Categories: K-dramas

Song Kang Looks Distractingly Like a College Intern Character in New Stills from jTBC Romance Forecasting Love and Weather

Once the leads are cast in dramas its out of my hands and I just pray it all works out. For age difference gapped leads I also hope the drama explains why their characters fall for each other (personality and situation) and also style them to look visually compatible. With upcoming jTBC drama Forecasting Love and Weather (Office Romance Cruelty), the stylist unfortunately made Song Kang look like an absolute fresh-faced college intern who is earnestly wanting to prove himself with his hair and visuals. If that was his character great but it’s not, he’s a coworker albeit a junior one to female lead Park Min Young who is styled to look more serious and subtle in her role. Their age gap is therefore distracting just on pictures and promos so far and in these new character stills of Song Kang I can’t help but wonder how much better if he was styled like his character in Nevertheless. There he played a playboy college kid but had the suave and swagger that he could pass for older and more seasoned in life. Here it’s like he has literally never left the hallowed halls of collegiate academia studying meteorological phenomenon.


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  • I think he has a look that stylists can easily work with to age up or down...but why like this? They sure piled on the makeup too. And I also think he lost some weight. He looks older in Navillera where he had to have some muscle definition. Maybe they will do a time jump at some point and give him a new style.

    Fortunately, I thought the longer teaser featuring the characters working looked okay. Maybe the romance won't be too big a part and we can focus on the office part.

  • I think they went with : He's young but he's a genius.

    But SK lacks charisma on screen for me. He's kinda bland. So this style doesn't help.

  • I am legit so done with that hairstyle, it makes all dudes look like they're in elementary school.

    Sure doesn't help here, lmao

  • No offence but his style here fits better for a drama a la School 2021 . Do they want him to be a ersatz of Kim Soo Hyun 's character in Producer ?

  • Still want him doing romance after he tanked at last? Somebody give him sushi chef role or even country teacher just no more romance!

  • He looks like Louis Kang Ji Sung attending a class in college. Am expecting his grandma to pop out any minute saying "My precious" Lol.

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