The competition to be the most sought after K-actor in casting calls is intense and this week K-ent industry insiders shared their view in an article on which actors are currently the most coveted among industry casting agents. Casting agents and production directors were asked which actor in 2021 currently is their #1 choice when it comes time to cast a project. Six votes went to Park Seo Joon in first place, followed by Gong Yoo with 5 votes, and then Hyun Bin got 4 votes. Rounding out the top 5 are Kim Soo Hyun and Kang Ha Neul who each got 3 votes each. So this group of 5 clearly dominates what industry folks with casting decision authority would like to land and that aligns with knowing how popular and/or critically acclaimed each is with not just hit dramas and movies but also winning as well as getting nominations for Best Actor awards in recent years. Other K-actors who got 1 vote including Song Joong Ki, Joo Ji Hoon, Ji Chang Wook, Jung Woo Sung, Jo Seung Woo, Park Jung Min, Jung Kyung Ho, Ryu Jun Yeol, Jang Ki Yong, and Song Kang.
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Interesting how SJK got one vote only
I think because his new real estet controversy.But doesn't mind as long he kept getting offer script in movie and drama.
The poll wasn't conducted on a short notice, so his estate scandal has nothing to do with it.
This is an obvious mediaplay.... Nothing to see here folks I don't understand why mediaplay is so rampant in SK
Ugh.. I realized this much because the article felt like deja-vu and I was oh noo not another mediaplay
Perhaps it is an open Mediaplay where everyone kind knows it is a mediaplay
Top 5 checks out, though surprised that Park Seo Joon is #1, and very surprised that Song Joong Ki doesn't rank higher given the one-two movie-drama success punch he's delivered with Space Sweepers and Vincenzo this year. is Ji Chang Wook still so in demand? The guy has not lead a huge drama hit...ever.
No comment on Jang Ki Yong and Song Kang.
I think because JCW is a versatile actor. He is not afraid to try various genre & role no matter what the outcome.
Yeah ji chang wok versatile with 1% rating?He also has scandal with burning sun and madam lin.Ofcourse he versatile actor.
@Wonderland Yeah. Even with 1% rating as you said, why is he still in demand? You can't seny that he indeed is a versatile actor. Did you saw him always playing a rich man role?
@chie I agree I think jcw is very talented and very charismatic (he killed it in empress ki and Litc) . If he had a knack for picking good projects then he'd be equally awesome as PSJ, KSH etc were in their roles. Tbh I think he's more talented then the two I mentioned.I find the two actors (unpopular opinion) to be limited in a way but they do make smart choices.
@kailey b Regardless of JCW having a hit or none, he is really one of the versatile actors like PSJ as well who are both loved in and out of Korea.
I love them both, and JCW is indeed different in all of his projects so far. Not the genre but the ACTING.
if i have to guess the biggest reason id say is despite all his flops domestically he still has MAJOR pull internationally. also he's a half decent actor in his early 30s who is also attractive so there is still some market available for him
lol, JCW sucks at rom-coms and overall his acting pretty much the same from project to project. PSJ is definitely tops him in acting department and versatility. You don’t need to get “different project”. You need to be different in each project. That’s what is actual “versatility”. JCW basically always works with directors and writers who had previously great track record before him (and after him too). So, is the problem projects or his involvement in them? Who knows.
I disagree jcw sucks at romcoms with bad scripts who could do backstreet rookie or melting me softly justice? They are just badly written. I think PSJ is only better than JCW at comedy, I don't see anyone playing his fight for my character as well as him.
I like PSJ aswell but in terms of romantic chemistry he's only had it with Kim ji won. He's best onscreen chemistry was also with kang ha neul in midnight runners. Fortunately he's moved on from rom coms which is good.
It’s not bad script. His comedic timing sucks, he delivers all his jokes and limes in same manner and tone. Not only his dramas are bland, he is bland in them too. If first “can’t be helped”, the second is something that can be helped, but he didn’t bother to step up his game. I dunno, call it’s an opinion, but I see his acting range as limited mostly by his own choice of line delivery.
As for chemistry it’s just taste and nothing more. I still lack to see popularity between actors who end up marrying each other or dating. You see “chemistry” based on how much you like progress of the story and actors themselves, rather some mysterious “sparks”. For me PSJ had excellent acting chemistry with all his partners, evidently by how popular his projects are.
Space Ripoff of the Galaxy was a flop.
Wait...where is Lee Min Ho? Isn't he supposed to BE the Hallyu king with the most draw?
Sshhhh girl, that's like calling Beetlejuice for some real crazies ?
Sshhh! He still is. Number 1 in the world along side BTS as world tops for Kdrama and Kpop, respectively. That's why AppleTV got him for the Pachinko role to get AppleTV operating in South Korea. The ranking is all by media play to get PSJ in the marvel universe. PSJ gets the most offer for casting (he gets paid less), but Lee Min Ho, Song Joong Ki, And Kim Son Hyun, get the ratings and the ads more return for the money. These three gets the directors and the producers' choice to cast them. If any of the three turn down the part, then it's offered to the current favourite. Get it? 8 know. I used to be in the industry.
