Get ready for some geek talk with venture capital thrown in for good measure. Upcoming tvN drama Start-Up (formerly Sandbox) with Suzy, Nam Joo Hyuk, and Kim Sun Ho has bee filming since the spring and is confirmed this week for a premiere date in October 2020. The drama will take over the Sat-Sun time slot after Secret Forest 2 (Stranger 2) which premieres next weekend after It’s Okay to Not be Okay concluded last weekend. Start-Up deals with the world of tech companies and the dreams and aspirations of the young tech savvy whizzes out there who think they will launch the next successful start up company. What makes Start-Up more promising than just the synopsis is that it’s from the screenwriter Park Hye Ryun who did While You Were Sleeping, Pinocchio, I Hear Your Voice, and Dream High, and directing will reunite her with the same PD who filmed Sleeping and who also directed previously You From Another Star and Hotel Del Luna. I also think Suzy does best when she plays a Park Hye Ryun female lead and this will be their third drama together.
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I don't understand writters who always pick the same actor or actress... There are better actresses than Suzy and if I liked LJS, he always acted genius or gifted roles... It became boring to watch.
I never got boring of LJS in IHYV, Pinocchio and WYWS. I'm sure most of the people agree with me~
Agreed. Not sure why some writers use the same actors again and again. Look if it’s someone like JJH, I get it. But this is Suzy - the same person who the writer had to make “robotic” in DH just to cover up for the fact that she cannot emote. She’s still just as bad in Vagabond, 8 years later. It’s like Park Hye Ryun can’t trust her own writing that she needs an idol to boost her drama.
Same with LJS - he keeps playing the *exact same type* of characters in her dramas. There’s been three!
I’ll watch this for NJH who is kind of a hit and miss for me. He can be good like in Weightlifting fairy or Light. But he can be godawful like in Haebak. Usually he needs a strong actress beside him to carry the drama. This time, he’s carrying it 100%.
I don’t understand how you can say something so painful just like that, that is her job bruh- If she reads this by mistake ,it will deal a huge blow to her self esteem and that’s heartless of you.
you are criticizing Suzy, but look at yourself. You are just plain viewer like me because you cannot act.
I heard that this writer considers LJS a muse, so if she visualized him in the role it would make sense that if she offered the role to anyone she'd offer it to him first.
For Suzy, she's not the best actress but is a sweetheart, very hardworking, and attentive behind the scenes. If the actor, even limited ones, are popular and hits some of the criteria producers are looking for, I can see why they'd prefer to offer that role to the actors the directors and writers gel with.
Although I do hope to see this writer work with more actors. I enjoy her characters and stories because its often well done, and want more actors to get the chance to play at a good character and good script.
Actually, I feel her stories are good but her characters are extremely similar. Often times one can be exchanged for the other specially in her recent dramas. I don’t mind her working with LJS personally. I like him and they are a good fit. But for his career, he might be better off not playing another genius again. Anyway it’s good for NJH. Suzy... well, I’m indifferent. She’s sometimes tolerable and sometimes not but with this writer she’s more former than latter which is good.
You think you are better than suzy?? Go for it
2 handsome male leads.❣❣❣❣
Suzy is the luckiest woman in the entire universe. The busiest actress without acting talent. She must have saved South Korea in her past life.
And you must be a traitor in your past life. Look at you now, full of jealousy to every beautiful or cute girls. And you can do nothing but hate speech ?
You think you are better than suzy?? Go for it