
Wang Yibo’s Agency Denies Rumor That He’s Dating a Top Older Female Star and That’s the Reason He Re-signed with Yue Hua Entertainment

It’s a slow news week in C-ent but anything to do with C-actor Wang Yibo gets netizens attention. This week a popular and frequent C-ent gossiper claimed that Wang Yibo was in a some (more than friends) relationship with an older female top star and that it was an open secret in the industry. She takes good care of him and this relationship is serious unlike the model he dated early in his career and ended with pretty quickly. The gossip says this current relationship is why he re-signed with Yue Hua Entertainment as it’s been handling his public image well. His side swiftly denied the rumors calling it Fake News! and told everyone to go watch his currently in theaters movie Hidden Blade instead. Haha. I’m curious who this older than him female top star is?


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    • I think humans are so judgmental! We should see the good side of a person and never any weaknesses. Wang Yibo did very well, his education has nothing to do with skills he has in acting. He is very versatile and a great actor. Whether he wants to answer questions or not is his perogative, why should China be so snobbish and destroy a young person 's life?
      Did anyone forget his past history how he conquered all those challenges and got to where he is now?
      Those who criticized him, make sure your life is as successful as he is otherwise shut up!!! Don't destroy lives! His private life is also nobody' s business! People are just sour grapes! Leave Wang Yibo alone and let him live his life, if you feel he is illiterate then don't watch his movies, yet you cannot help but watch his dramas because of his good acting and his good-looking face!

  • Lol, more likely this news is released to divert attention away from his recent 绝望的文盲 (aka Hopeless Illiterate) scandal. During his movie roadshow for Hidden Blade, when one of his fans asked him what would he say to his movie character if he meets him, he couldn't answer and instead just brushed it off saying "This question is meaningless.", he couldn't answer a bunch of other questions regarding the movie and his character as well.

    His agency probably thought releasing a dating rumour which is a smaller scandal, will divert people's attention away from this bigger scandal. They also tried to push this Hopeless Illiterate label onto another movie that's screening at the time too.

    • Not illiterate very good thorough actor avide singer,dancer compassionate man soft spoken find someone older to pick on. He is still evolving into his fields singing,acting and dancing time will tell and don’t you responders have something better to do? He’s great on a motorcycle a strong point. “ W. “

  • This was released by him lmao everyone knows that he is trying to divert attention from desperate illiterate. It has gotten so bad in China that he was mocked on radio for it! And of course, the complete flop that is "his" movie. I have to say it's funny how Tony Leung washed his hands of it and ran away.

    Yuehua are would be better off teaching him basic literacy considering he can't even spell his own name properly, never mind answer a question that requires a modicum of thought. Dumb and illiterate!

  • I rarely comment here, but WOW the hate that splashed in the first three comments!

    Making a scandal of the fact that he didn't answer a question to your liking....... Are we in a perpetual exam session?

    • Toilets in all their glory ^^.

      Facts are not hate. It's not anybody else's problem that you chose to stan an illiterate idol with somewhat dubious intelligence.

      He was asked a relatively simple, often asked question, could not even comprehend it because it would require at least the basis of literary analysis and critical thinking so he got belligerent with the person who asked, calling her question meaningless (it was anything but). It was classic blustering of an ignorant person.

      On another question, he forgot the answer he was taught to give and was left stammering nonsense. The whole series of meet ups was then cancelled.

      This after he couldn't write even his own name, after he said Lenovo makes iPads (and repeated that even though the host tried to signal to him), after a whole series of similar non-answers that he has been giving for years.

      You can stan a nine leaky fish but if that is your choice, you don't get to come crying when people laugh at his illiteracy in 2023.

    • The way these people talk like he committed a crime or something. He thought the question was pointless so he didn't answer them. Mind you, it really was a silly question, not some kind of thought provoking questions. The director himself had praised him many times for having deep understanding of his character in Hidden Blade and the reviews by professional film critics of his acting validate the director's claim.

      Plus, Hidden Blade was a certified hit lol c'mon. An arthouse neo noir dark spy film which was released during the festive Spring Festival mood, with only a quarter given for viewing slots compared to other movies yet it's already on track to make 800M by tomorrow. The initial profit estimate given by professional was 350M. Wang Yibo is doing fine. His movie is touted by media like cctv as a critical acclaimed dark horse surprise hit this cny. His other movie is nominated at Berlinale. Idk why you people act like he's a flop and stupid. He's not stupid for sure

      • Lies. The movie's a flop so far, it needs to make at least 1.2b in order to break even. Not to mention, its screenings are generally empty during the day but somehow miraculously fully booked for screentimes past midnight. Must be ghosts buying those tickets and watching eh?

      • Hidden Blade a hit? It's a total flop, get out of delusional land. Bona sure is trying hard but people have eyes and brains and know what ghost theatre bookings are. Director apologized for making a shit movie.

        Toilets sure do reflect the standard of their idol.

      • Which other movie? He only has the one. For something to be nominated it has to be shown first and none of his other movies have been.

    • I feel you. The hostility from some commenters are pretty inexplicable. It's down right toxic. I just try to ignore them because people who hate that much have their own issues.
      I don't give a damn what celebrities do in private, cause everyone deserves that. I like celebrity gossip for entertainment purposes only. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend any of the rumors are true or that they are remotely important.
      Being a fan of someone is fine, it's a positive feeling and it makes you feel good. I get that. But this culture of hate on celebrities is unhealthy. Hate only breeds hate. If you don't like someone, even loath them, just don't read articles about then and don't comment. Just walk away because the world doesn't that kind of sewage.

