
Zhao Lu Si and Wu Lei are Leads in Recent Hot Gossip of a Summer 2022 Hit C-drama OTP Reportedly Dating in Real Life But His Fans Claim Her Fans Started this Nonsense to Generate Publicity

So the fans of Love Like the Galaxy that have taken to shipping leads Wu Lei and Zhao Lu Si in real life (calling the couple Nowhere to Run or Wu Lu Ke Tao based on their names) were in for a roller coaster the last few days. Over the weekend there was a hot gossip that a top ’95 flower was dating her male lead from a hit summer 2022 C-drama and said male lead was currently overseas. Fans immediately thought of Dylan Wang and Yu Shu Xin from Love Between Fairy and Devil but landed on Wu Lei and Zhao Lu Si from Love Like the Galaxy since Wu Lei is currently in Finland filming his next drama with Zhao Jin Mai. Fans even linked his most recent SNS post from Finland where he captioned snowy pictures with a “coooooool” and connected that with her SNS post from last year where she captioned a selfie with “hhhhhhhello” saying it was a couple’s way of talking. Erm, sure Jan.

Anyways, immediately after this gossip Wu Lei’s fans went nuclear on Zhao Lu Si’s fans saying this was her fandom planting this gossip to once again use Wu Lei to generate publicity (they say her team has done it before after LLTG) and also take attention off her getting swept into “The Hopeless Illiterate” scandal. They even scoff that the gossip was planted using “top ’95 flower” to make Zhao Lu Si more top level actress than she really is. Zhao Lu Si’s agency has officially released a statement saying it was take action for the recent negative and false topics around her. What do I think? I think for fact Wu Lei is not dating Zhao Lu Si haha much as I loved LLTG but where this whole gossip came from I dunno.


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  • Girl is always linked with her onscreen male partners after the end of a drama. Wonder who starts all of those gossips...

    • 1. Gossip accounts like 刘大锤 spread videos speculating on their relationship

      2. Everyone in the comments knew it was false so they questioned if Lusi's team paid Weibo gossip accounts to start rumors so people stop talking about the Hopeless Illiterates issue.

      3. Lusi's team releases a denial but with no real intention to sue so everyone thinks they are shitstirring by making up a rumor and denying it.

      4. Leo Wu fans get angry with the rumors and attack Lusi.

      These gossip accounts can be bribed to suppress rumors or paid to start fake rumors about celebs by said celebs themselves.

  • I don't understand why they need to go into a "who started this" finger pointing battle to push the blame. Some people are just delusional and see everything as an opportunity to ship. Wear shirts from the same brand and you're a couple! So people wearing Uniqlo on the streets must all be dating each other.

    As for the top 95-er label, since there is no clear top tier, it's not wrong to say ZLS is the top. I can say that YSX is top or GXT is top, or even LHC (who oscillates between 95/00 because of age controversy) is top. No biggie.

  • and why his fans put the blame on Lusi ? she is not some nugu actress who needs their idol to be popular and for real love like the galaxy is not her only popular drama lmao

    • Reasonable deduction:
      1) ZLS has a reputation (slippery finger, etc which appear to indicate she's tagging herself for clout or other reasons.
      2) WL is currently filming a drama with another actress, in Finland. There is absolutely no reason for him to harm himself and his current projects. They're extra careful about those things.
      3) ZLS has a reason to need distraction. Her name is mentioned in the desparate illiterate scandal with wang yibo. It has gone viral with many other media entities picking up the CCTV article.

      In other words, she needs the distraction, he doesn't.

      • Actually, that wasnt a CCTV article, that was a yxh one. On CCTV page you wont see anything about ZLS, thats why her fandom asked yxh to delete those parts in the faked article. Wl and yy fandoms cursed her a lot, with no reason on the edge of that faked article. About the dating rumors, that paparazzo, Lui Dachui, post a melon about a hot relathionship of a 95 flower and a 90 male actor who had a hit drama last summer. Wl is a 95, isnt he? Why ppl started rumors about their dating, nobody knows, both fandoms were shocked :) Thats why ZLS's studio made statements to not drag the actress name in their suppositions. Also, they sued several ppl under some accounts and a cosmetics company which used without consent her face/image in order to promote a cream face. About that video, weibo, twitter, facebook, are all full of evidences that video was edited. Actually, Zls sued the blogger wich post an similar article last year, she won the case and you can find his appology letter online. her fandom post a detailed debunk in less then 24 h, basis on an wellknown editor explanation the way the sound editing was made. Who brought it up again, at 6 months after the drama was broadcasting, I cant tell. ZLS or her fans definitely have no reason. Under hs, there was a heavy promotion for Nothing but you. Isnt wrong to promote a new drama, but there is no decent reason to do it under such a hs. HL has over 1.5 mil reservations, NBY gained about 20k new reservations after the scandal and it has a bit more then a half of a mil reservations now. NBY will be aired at the beginning of march. I am a passerby who loves LLTG very much, without beeing a CP fan. I understand this CP has a big powerful fandom. These rumors, the fake video pop up and pushed the hs in order to break this CP and extract fans, pushing the new CP of the next drama. It is marketing, but honestly, I really dont appreciate it. I dont say it is Wl team behind it, i gues is some1 bigger and that is the reason he didnt make a statement about it.(note: I used google translation)

  • its funny how every time dating rumours come out, the girl will be at fault and yup obviously zhao lusi is not dating wulei. the girl has more interaction with YY (they dont even follow each other on weibo) in bts compare to wulei hahah where the hell the rumours come from

  • I am for sure these two are not dating. Don't know how people make such reckless claims. If ZLS PR team/fans made up this news, she came out real quick to deny it, proving this had nothing to do with her but crazy people making up crazy stories. Sure, they were absolutely lovely in LLTG but really, no other chemistry outside of the show. I cannot imagine these two ever dating in real life. They are both young and riding high on their careers, dating or settling down is far from their minds. I can only hope they will pair up onscreen in the next 5-10 years. They good together, professionally.

