Categories: K-dramas

Episode 12 of Record of Youth Has Slight Ratings Drop to 7.798% as Hye Joon and Jung Ah Grow Farther Apart and She Spends More Time With Hae Hyo

I don’t have second male lead syndrome in Record of Youth but episode 12 totally made me ship Hae Hyo and Jung Ah at the end of the episode. It helps that Byun Woo Seok finally broke out and emoted to the screen and the sexual tension was so thick you can slice it with a spoon in the last scene. Not to mention Park So Dam actually had chemistry with him and I don’t blame her for leaning on him when she was feeling alone and couldn’t find Hye Joon but she’s totally delusional or beyond stupid to not see that Hae Hyo likes her. I still love Park Bo Gum in The Park Bo Gum show but Hye Joon has stagnated for me as a character once he hit it big, it’s like all the spark left him and he’s not even happy despite achieving his goal. I don’t enjoy watching the fawning over him like I didn’t enjoy seeing Hae Hyo higher up in the early part of the series, I miss the best friends palling around and the smaller successes.


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  • This week episodes made me feel sorry for Jeong-ha. Hye-joon seemed to take Jeong-ha's patience and understanding for granted. But maybe thats the reality if one is dating celebrity.

      • I dnt like the way Jeong Ha allows Haeyo to go with her all the time. Just because the boyfriend is not there. Hye Joon is to be blame but she should understand and she shld avoid Haeyo but she keeps on going with him she allows it. I do NOT like the last part, the so-called sexual tension. Hellow. He is not your boyfriend. Well they might deserve each other. So be it. But it will be a big mistake. And I wont watch it anymore. Am utterly disappointed.

    • I dont like where the writers are taking this drama. I like park so dam and park bo gum together. That is why most people were watching it bc of their chemistry.i never like the other guy from day one. Hes not a true friend. And the fact that you are lusting after your friends girl. No bruno. If it goes west I'm so through. This drama made me like bo gum bc I wasnt a soon as I started watching I began liking him to love. Pls dont do this to me. ????‍♀️

  • Each week I become more frustrated with Hae Hyo, because since the beginning he's trying to get closer to Jung Ah even after it being established that she's with his best friend. In my opinion it started out with him being jealous because she wasn't his fan, and she came off as a challenge to him because there was actually someone who wanted Hye Joon over him.

    I'm tired of him lingering in the background, and always showing up. Seriously, how does no one know this guy has feelings for her. At the end of the episode I was so bothered that she let him upstairs, because why invite him in? I didn't pay attention to their stare match because I believed her when she told Hye Joon she wouldn't waver. I need Hye Joon to communicate with her more, and be present in his relationship again :(

  • Actually I wanted them to breakup. HJ is due to enlist and aside from that he is hounded by malicious reporters who just want some dirt on him to drag him down.

    He needs to be established enough to date anyone he wants to without losing his career. And JH needs to be secure enough with her career to be able to handle a boyfriend who is constantly in the limelight.

    If she ever end up with HH, she'd regret it because his parents will never accept her unless she use her wealthy dad as leverage.

    I finally understood why PBG chose this drama as his last before enlisting. It mirrors all the things he went through. The sudden rise of popularity, the nasty rumours about him being gay. I wonder how this will end. Could it end with HJ entering the military?

    • Of course Jeong Ha wealthy dad will make her acceptable especially if her Dad is who I think he is which would make her technically wealthier than Hae Hyo's family.

      There has been some foreshadowing with Yi Young saying HH would never marry a girl she didnt approve of and her saying she liked Jeong Ha. Plus, no one knows that her Dad is rich, which I think will be apart of the reveal.

  • I enjoyed the last episode 12 because of the chemistry between the two. We get to see what type of relationship Hye Joon and Jung Ah have. His friend is jealous now at first he was all for his friends achievement. Now that the table has turned it's a different story. Hae Hyo is pulling all types of schemes. More exciting coming.

  • Storyline shifting in ways that I didn't expect. They are young couple making a commitment to one another but she has to be blind not to realize Hae Hyo always showing up. What is his problem with his best friends girls earlier ep showing the ex-girlfriend with Hae Hyo i believe he's been dating her. That a real back stabing friend I've never trusted him from day one. He's always been jealous. This story will give you a look at real celebrity dating. It has to be a strong commitment and true love because they get so busy with there work they can lose touch it looks like very hard work and consumes a lot of there time.

  • I am a huge huge huge Hae Hyo fan and I have been shipping Jeong Ha and Hae Hyo since Episode 2!! I always liked how patient Hae Hyo was, he didn’t try to force Jeong Ha but he lets her come to him slowly in her own time because he knows her. Hae Hyo has been in love with her for some time but he actually stood back waiting for his chance. Man that rain scene with those two had me ???.. everything about that scene was beautiful and is a testimony how their relationship has grown slowly.

    What I find interesting is how opposite Hye Jin and Hae Hyo is.. HJ doesn’t share much with JA ( making her feel uneasy) but when something is wrong with HH, he goes to JA first for comfort. This is something HJ should have been doing. Everything HH has done are things HJ should have been doing but failed to do because his career took off. I agree with the writer, HJ character is different now and not as much fun to watch on screen. I guess watching someone rise to the top is more satisfying then seeing them at the top.. idk.. don’t get me wrong I live HJ and think he’s wonderful but he is just not in the place to have a relationship. I have said in prior comments that HJ and HH is like watching the tortoise and the hare.. HJ was the hare and his relationship with JA loved super fast, but the slow and steady win the race and that is HH for me all the way! HH bringing JA her own umbrella showcases how well he knows her and respects her independence. I also loved see JA slowly have a change of heart towards HH and what’s interesting is it’s not I. Her words but her actions!! JA only let HH drop her off at the corner, then she let him take her to her front door, and now he is inside the apartment. I don’t even think JA realizes that she is slowly opening her heart to HH but she is and I think HH knows it.. he was once standing outside and now he is inside!! I was screaming!! The sexual chemistry in that whole scene has me grinning trim ear to ear. I do t care who JA ends up with but I prefer HH because she seems like lifelong friends with HJ instead of lovers.. but I can see her being married to HH for 50 years.. idk .. great job Byron Woo Seok and Won Hae Hyo Fighting!!!!

  • I just couldn't finish any Korean drama lately. This one, too. And I so wanted to watch a PBG drama. Some just don't make sense at all. :(

  • So many similarities in real life that I believe they tweaked it to be that way because of so many coincidences. It will be a treat for his next project after military. As a real fan, we support him in all things as we admire him as a person with intensity and depth.

  • Is therw a real life Ah Jeong Ha in Park Bo Gum's life? Very curious since this is short of biopic for PBG.

    I feel for Jeong Ha, but a relationship is two-way. Both of them are not being honest with each other and keep on hesitating to share what they really feel. Them being so sensitive of what each other will feel is somewhat over the top. They are digging each other's relationhip grave