      • Toxic towards wang yibo? When you live in the bubble or look only towards one direction, that may be what you see. But these responses against him aren't borne from thin air. Many have been tolerant of him and his fans for so long that you are now finally seeing people openly responding to them. So keep silent and walk away under those malicious @ttacks? Up to when? This movie alone, in order to promote it, got several artists vict!z@d/slandered. Do they and their fans continue to keep quiet? They say the silence of those who see the @buse is in itself an @ggression towards the @abuse. I said this earlier, his fandom is known as toilet fandom for a reason.

  • I am not a fan but is he dyslexic? Only because anyone who can memorize drama scripts can't be dumb or illiterate.

    Also Ms Koala, I've been on your blog for over 10 years and I can't take all the regular name calling,mud- slinging and bullying readers that you have these days.

    I can't even comment here as there is or never is any positive or reasonable readers.

    They are such bullies.

    • I got to agree with you. I been an avid reader since back in the day when there were more drama recaps, but now it really seems there are so many bullies and haters who just love to post mean comments.

    • What makes you think he memorized the scripts during filming? Stop giving excuses for him. The focus of "desperate illiterate" or "hopeless illiterate" is on the first word - desperate/hopeless. It refers to someone who is lowly educated and doesn't have any desire to improve himself.

      Anyway, you reap what you sow. WYB, his agency, and his fans have done too much evil deeds in C-ent, this is why karma is biting back hard now.

    • For wang yibo, it looks like it's a given. How you treat people is how people treat you. His l@ck of education is a choice. He would have been considered pitiful coz of it if he and his fans treat other artists and other fandoms with normal treatment. Respect is not in their vocabulary. If you aren't familiar with c-ent, then it isn't reasonable to assume these people here just spread h@te against him. No one deserves h@te, but no one also deserves what they do to others, unprov@ked, s@verely m@licious, all aimed to d@stroy reput@tion, career and/or livelihood. His fandom is known as t@ilet f@ndom for a reason.

      There's a valid reason why Tony Leung,the star/lead/1st billing actor, abandoned this movie and gave it up for wang yibo, the movie's support/3rd billing actor. If they can do it to TL, believe that it can be done to others.

      This d@ting issue was a distr@ction. His interviews during the road show to promote the movie were so dam@ging to his agency's newly offered IPO that they have to cancel the rest of the sched interviews and released this melon. So yes, this news is really not the news. It's a facade.

      But the beef here? How did his official fans promote this movie? Yes, right, as usual. By stepping on others.

  • I saw a video where he couldn't write four really simple Chinese words, and I also saw a video of the supposedly "desperate illiterate". It was worse than I thought. He couldn't answer even the typical questions that journalists ask about movies. He was asked if he had any takeaway acting the role, and he answered "I don't know how to answer this question". And like what the previous commenter said, when asked what will he tell his character if he could meet him, he replied "I don't think there's a point to this question. I'll never meet him so I have nothing to say." I mean, he could do some basic reading between the lines. It's obvious people just want to know what is his interpretation of the film and his role It might be mean, but he does appear to be a little on the daft side to say the least.

  • I don't know why Miss Koala hates Wang Yibo so much. It's strange because all you ever posted about him is his slanderous gossips. Usually you post news, good or bad, about actors from dramas you have watched. This hate for Wang Yibo is so random

    • @PineappleTot
      I don't see hate on this post tbh. She's reporting the melon which his agency issued to distract from the real issue which happened because wang yibo wasn't able to publicly deliver/perform. All these contents came from him directly. Gossips? The interviews were public. They weren't gossip. TL abandoning the movie isn't gossip. It's as clear as the sky coz where was he and the 2nd billing actress during the movie's promotion? They were MIA. T

      • @Mindy since you feel a need to respond to @pineappletot, I will respond to your comment. Your words, I am not saying koala said this, but you: "his agency issued to distract from the real issue". If you don't think this statement is twisting this original post and not problematic then I won't waste my breath further. The rest of your comments are also pure drivel.
        @pineappletot : I also noticed the same thing about picking unfounded rumors to report about wang yibo specifically. She doesn't seem to do that with other posts. I don't say anything because this is her blog so if rumors interests her, that's her jam.
        I only watched the Untamed a few months ago and thus finally know who wang yibo is. I do notice that people either love him or they really hate him. For me, avoiding people and things you don't like is the healthiest.

    • Hate lmao

      Be sure to lodge in your protests to Tony Leung who disappeared into thin air when it comes to this movie and didn't promote because he saw the writing on the wall. That's hate too, right?

  • @Mindy since you feel a need to respond to @pineappletot, I will respond to your comment. Your words, I am not saying koala said this, but you: "his agency issued to distract from the real issue". If you don't think this statement is twisting this original post and not problematic then I won't waste my breath further. The rest of your comments are also pure drivel.
    @pineappletot : I also noticed the same thing about picking unfounded rumors to report about wang yibo specifically. She doesn't seem to do that with other posts. I don't say anything because this is her blog so if rumors interests her, that's her jam.
    I only watched the Untamed a few months ago and thus finally know who wang yibo is. I do notice that people either love him or they really hate him. For me, avoiding people and things you don't like is the healthiest.