  • I am rooting for them despite both fans not getting along well :D I like them to be dated in real life. They are look good together :) Good for them if this is a real life date!

  • Serious question: What’s up with Chinese fans and their fascination with fanwars, putting costars against each other? What do they get out of it? I don’t really see it in any other entertainment industry. It’s a bizarre thing to do…you’d think dating rumors are awkward, what’s more awkward is turning costars into enemies.

    • The best comment on this topic lol. I am super curious too. I’ve seen Kfandoms against each other too, but it’s very occasional. Cfans seem to make this some sort of battle between costars tho. It’s part entertaining, part baffling and part insanity. Why is this a thing within Chinese fans lol.

      • @butterfly & neen
        The way Chinese liuliang fandoms work is, once your popularity explodes (e.g. millions of "live" fans who complete tasks like daily checkins and likes on their idols Weibo page), your fandom is like an army that can be directed en masse. Fan fights are deliberately started by top fanpages (called 带节奏 or creating a rhythm) and they battle other fandoms to see which side can upvote their comments to the top to control the comments section. It's dumb and pointless but to fans who are highschoolers or younger, winning online arguments is fun and builds rapport with their fellow fans. Lusi's Weibo fandom is weak (she buys likes and hotsearches), whenever her fans fights actors or Yu Shuxin they lose. The only way for fandoms to ascertain the number of "live active fans" is to get into upvote fights, which is why they do it.

      • @Z

        Really awesome context and very interesting too. I suppose the younger celebrities attract a more immature fan base that starts off fights like these. In some way, the “winner” of such wars also “prove” they are the stronger fan base. What baffles me is why they choose to fight costars instead of direct competition. Technically an actor isn’t a competitor of an actress. They’re supposed to be partners, really.

      • @Z

        That sounds foreign to me. LOL A complete waste of brain power and time really. The future of kids/high school students don't seem bright.

      • @neen

        China is a big country, those.doing this are a minority and most people are not interested in celebs or fights between liuliangs. Liuliangs like Zhao Lusi are looked down upon with good reason, they are noisy troublemakers and have attitude problems.

        https://k.sina.com.cn/article_5737946541_156021dad020016vd8.html Lusi's fandom are currently trying to shield a viral video of Lusi screaming vulgarities at Wu Lei during LLTG's filming by using those vulgarities online as a meme. Those videos are worse than her "hand slips", everyone is saying Wu Lei is kind for not getting angry at her vulgar outburst and saying they understand why Jing Boran ran because nobody wants to film with Lusi due to her bad attitude.

      • @Z

        As a international fan, I have watched enough Chinese dramas and only see hate grow in the industry over the years. Its hard to believe anything really because sources are never factual. Its always just spreading from one place to the other until it becomes "true" when its really not. I don't think it should matter if your a liuliang or not, as a actress or actor, your still working your butt off so why the heck do you want to generate bad press? That doesn't sense. In a lot of ways, fans and branding seems to drive the industry, not the actual hard work of the individual who is putting in the hours. So who is lying? the people who actually work with the actor and praise them or the random news that comes out stating otherwise? Its hard to believe anything that comes out of Chinese entertainment, they are even unpredictable with how they air a series, this should be a big enough red flag. I'm not talking only about ZLS, I have read some insane news on many actresses who made it big in the past and wonder what amount is true. In the end, I've concluded, the hate is too strong.

    • Trying to think like a hormone-crazed middle schooler, maybe it's fun buy at the same time safer than battling with the Fandom of a potential rival? I mean, neither Wu Lei nor Zhao Lusi have anything to lose by a "battle" between them, because they are not after the same roles and they are really not competing for anything. But a virtual "battle" between I don't know, Wu Lei and Wang Hedi or Yang Yang or whoever could potentially be image-damaging if one of the rivals "looses" in this idiotic virtual competition?
      Anyway, as for the dating rumor, those two were brilliant in Love like the galaxy, and they did have good chemistry in the bts, but seriously, I bet the bts that are released to the public are also scripted and the actors continue acting in them, so I don't think we should take them seriously.
      Nevertheless, I remember myself claiming that dating rumors for Son YeJin and Hyun Bin were highly exaggerated, and look how that went....😁😁😁 Of course you will argue that those two were in their late 30s and thus ready to settle down, but I suppose younger actors can date too but in a more casual way?

    • I agree, this kind of issues only happen in China (I guess so) There is a huge sin to date a co-star, fandom gone crazy if they do it. As these artist always gonna being single

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