Categories: K-dramas

Yumi’s Cells 2 Wraps up TVing Airing Following Webtoon Story Line But No Confirmation of Season 3

Gosh, I have so many mixed emotions but the strongest one is 100% love for Yumi and Kim Go Eun’s portrayal and appreciation that this webtoon story was so beautifully adapted to live action in season 2 as it was in season 1. Changing male leads in Yumi’s Cells 2 didn’t change the satisfaction of watching Yumi evolve in both love, career, and understanding of herself. The season ended with Yumi and Babi breaking up (again), this time for good, but both continuing to live their lives with candor and care towards those around them. Yumi and Woong never got a second chance because she moved on already with Babi the first time around and yet as a viewer we know both Woong and Babi will be fine because as male leads they each have something wonderful to give to the future woman in their lives. We see the hint of Soon Rok at the end of the drama, setting up for the third and final arc of the webtoon but alas there may never been a Yumi’s Cells 3 in terms of K-drama continuation. I’m sad but ok with it because the takeaway is that Yumi’s just wonderful, she’s got her strong as heck cells, and she will be just fine.


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  • I love Kim Go Eun's portrayal of Kim Yumi. S1 was my favourite kdrama from last year. Overall I was happy with the way it ended and I don't think a S3 is even needed. Yumi is the only one who really matters in the end.

    The writing went haywire towards the end of S2 and I think the writer hated Babi or something because we barely saw his cells. I swear the Woong's cells got more screen time even though he wasn't the male lead.

    I love ABH and am so glad he's got so many projects now. I noticed his eyes were bloodshot in a few scenes and it's probably because he was filming Doberman at the same time. Poor guy probably barely got any sleep.

  • Bu there is shin soon ruk ... Who is not visible in season 2 ... So there will be a chance to season 3... And I'm eagerly waiting....

    • I think there will be s3 because in s1 they show the yumi encyclopedia where are yumi wedding pics are there. fingers crossed for 23

    • Yumis cells is my favourite kdrama on top but if there no season 3 and end to this if I don't get to see shin soon ruk then I'll hate it I swear

  • What was going on with the writing in season 2? And what happened to Babi's cells?

    I adored season 1 but season 2 had such uneven quality. Some episodes were good, but quite a few episodes felt like filler. Also, Yumi showed very little growth. The writing failed to sufficiently explain her second breakup with Babi. It feels like at the end of the day, Yumi still doesn't know what she wants in a relationship and "love cell" is a convenient excuse to cover that up.

    I'm fine if the show doesn't get renewed.

    • Eu gostaria que houvesse sim uma terceira temporada,mas como ela estava sozinha e Babi mentiu que estava vendo alguém,ainda acredito que eles possas reatar e serem felizes,afinal sao muito fofos juntos.

  • Estoy encantada con la primera y la segunda temporada.
    Reconozco que me sorprendió la ruptura con Babi (segunda), pero pensándolo bien, me gustó que pusiera en primer lugar, sus propios sentimientos.
    Hay un mundo lleno de amor para dar y una persona fuerte y preparada para volver a empezar.
    No quiero pasar sin ofrecer mi admiración por las células, seguro que ha habido algún momento en el que nos hemos sentido representados por ellas .
    El elenco de actores simplemente perfecto .
    Yo espero la 3 temporada, quiero saber de esta mujer tan valiente ..
    Saludos cordiales para todos, desde España.

    • @Angeles Escalante , saludos tambien desde Francia . Espero la tercera temporada , qiero verla casarse con el unico para ella . Mi espanol no es muy bueno pero me encanta siempre cuando otro europeano aparece en este blog que siguo desde 2007 . Je te souhaite un bel été à regarder plein de dramas .

  • I hope they make season 3. I just want to see how wonderful this SoonRok is. Woong and Babi have flaws admittedly, but they are wonderful boyfriends. So what is so different about Soon Rok. My curriosity cell wants to know.

    • Me too, I want another season. I thought both guys were wonderful but since she didn't pick either of them, it makes me so curious about Soon Rok. Who is this person that finally wins Yumi's heart permanently? We need to see it.

  • I loved Yumi cells and can't wait until the 3rd season comes out. Love is back! So does that mean the new guy is in? Or is my Ba Bi coming back? Either way hurry up Yumi and settle down. Before you left Ba Bi the first time you should have fought for your man. Put that intern in her place and told Ba Bi to decide. No man or woman is perfect but they can be honest when it comes down to there relationship.

  • I loved this show and the story is so good each characters played very well..and i love the chemistry between yumi and wung and really wanted to see them together from the beginning of this show..Babi is also very good and understanding but i didn't expect that season 2 had shocking last episode.. please make sure wung and yumi comes together really like them.

  • I don't think there will be a Season 3. It was never intended and the finale read like the end.

  • No he querido ver los 2 último capítulos ya que vi que ella deja a babi y no debería de ser así. El confío en ella cuando se dio cuenta que su ex le estaba escribiendo para que se vieran y el la apoyo para que fuera a hablar con él y ella no le dio oportunidad para que el explicará lo que no paso con su compañera del trabajo que a la final no paso nada no me parece. Pensé que se iban a casar ya que babi le ofreció matrimonio 😢 😞 que tristeza también que iba

  • I really don't like the ending of season 2.. really hate 😒 😑 😕 😐 that..

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