Grace parucha aka adyjunjihyun is that you?
Yeah!! I was wondering why the passionate and versatile actor Lee Min Ho is not included.
Impressed at how Park Seojoon has come a long way since hwarang lol after that trainwreck he has been in hit dramas, variety show, and movie since
LMH is not in the list. His fans will be freaking out
Only lydia and adyjunjihyun claim lee min ho most high paid actor in south korea and most popular kdrama actor in the world.Lol.
Missing some names LMH, LJK, LSG, JJS, LJS..
Sorry but I am surprise JCW is in the list, in comparison to many of his peers. Unless the salary scale is different.
I am surprise how KHN is above SJK and JJH too.
I wonder if being too expensive or cheaper to cast is taken into consideration because I am sure Eg LMH and JKY/SK rates are totally on a different scale. Also other factors such as how easy/difficult to work with (eg rookies don’t make as many demand or special requests etc). Nobody knows..
I am more agreeable with the top 4 guys. Thought SJK should get the 5th place.
Well it seems like the number of PDs being surveyed is very small. Personally I feel that a bigger sample size should be used for it to be more convincing as to who are really in demand. When there are so many with just one vote, it just don’t feel very legit.
No Yoo ahin, Lee dohyun, Lee joonki, Jo insung, Lee seunggi? This list is bogus and media play by the actors agencies. No way Park seojoon ranks above Hyun bin and Gong yoo in anything.
The Korean entertainment industry insiders are talking about which Korean actors they want to cast. You, a non-Korean and outsider is dismissing their list as bogus and mediaplay just because some other Korean actors you like aren't on the list? The entitlement of I-fans is just unbelievable. Tourists acting like you own the country and should have a say in how the natives run their affairs. No wonder K-netz call y'all I-roaches.
The production companies they surveyed are in the article linked by Koala lol Kim Taeri topped the actresses list with one drama it is definitely not a mediaplay
Kim Tae Ri wasn't even selected for KOFIC but she topped this list? Somebody paid for sure.
A lot of actual movie A-listers weren’t included in that list lol
@Oval well to be fair a lot of people in her J Wide Agency didn’t appear on the list. Like Jeon Yeo Been, Lee Bo Young, and etc. It seems agencies like Saram, BH, KeyEast were included heavily, meanwhile Soop didn’t participate.
The Kofic selection is weird lol, there are idols/actors who aren’t even film talents nor have much to say. Kim hye soo, Jo Seung woo,Gong Yoo, and the like weren’t included or prob declined which puts the list in an odd spot if it’s mertis no offense.
This is definitely media play and big agencies like Studio Dragon and Drama House didn't even weigh in. Agree PSJ could never be more in demand than HB and LSG is literally the 'Nation's Son' he's is always in demand. Imagine never having him, LJS or LMH in a list the biggest Hallyu stars of their generation.
Just because your fave is not on the list? Smh. PSJ is even rumored to be casted in a Marvel movie. He deserves that #1 spot.
My fav is not high on the list. But, i am not piss like sour grapes here
He don't deserve a no. 1 spot just because he's cast in a Marvel movie. What logic is that? Ma Dong Seok should be number one them. He's an actual lead character. How is Park Seo Joon more deserving of his spot than Hyun Bin who has been a top star for almost 20 years? Please this list is lies.
PSJ and his agency love to media play. Don't believe any list that has his name on top. Next you'll see him media playing his salary and 35 sec Marvel cameo.
What's wrong with PSJ being on top of the list? I still remember his humble begginings before reaching where he is right now. And no problem if he will only have 35 sec. screentime in a marvel movie. At least it's a new achievement for him getting casted in a hollywood project.
Park seo joon project right now.
-Concrete utopia
-Gyeongseong creature
Lee min ho who?who?
He is the least known actor to ever mediaplay about himself and his achievement. All that reported by media is actually his achievements. So stay pressed lol
Don't be so salty, it's bad for your health ?
Let's look at PSJ actual work/results in the last few years to see if it's just "media play" like you say
Fight My Way(2017): 13 percent ratings, top in buzz of all tv programmes while it was airing
Midnight Runners (2017) - 5.6 million ticket sales
Secretary Kim (2018): first cable drama to get higher ratings than the competing terrestrial dramas
The Divine Fury(2019) - not so successful, only 1.6 million tickets sold
Parasite (2019) - only had a cameo but movie is a smash hit and Bong Joon Ho mentions him in interviews to single out his part as pivotal
Itaewon Class (2020) - smash hit, 14 percent ratings on cable
And you really think, with those stats, PDs won't want to cast him? Bong Joon Ho isn't exactly one to just cast a pretty face for popularity.... at least PSJ biggest successes are in the recent past and not like 10+ years ago unlike some.
It is their choice anyway and they are the ones that create the dramas with the actors that you like
Here get ready with fans war 1 2 3,adyjunjihyun come here.I am ready with coke and popcorn.
I swear. She's going to post maniacally with a 1000 different emails and usernames but the same godawful English and delusional arguments.
You think me like adyjunjihyun?Make different name and email?Yeah keep delusional sweetheart.
