I feel like this pictorial would have fit even better two years ago when IU was starring in Hotel Del Luna, there her character basically cosplayed rich eccentric along with various other creative touches as she resolutely performed her duties running a ghost hotel. I see so much Jang Man Wol here in the September 2021 Vogue Korea pictorial where she dons three different looks from the US shows Sex and the City, Westworld, and Game of Thrones. That the former was done over a decade ago (though a reboot is happening) while the latter finished its run in a rather ignominious flame of non-glory makes these concepts rather un-timely rather than her doing a look from a current IT series. Perhaps it’s to advertise those shows now being available for streaming to Korean audiences and if so then it’s definitely three very different genres for different appetite viewers. I think IU does her best to essay these concepts and after HDL I think she can safely hold her own.
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I like IU as an actress but NO, these pictorials not exuding any of the intended feel or vibe.
None of the concepts match. She's had much better shoots.
Hum... I'm not sure to understand the link between the pictures and the TV shows. When I think about GoT, escrime with a foil is not the first picture I have...
I dont know about the pictures or what they are after but she is stunning.. I am shipping her with kim soo hyun in my mind always
Forget about clothes, why in all different “shows” she basically has the same exact expression… It’s such a cool concept as an actress challenge inside yourself different characters…
I mean, whoever the stylist and concept director here, not really sure they were successful with bringing their vision to life. Wouldn't really know what they were aiming for if not for the labels, lol. If they're inspired by Sex and the City, go all the way, make her wear Carrie's tutu, blonde curly hair and tight tank tops. Can't even begin to comment about how off GoT was lol.
Painfully true.. team should have done their due diligence on the concept.. OR remove the concept labels!!!
Lol. Do they even know anything about those TV series? So strange.
Damn, is she BLAND.
I like the styling in all 3 but why is she dressed like a fencer in the Game of Thrones look lol
For someone who's quite small/has a baby face look she's surprisingly good at pulling off these cold looks.
She's pretty but what is this concept???
@Royal We - Lol, right? Did the stylist watch GoT?
It could have been a great concept if whomever styled this had an imagination and had actually watched the TV shows. This is just meh.