
King the Land Rises to Nearly 10% Ratings in Episodes 3-4 with Extreme Love/Hate Reactions from Viewers to its Cliched Cheesiness

A warm, comforting and familiar meal absolutely deserves to be enjoyed and praised when done right, not everything needs to be cutting edge and innovative. jTBC rom-com King the Land has risen to the top in the second week of airing, nearly doubling the ratings of tvN‘s See You in My 19th Life and also getting close to breaking 10% ratings. Almost everyone agrees the drama is cheesy as all out and the plot points are beyond cliched and predictable, the difference is some viewers claim to be hate watching and others just love how it hits all the right beats even if it’s super silly. It appears the joint star power of Junho and Yoona is absolutely the top selling point so kudos for the production in making the right casting call.


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  • Happy for both actors, the drama is too cliché but cute . I may be the only one who don't feel the "great chemistry" between them . The kind of electric chemistry of the legendary couples of kdramaland . Neverthless , an easy watch for the hot summer . See you again in my 19th life , is more interesting but , Shin Hye Sun who aced Mr Queen, is off here . Ahn Bo Hyun is doing a better job . The second couple is more interesting.

    • I didnt feel it too. The chemistry feels so forced and the dumb script made me drop the drama at ep 1.5. Similar sentiments on see you in my 19th life. Storyline is interesting but the casting wayyy off. On contrary, Ahn Bo Hyun is so far off from the male protagonist in the source material that its a bit hard to see him digest the role and SHS is trying too hard to pull off the character as well. Shes supposed to be 24 years old and him in his early thirties. The chem is alao not quite working out. But alas she happens to be one of my favourite actresses so I will continue no matter what. Sigh.

  • It’s doing well internationally as well, it’s #4 here in Australia on Netflix and I haven’t watched kdramas in a while but jumped back in with this. I’m loving the chemistry between Yoona and junho, it may be cliche but I’m enjoying it every week, rom coms having a been hitting for a while so good to see this doing well. I’m interested to see what happens in the 16 eps, I forgot how much I liked junho tho.

  • I like it. Plot is stupid but very funny. I also like the ML's secretary (he is always funny). Junho is my absolute bias. Yoona's comedic sense is so on point (and her acting has definitely improved over all these years). This drama is a light watch and makes me happy. My only dislike is Junho's older half-sibling... too much botox giving her the blank face.

  • I really think junho and yoona has good chemistry. But I don't think I can continue the drama anymore. YOONA is really doing a good job imo.. but just because it's a romcom genre doesnt mean you have to copy paste everything drama from the past and call it a good drama. You have to add sincerity or your own story to make it not boring.

    After 4 episode, I think I will pass. If this drama is airing before ABP i might watch, but I already ate up so much this kind of drama so pass.

  • It' predictable but Jun ho is so charismatic and funny that he makes it entertaining.
    My fave scene on ep 4 was probably Jin sun kyu cameo as a police officer giving love advise and even singing to the adorably clueless Junho. I wish he'll come back for another cameo cos they are hilarious together.