park Min Young is a very popular actress in South Korea. but seeing the rating of her current drama, i am kow beginning to have second thoughts on her popularity and star power in Korea.
PMY has no star power.
I think she is more popular amongst international fans than korean fans.
When the Weather is Fine and A Piece of Your Mind are not easy dramas to watch. They both are very good but they are slow stories about feelings, healing. I'm not surprised by the ratings but it doesn't mean anything about the quality.
365 : Repeat the Year is a remake and there is more suspens. The first episode was pretty interesting.
i agree 365 is an interesting mystery thriller fantasy. i just finished episodes 1 to 4 and they were good.???
Didnt pmy fans were giving credit her for success of city hunter , wwwsk etc?. It is clear she need A list leads for success.
I like jung hae in but clearoy he needed top actresses for his drama to work.
on their next projects, PMY and JHI should choose different genre. I really would like to continue watching a piece of mind, but that there is nothing new to watch (except for chae soo bin). so i decided to drop this drama.
As for PMY, i agree with what everyone is saying. she should stop trying to look pretty and perfect all time. Im really sorry, this is just my opinion, but she is getting boring. So i did not atempt to watch When the weather is nice, .
She used to be my No. 1 Korean actress,..but im geting tired of her acting. I cant really differentiate her acting in WWSK and her private life. Hope she picks Sageuk or action thriller on her next projects.
Agree with you saying PMY “trying to look pretty”, so true and what a pity. She is very boring. This summarizes her whole career.
True, they will be typecasted with these kind of roles
I don't think its PMY. I think ther character written for her is pretty boring.She tries to embody the character, but the writing is sloppy and boring.
The writing is not sloppy, in fact, I find all the characters very delicately written. The male lead is able to capture his role well and I can feel his pain. As a dude, I can sense his struggling. Agree with @ANJ and @Joker that PMY has been having the same blank gaze in her past three dramas, nothing differentiating between these characters. I seriously cannot see her as a high school student with that plastic face. Pretty is too generous to say about her. I only see a fake face with fake expressions.
PMY does not look young to wear highschool uniform, it looked so forced.
PMY in my opinion, should not be overly concerned with her appearance because it affects her acting. her acting doesnt look natural anymore. it looks fake.
As for her chemistry with SKJ. i have yet to see it.
No chemistry. The drama is already at ep 10, only 6 more episodes to go. If there is chemistry, most should have seen it by now. Even the kisses seem so blah. I really shake my head on PMY in this drama, she is the same old same, very bland, ever since WWWSK. I am only commenting on her drama performance. Do not mean to bash. To me, PMY is handing in the same homework in all her recent 3 dramas, opening eyes wide, smiling, kissing, nice hair do, boring.
not to mention that most of the articles writtten about PMY drama was about her kissing scenes with KSJ. Not against kissing scenes, but as if this is her first time doing it on screen, She is not 17. she -kissing her leading man is nothing new. she does it in all her projects. and please dont make "kissing scene" as the selling point of your drama.
looking pretty, every strand of the hair in place, cutesy smiles, ..oh no.