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K-pop Star Seungri of Big Bang Sentenced by Court to 3 Years in Jail and $1.15 Billion Won Fine in Prostitution, Embezzlement, and Illegal Gambling Conviction

This sentence feels like too little and too late as the rich and powerful still don’t pay the same full price for transgressions regardless of how serious. K-pop star Seungri of the top boys group Big Bang was sentenced today by a military court after being convicted of facilitating prostitution, embezzlement of funds, and illegal overseas gambling. He was ordered to serve a three year sentence and also pay a $1.15 billion won (about $1 million USD) fine. His case was tried in military court because he ran off to serve his mandatory enlistment after the allegations first broke, so the investigation and later the trial had to be moved to the military judicial system since he’s currently an active soldier. I think he got off wayyyyyy easy for the magnitude and scope of his illegal and immoral activity, which came across like he thought he was a top dog power broker who could do whatever he wanted and get away with it. I’m glad he did get convicted and sentenced but I’m with K-netizens who think this is a slap on the wrist punishment level.


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  • This filthy degenerate should have received much tougher punishment and a larger fine. For that level of crimes he should have at least got 15+ years and that amount of money is pocket change to him.

  • I'm interested in the sentencing decisions. To public knowledge, he's a first-time offender so that definitely a consideration. I'm guessing some of these convictions were probably ran concurrently, and it seems the Court relied heavily on fines/restitution. I think he was deemed a flight risk too? It's a sentencing that seems tailored to the defendant but I'm curious to know what else the Court considered and why this final sentence.

    • Read somewhere that the prosecution actually asked for 5 years. I don't know how they settled with 3. Still boggles the mind that people caught using weed get heavier punishments.

  • Such a slap in the face... Insult to every SKoreans...And Long overdue too.. But I am still get he did not get away.

  • 3 yrs is definitely too short for him. Ilhoon of kpop grp BTOB was sentenced 4 yrs for freaking doing marijuana. 4 yrs! SK has their priorities reversed.

  • All that media fuzz for 3 years ! what a joke . Where are The devil judge, the Taxi driver squad ?

  • Anyone know if Korea let people out on good behavior because If so he will probably will serve a year tops

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