
Overzealous Citizen Pelts Yoo Ah In with Money After His Arrest Warrant Hearing

It’s quite fitting that a court hearing for a famous K-star ends up with a moment straight out of a makjang drama. K-actor Yoo Ah In attended court today for the resubmission of an arrest warrant from the South Korean prosecution office. After the three hour hearing, as he was escorted out by authorities, a person ran up to him and tossed cash at him yelling “Use it for your inmate fund!”, i.e. use the money to buy stuff in prison. It definitely livened up the proceedings and since there was no attack of any sort the guy wasn’t arrested, and no word on whether he picked up his own money afterward. Yoo Ah In looked stoic if not a bit bemused.


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  • I don’t understand behaviors and people like these. Why go all the way to court to throw money at someone whose crimes affected you in no way? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t approve of most illegal drugs and very against crimes but I know I was not owed by people like YAI to be so angry at him to humiliate and throw money at him. Feels like someone who had an inferiority complex “trying” to show they are a better person but only showed that they are not.

    Anywayzzz, I am a firm believer that crimes should be given appropriate judgement and punishments.

    • Exactly. I'm not condoning what he's done, but I don't remember korean people showing this level of contempt for other famous people who were arrested for things like rape and other much more vile crimes. Boggles the mind...

  • Idk tho, if his crime were tax evasion or financial scam then this would be understandable. His crime was only drug abuse, not even distribution, I don’t think he even need to be jailed for that. This was over the top

  • Why do people do this sort of behaviour? YAI needs help not humiliation, I do not believe that putting him in prison will help his mental state, I think it might even make it worse.

  • YAI has undoubtedly conducted criminal acts with the drug abuse but her harmed no one but himself. That action of throwing money at him, and previously throwing coffee bottle at him is completely appaling and disgusting.

  • I'm not trying to justify what he did, or say he doesn't deserve punishment, but in the end the only one he really hurt was himself. He was in so deep he probably would have ended up OD if not arrested. The amount of vitriol and spite thrown at him by knetizens seems disproportionate to the crime. Where was all this outrage toward the rapists and harassment that those wealthy celebrities and others basically got away with.

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