Categories: K-dramas

Idol Turned Serious Actor Junho Draws Mad K-netizen Praise for His Sageuk Acting, Diction, and Onscreen Presence in The Red Sleeve Cuff

Okay, for anyone wondering how well Junho is doing in MBC sageuk court drama and romance The Red Sleeve Cuff, just go watch yourself. Because he’s just phenomenal, as good as a young actor can hope to achieve in a serious sageuk setting. He holds his own against the veteran heavyweights, he generates young energy as the prince, and he makes all the moms and grannies swoon from his precise diction and crisp enunciation. There is a sageuk speaking cadence that needs to be learned through acting, and the only way to get around it is if the sageuk drama is a fusion or intentionally wacky so not to be taken as seriously. Otherwise every actor and actress gets the same lens from which to judge the delivery and so far through 4-episodes Junho is getting effusive praise. I rarely see such uniform opinion and it’s especially meaningful I think for him because he’s an idol turned actor that had to overcome that hurdle to be taken seriously.


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  • His diction, acting, screen presence, charisma...the guy is killing it! Not to mention his chemistry with LSY. I agree with K-netz for once. ?

  • Of the three idol male leads in currently airing sageuks, he's the only one who is outstanding. Kudos, Junho!

  • Waiting for at least 10 episodes to dig in, I tried Bossam and LOTRS but didn’t finish both they just fizzled out in the second half lol

    • Higher TV ratings please. MBC must be so happy The Veil did well and now Red Sleeves. After having flops like My Ladylord, MBC executives would now be all smiles. Their efforts are paying off. Even Kairos which rated lower got positive reviews feedback.

  • I've been one of Junho's ahjumma fans since his drama Just Between Lovers. But I couldnt finish his other dramas after that.

    I'll wait until this drama is over to binge-watch it. And now I'm so happy with how other praise Junho's good acting.

    • Another ahjumma fan here, since Memory and Chief Kim. Versatile, isn't he? After reading this I guess he can do anything. I'd call his style bravura.

    • He was amazing in Just Between Lovers. I'm sad that he didn't get recognition for that drama because of the low viewership in Korea. He didn't do it for me in his follow ups though. I'm glad he's getting praise for this drama.

  • Junho has always been good. I remember him from the bit part he had in that movie with Han Hyojoo. He was a scene stealer even then and had more presence than even Jun Woosung who was the villian. Not surprised that he has good sageuk diction either. Junho works extra hard on everything and is a stubborn perfectionist. He's also good at having chemistry with literally everyone including Nam Gongmin and Jang Hyuk. He even had extremely good chemistry with Kim Sohyun in the short music videos for 2AM. He deserves finally getting his widespread acting acclaim.

    • Cold Eyes! I agree with you I’ve always found him to be good too, his pick of projects aren’t that memorable in general maybe, but so happy he is doing so good in Red Sleeves.

  • I prefer Park Eun-Bin as a Crown Prince, her acting is more impressive for this role. She's tiny but fill the space with charisma.

    Junho is good but until now I didn't find him extraordinary. He didn't have any scene that made me think he was specially better than any other actors in sageuk.

    • Ah, there you are. Of course this mediocre Rowoon fan will jump in to shade the better idol actor who's getting all the praise and attention both locally and internationally. And bringing up PEB? Is this a 'who is a better crown prince?' competition post?

      • I didn't speak about Rowoon but about Park Eun-Bin. I like her as an actress and it's why I watched all her dramas.

        They're both playing a Crown Prince so yes it's not weird to compare. And I prefer her Crown Prince than Junho's one for now. Her character is more interesting and she's playing it perfectly.

        Lee Joon-Hyuk was pretty good in The Royal Secret Agent Joy as Crown Prince too.

      • Why you dragging Rowoon here ? Junho is a veteran Idol Actor, and Rowoon is still newbie in acting and in Sageuk and Knetz are praising his improving. He's not the best but he growth.

      • Smiley twit has checked in! Trying to start a Rowoon fan war & picking on SIG fans. Thinking no one would notice. Carrying pretending as different people. LOLOL.

    • Park Eunbin has had acting experience for more than 20 years. By this time it is understable and expected that she should have acting prowess...

      But diminishing Junho (performance) who has been praised by veterans, co-stars and general netizens (watchers who usually are high up critical with saguek speech in stars) by saying "he didnt have any scene that made thing he was specially better than any other actors in saguek" kinda speaks for itself.

      • I didn't say he was bad. I said that I didn't find any scene who made me think he was outstanding in this role. He's good yeah but it's all for me. I didn't watch episode 4 yet.

        Jun-Ho is acting since 10 years, he's not a newbie anymore and not his first historical job neither.

      • @Sayaris you should watch epi 4 then. The post which is trending on qoo is because of a clip taken from this episode.

      • Well, i love Junho but @Sayaris has the right to not be attracted by his performance or by him . I'm not attracted by Lee Byung Hun's acting even if he has a house full of awards . It's like that . I like Park Eun Bin and i've watched all her dramas and enjoying the king's affection but even if her acting is good i can't believe that the characters never guess that she was a girl . The best performances as a guy until now are Moon Geun Young And Yoon Eun Hye .

    • I want to share my opinion. If u have watched the whole 17 episodes, u would have changed how u viewed junho. He is an idol, so i thought he would have a mediocre acting skills, but no.. his acting exceed some of actors. He suits to become the CP and king. His body is perfect wearing the CP’s outfit and king’s robe. I wouldnt say the same thing for PArk eun bin. She has petite figure and she looked drown in that big cp’s outfit.

  • Preach! So true. I don’t have anything but praise for Lee Jun-ho. He is so good in the The Red Sleeve and the drama itself is amazing overall. Lee Jun-ho’s chemistry with Lee Se-young is as amazing. I love both of them now.