Might be it's something to do to Song Joong Ki rarely act in critically acclaimed movie since werewolf Boy. His acting in space sweeper is fantastic though. don't get why he doesn't get award for that movie. Might be it something to do with his image as trendy actor so the vote is only 1 vote. I don't care... All I care is I want him go back shining in a good character again.
Yeah,last year song joong ki get zero vote.But it doesn't stop him getting cast in park jae bum drama.
Meh SJK is having an awesome year though. He was incredible in vincenzo, and that was rightfully a hit.
He's also soo underrated in arthdal chronicles, that right there showed his verstality. With these kinds of lists its all hype..
If he is an trendy actor, he will not be in the list at all.
Kailey_b: Soong Joong Ki is so underappreciated in terms of acting. for werewolf boy and the innocent man, he deserved a daesang worthy award. fortunately, he got that with DOTS. I just pretended it's for his drama Innocent Man. lol and his performances in arthdal is not getting credit enough. with no nomination. why? does it because of middling rating and audience general bad opinion with the drama?
he got nominated in for vincenzo instead, does it makes sense? ... he got nominated in drama Which I think it's not his best performances IMO. it's to the point anyone will get the impression he get those nomination just because his drama is trending.
@lai pei yi: but he only got one vote.
I think SJK did great in Vincenzo but the role required more versatility than depth, so I never expected he would win at Baeksang. IMO though, that doesn't mean he was not as good as other actors, just his role was not the kind of role Baeksang prefers.
I agree about his being snubbed for AC and Innocent man. He at least got nominated for the Werewolf boy, but not being nominated for AC and Innocent man is a crime!
@msjb - we can disagree but SJK was a revelation to me and others in Vincenzo. The rannnnnge of acting his displayed was incredible. It was like an audition tape for every genre out there. He was on fire.
Agreed he seems to be more appreciated nowadays though. Even for me, it was his role in arthdal chronicles that made me a fan. Haha, I'll also pretend his nomination for vincenzo is for arthdal chronicles. TBF he was amazing in vincenzo too especially the last few episodes when the show took a darker turn.
You are so right. That’s why I understand why Song Joong Ki is being thought of overrated by some, despite being a really great actor in my opinion. His best roles for me actually are the ones not getting any awards. For me, his best roles in TV are Arthdal Chronicles and Tree with Deep Roots. But he got his baeksang nominations in Vincenzo and DOTS. He’s good in those shows, but he’s much better in the first two dramas I mentioned. For me, Arthdal is his best performance, should have had some acting nominations back in 2020. Alas, the people I had talked to who are fans of other actors (in facebook) know him only for DOTS, Vincenzo, and for his divorce.
It does not need to make sense for versatility, but to be able to made it in the list, it means he is good for the korean judges in charge baeksang.That means more than some song kang or whatever idols these days.
Paging Lydia1 so we can make sense of all this.
It’s all media play. LMH is so frickin expensive, Korea can’t afford him anymore or ever since he’s never on these lists.
Korean writer and director can't afford him since the king eternal monarch only get 5%-7% with expensive budget 30 billion won.
Dun pose as me please. I'm flattered this site produced another lydia so I HAD TO change my handle to Lydia1 and now there's a Lydia2 too? I never said Lee Min Ho is the most in demand actor by directors but No.1 for investors especially the institutional ones due to global distribution hence leading to him being the highest PAID. Let's see how Apple plays the marketing when Pachinko drops. This order is correct. PSJ is the most value for money actor in Korea. His rates are not stupid and he always brings the ratings. The problem is casting him. He is super picky on scripts and unless its a well known writer and directing team or those he has worked with and trust, its almost impossible to entice him using big name costars or shameless money. That he can get easily with his CF deals alone which require minimal effort and the number of contracts keep piling on. Hyun Bin and Gong Yoo are the original hallyu superstars and since they also do minimal projects, its always a casting coup when they accept projects.
For LMH the ratings don't matter. Watch Traveler 2 and you'll know. RJY and LJH were so embarrassed because the woman who watched Kdrama only knows LMH. Never even heard of them or their dramas but she's watched Kdramas for years. Both them felt embarrassed and vowed to work harder.
My comments are not coming up. Sigh. Lazy to type again
Okay lydia1 and lydia2. Up to you.
Some comments are "vetted" I believe. They'll appear after a while.
Paging KOALA - what's going on with the comments section and submissions not going through? If Lydia1 is gracing us with her pearls of insight, we want to be able to read them!
@LH - Reply is up finally. For those curious why Kim Taeri took top spot. Same reasoning. Her crossover to drama from movies was a huge success (Mr. sunshine) and she was super in demand after by drama producers but her extreme picky led to a long lead time in between. There is a huge demand for actresses in mid 20s to early 30s (mostly due to the character bible) but if you look at actual star power in that bracket, less than a handful.
Other actor fans are so bitter… it doesn’t diminish others’ status just because Park Seojoon topped it lmao he is a good actor who can bring in ratings and international buzz and probably has lower pay per episode than Hyun Bin and Gong Yoo if I were a casting agent I would cast him too lmao
Yes, super agree with you.
You made a lot of sense. That's also what I want to say. Hahaha