Categories: K-dramas

Lovely Posters and Stills for the Rom-com MBC Drama Dinner Mate with Song Seung Heon and Seo Ji Hye

I’m glad I didn’t check out the source material manhwa for upcoming K-drama Dinner Mate (Shall We Have Dinner Together). It just exudes classic rom-com vibes and I want the feeling of being pleasantly surprised rather than already knowing what the story is about. Leads Song Seung Heon and Seo Ji Hye are so visually matched onscreen and in the previews they also show tons of chemistry, so the early indicators are all promising. The new drama posters add to the romantic aura, all softer colors and quiet moments. I could so use a dinner date right now with Mr. Koala, three months of home cooking and zero candlelit ambiance is driving me batty for onscreen romance as a proxy lol.


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  • I just read somewhere that Kim Jung Hyun will be making a cameo as Seo Ji Hye' s long-term bf. It would be nice to see the duo in a different scenario after CLOY .Right now I badly need some rom-com dose as the covid is getting worse here in my country. I will definitely check this drama out. And yeah SSH and SJH chemistry seems great from the teaser and posters

    • I was hoping they would be starring in their own drama because I really enjoyed their chemistry in CLOY.