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TW-ent Thinks Hit Movie When a Man Loves Costars Tiffany Hsu and Roy Qiu May Be Dating After She Posts an Early Morning Heart Coffee Picture with His Condo View as the Backdrop

Oh ho ho ho, the dating fairies are here early with kibble for the sad pups hearing about divorces and breakups in various entertainment couples. Taiwan’s biggest domestic movie of 2021 is the romance film When a Man Loves starring Roy Qiu and Tiffany Ann Hsu in a remake of the same name Korean original. This one comes complete with loads of Taiwanese “flavor” and hilarious dialogue and hometown accents, plus amazing chemistry between the leads to bolster the blockbuster box office. So there may be some fans that will be happy with this latest gossip – this week Tiffany posted a coffee with a heart shaped foam against the window view from a high rise condo with the caption “Early Morning”, and netizens noted that it’s the same high rise window view from Roy’s condo as he’s posted before different scenes from that vantage point. I’m good if they date but worry a bit about her, Roy tends to have scandals with his costars like Chen Qiao En, Janine Chang, Tia Li and even admitted dating some in the past like Tang Yan and Rainie Yang. Her agent explained later that a group of friends including Roy and Tiffany are on the same SNS group and Roy posted that picture which Tiffany liked and asked if she can post it publicly and he said yes. Mmmmmmmkay……


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  • You know what they say: "If it looks like a dating scandal and it smells like a dating scandal..."

  • Whether this is true or not, I hope he has matured in general and his relationships. He seems to be a douche.

    • Well that is because he kind of is... At least base on his past dating history. Roy is known for been a really a douche with his past girlfriends. That been said if he is Tiffany's rebound guy then sure so be it. Roy is perfect for rebounds because he is not really the long haul relationship kind of guy. However, I hope Tiffany find a good guy, I mean, I think after Ethan Ruan she can handle Roy but she deserves so much better.

      • I agree, the girls he dated buy denied he dated were high profile. And the females were upset by his actions. Tiffany really deserve a really good guy. I hope she will be lucky in love for life .... As for him, maybe he did learn and change...He was kicked out of China due to how badly he dealt with his relationship with Tang Yan.

      • I was still trying to be diplomatic with the it seems statement. But yeah, you're right. It also speaks volume that all his ex, Rainie at least, is able to be friends with her celebrity ex except for Roy. And most of his ex-gf are spilling against him, even though they are celebrities.

  • I hope they’re not dating but guys like that will never change. He will never have a shortage of beautiful women around him so most likely he will go back to his ways. Her luck in men has not been great. I hope she will find herself a nice guy soon.

  • Although I find them really cute together, I don’t see this happening as Tiffany is still BFF with Rainie and considering the (sour) history between Rainie and Roy…
    But who knows? Everyone is more matured and changed from that dated and dusty history.
    Also, I do feel like Roy seems to be looking for love and is ready to settle down. He’s been more subdued these recent years. I honestly feel like he was genuine with Janine and felt for him when he was rejected by her.

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