Let this man soak up his moment in the limelight, and with it gift us viewers with many many good looking stills as he heads into military service in the near future. K-actor Kang Tae Oh will be in the September 2022 editions of three major publications in GQ Korea, Elle Korea, and Star1 magazine. Clearly those magazines have good taste and good timing to capture him on the peak of Extraordinary Attorney Woo popularity. Reportedly he’s been spotted in Seoul filming CFs as well including for everyone’s favorite to hate Subways which ruins many a drama moment with this ubiquitous PPL. All three magazines released teaser stills this week and I can’t wait to see the full spreads.
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He's so gorgeous. I love him so much and I'm glad he's finally getting the spotlight he so deserves
He looks like an older version of Ro Woon in those shots.
Now that's a leading man right there! I feel like it's been a long time since I came across a memorable actor from the 90s gen, apart from the already A-list ones. He has looks, talent, and it factor, and I'm happy he's getting the spotlight now. He's been on my radar since TTON lol
Gah, he is such a cutie!! He has the adorable, boy next door look but he’s still masculine and handsome all at the same time. And there’s his wonderful, disarming smile…yes I have a bit of a crush on him right now haha
His acting talent is so worth watching. It's pure,genuine,inspirational and truly sincere. Mahalo (Thank you) for blessing us with your gift! Sending you lots of smiles and hugs of Aloha's! Take care and God bless you always!
Love & Aloha
Too bad he will be away for two years in military. He will be missed.