Categories: K-dramas

Jung Il Woo and Yuri Exude Classic Sageuk Vibes in New Stills for MBN Drama Bossam: Stealing Fate

The upcoming sageuk drama Bossam: Stealing Fate will be the special 10th anniversary production for the smaller cable network MBN, and I sure hope the quality is much better that jTBC’s 10th anniversary big budget clunker Sisyphus: The Myth. The more I see of Bossom the more I like it, Jung Il Woo returns to his rugged sageuk roots and female lead Yuri totally captures the noble lady aura under less than ideal circumstances. Even better is the PD directed some of my fave dramas where I loved the directing including My Princess, Pasta, and Miss Korea. This drama is set in the period of Gwanghaegun which remains a super popular sageuk setting, most recently 2019’s Tale of Nokdu also explored that era and what the King might have gone through to remain in power. I also love all the supporting actors and actresses, when I saw each one I was like “And I know you! And you, too! And you’re awesome in sageuks!” Bossom will be ready to unwrap come May 1st.


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  • Some of the supporting cast are familiar faces indeed. That's a good sign. Aside from the leads, the supporting cast is really important. Hope the writing will be good.

  • Wow. Jung Il Woo looks great all scruffy! We all know he's a pretty boy, but looking all manly and disheveled fits him.

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