Categories: K-dramas

jTBC Drama Thirty Nine Surprisingly Drops 2% in Ratings Down to 5.573% in Third Week’s Episode 5

So I haven’t started on jTBC Wed-Thurs drama Thirty Nine yet still, not because I don’t want to watch just have too much on my plate between Forecasting Love and Weather, Twenty Five, Twenty One, and now A Business Proposal. I also still need to binge All of Us are Dead and Juvenile Justice. But back to Thirty Nine, it was bopping along nicely in the second week of episodes going up to over 7% in both episode 3 and 4. But this week’s episode 5 dropped a big 2% (for cable ratings) down to 5.537% which is a smidge higher than what episode 2 got. I don’t know if this is an outlier and could be due to the drama airing earlier in the night in episode 5 from what I heard. Either way I hope it doesn’t drop more and pretty much stays in the 7% and maybe go up to 8% range which would make it a certified hit for jTBC.


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  • Yesterday happened to be debates for presidential election which aired at the same time. So the rating probably got affected by it

    • And the episode aired 30 minutes earlier than usual. That's too significant for a deviation. JTBC should have put fillers between the debate and the drama.

      • Sisyphus aired on the day of their local election reason why other big channels and TVN cancelled their respective shows but it didn’t stop JTBC.

    • The same fans who are making excuses for this declining rating are also those fans who easily condemned and called other dramas a flop.
      Double standard much!

      • Um because there is an actual reason for the decline and has nothing to do with drama itself. Case in point, real-time ratings for tonight's episode 6 are in line with last weeks ratings high. So if that is confirmed once the Nielson rating comes out, it tells you the decline is because of the time slot change/election. If the drama continues to drop off then its because people are dropping it. Not rocket science.

      • Well, last night episode was 6.954%. Near 7% so it's back again. So, the reason is valid.

        Try another way to attact again :)

  • I enjoy watching it as it is a pretty realistic drama. The pains and challenges are real. And I don't think it is glorifying adultery. They are trying to paint a realistic picture of two people in love but cannot be together. Although it is wrong that they continue to meet up and go out together, but that is what can happen in the real world.

    • Its interesting it took Chan Young's illness to get him to consider leaving his wife after all these years. And just because they don't physically engage in cheating, Chan Young doesn't consider it an affair.I don't agree with that but somehow I still really emphasize with her character. Jeon Mido is really doing well portraying such a messy character. Her scenes with Son Ye Jin's character are often the highlight of the episode and the ones that make me the most emotional.

      • He didn't know about the illness when he talked about divorce to his wife. It was his own decision. He waited for his son to be old enough.

  • Not that surprising considering the debates were airing that night. It depends on if Episode 6 rebounds.

  • I like the adoption storyline. It is so realistic with identity, running away from emotions, difficulty connecting being self reliant yet a tenderness & connection in episode 5.

  • I thought the first 4 episodes were in "meh" territory but the drama settled into the story in episodes 5 and 6. I am glad it is just 12 episodes though.

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