Categories: K-dramas

Pale Faces and Dark Pink Lipstick Distract in Comedic New Teaser for True Beauty

If the premise of upcoming K-drama True Beauty (Goddess Descends) is about the power of makeup alone to transform an ordinary girl into a wondrous beauty then the makeup team for the cast has already failed. The second teaser is out and I’m wildly distracted by the terrible makeup job on all three leads Moon Ga Young, Cha In Woo, and Hwang In Yeop. They all have the same too pale too much BB cream face and appear to be using the exact same shade of dark pink lipstick. Like what gives? Moon Ga Young is beautiful in real life and the drama’s idea of making her pre-makeup an ugly duckling is apparently a bad case of rosacea. I’m still planning to tune in to see if Hwang In Yeop keeps breaking out as he’s done in his last two dramas I watched, he reminds me of a mash up of Kim Woo Bin and Lee Jae Wook and that’s a great niche to be in.

Teaser 2 for True Beauty:


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  • I don’t think the make-up is terrible per se but I agree that it’s not groundbreaking, it doesn’t make her a stunning beauty from before to present. It is half-way in making her look like a geisha lol I checked out the drama writer, and she doesn’t have a good background of decent works, so I wouldn’t have much good expectation in this drama. The only positive point I see so far in this drama is FL, she is giving 100 percent energy and effort, I just hope she reins it in and don’t overact too much. I liked her a lot in her last drama although the writing got wonky in the second half.

  • It does look like the same lip tint applied in three different styles but what truly brothers me is so far it looks like it's going to be even more extra than the comic book is and that could break this drama. I've loved the comic book for years and was really looking forward to seeing Cha Eunwoo play Suho so I really hope the writers focus on the message the show has and the story they're trying to tell.

  • The way this site is spreading hate on the drama even before its airing is nauseating me, like dude this entire concept is abt overcoming insecurities and Moon Ga has been given heavy makeup coz she does that in the webtoon to overcome her insecurities and appear normal and the other main leads have the same shade coz them being like her is what will make her feel normal, and breaking out is so common, I get a few pimples here and there too, please stop attacking idols for their faces, looks and figure, they are humans and need to be respected because of their personality. Because a similar situation of breaking out due to stress, Cha Eun Woo has literally cried while apologizing to fans for it, like he did not have to but he did, please stop making idols feel that they are something that is sold at the price of their beauty, inner beauty matters the most and nothing as trivial as makeup can do anything to it. Im sorry if I sound a bit rude or like I am going overboard but ig we all the freedom to state our views so please give them a lot of love and focus on their character kore than their faces. THANK YOU

  • Umm for me actually i really hate the story of this webtoon
    U can see it personally,how the second lead loved the truth but,the first otp has such an annoying bastard childish undevelop character!oh god i really hate they love story!
    I am sorry for me its just fit with the teenager around high school for so much trouble emotional blowing individual live..

  • The actor's name, I believe, is CHA EUN WOO not CHA IN WOO. I've seen the author make the same mistake with the name twice already (at least in my experience).

  • For Moon Ga Young's sake, I hope this drama doesn't suck - she's a good actress and absolutely leading lady material, it's crazy it took this long for her to start scoring lead roles consistently.

  • @Khushi Garg The entire concept WAS supposed to be about overcoming insecurities. I’ve been reading True Beauty for a long time now and I see no improvement at all in the main character. She still only relies on makeup to cover up her insecurities and it only works because nobody has yet discovered her bare face and because her boyfriend doesn’t care about it.
    Jugyeong herself seems to be obsessed by appearances so I don’t understand why you urge us to stop relying on physical beauty. Don’t misunderstand me, I totally agree with you about this ! But I don’t feel like True Beauty is treating the subject of insecurities in an intelligent and innovative way. What I see in this webtoon is a classical comedy romance story : two handsome men are good enough to fell in love with a woman who is beautiful inside.
    The point of True Beauty seems to be « if you feel ugly and hate yourself, put a lot on makeup on your face ». It may gives ephemeral confidence but it won’t truly heal you.
    Hopefully the story will evolve someday.

    • I am hoping the drama will tidy the plot up if only for the sake of condensing it into 16 episodes?. I agree that the WEBTOON is in limbo on the insecurity issue, but I do recognize that a helplessly bullied “ugly” girl coped by using the only tools in her reach as opposed to say ... depression. Also, it doesn’t hurt that there is at least one guy who sees past her looks and into her lively soul. That said, let’s hope tue healing will prevail! ?

  • @Khushi Garg (...) But I don’t feel like True Beauty is treating the subject of insecurities in an intelligent and innovative way. What I see is a classical romance story : two handsome men good enough to fall in love with a woman beautiful inside.
    The point of True Beauty seems to be « if you feel ugly and hate yourself, put a lot on makeup on your face ». It may gives ephemeral confidence but it won’t truly heal you.
    Hopefully the story will evolve someday.

  • I don't care about makeup either way, so I'm definitely only watching for the cast as it is. I do love that Gayoung and Eunwoo have said about the script focusing on self-love and character growth, though. I think the webtoon had a smart premise which got lost as the writer chose to lengthen the story and deepen her pocketbooks to no end. Since the drama has a definite ending at 16 episodes, I look forward to seeing real development for all three leads.

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