Well, I don’t know whether to be happy or disappointed but at least it’s set in stone now. The leads for the upcoming Tang dynasty drama The Legend of Jewelry (Chinese title Pearl Curtain and Jade Curtain) are officially confirmed as Zhao Lu Si and Liu Yu Ning, both liuliang stars and a reunion from their secondary OTP turn in The Long Balled. Filming stars at the end of November so next month which may give her angry at this pairing fandom more chance to raise a ruckus. Her fan group went off the rails last week after Liu Yu Ning floated up as the likely male lead, complaining about the reunion being bad for Zhao Lu Si’s career, complaining about the year long delay in this drama wasting her time, criticizing the director and costume designer, and preemptively claiming that the script is a massive change from the original story. I’m just here for a good drama and hope this behind-the-scenes war of words ceases soon.
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So it is f**k the fans who create a fuss...Well done. Dont be held hostage.
Lusi fans held a live room on Weibo to protest the drama and randomly started harrasing Esther Yu by going "Let Esther to go perform at Crazy Horse, dance a striptease, do a poledance."
FYI this is why a lot of male actors have steered clear of working with Lusi despite her popularity. Her fans are extremely rude and apparently mostly underaged (sigh), plus they are attracted to Lusi's 小太妹 personality so Lusi scolding Leo Wu with vulgarities on LLTG's set, or her passive aggressively clicking "Like" on other celebs' bad news and saying she didn't do anything wrong (Yuzheng uploaded a photo insinuating she was a green tea bitch lol) doesn't turn them off but rather emboldens them to support her and act like her since these young girls idolise her. I disagree that fan behaviour is separate from their idol, Li Xian and Liu Yuning have previously spoke up to stop their own fandoms from attacking others online and starting wars. Lusi should do the same but her personality is probably quite bratty irl so who knows.
Jing Boran nust be glad he quit The Last Immortal or he'd be attacked by her fans for having a better billing than Lusi.
Wow, a live room just to protest!! And harassing Esther is just uncalled for..Very childish.
@ HL do u really believe this, if u do then u r very naive, try digging from other sources to know what is right or wrong. An wise person won't believe information for one source, he / she will get informations from different places to come to a conclusion on his/her own .You must be easily manipulated, at least leave room for doubt.
@Mercy Lol, thank you for takin g time to advise me, I am very grateful..
I enjoy watching Zhao Lu Si's project... just hope she manage those toxic fans, to be honest, her toxic fans are infamous. I know as I have read many of their comment on Weibo. @Anon's comments are not invalid. But of course, it does not apply to all her fans. There are always good and bad eggs in a huge basket... It is about managing them.
Dont take anything to heart, as I lived long enough to enjoy the fun interacting on this blog and not get upset different opinion and prospective.
@anon your comment about zhao lusi make me love her more. Im new in c drama fandom and I always have a soft spot to someone who being attacked repeteadly. I saw your comment calling zhao lusi this and that as if you live under her bed while those who already worked with her only has good thing to say about zls.
@dramalover Thanks so much for your comment. @Anon must have some personal vendetta against Lusi as a mission in life to destroy Luis’s reputation and has no good thing to say about ZLS.
@Anon - why don’t you take your hate somewhere else, stop making things up and spewing lies? It can’t be healthy for your system to be continually venomous. Most of what you write here can be fact checked and they are incorrect. Did Lusi offend you in your past life?
@dramalover, me too. I'm not a fan of ZLS, but I like her more than other peer actresses of 90er or 95er. I've seen a pattern in C-ent that unique and popular actors getting constant cyberbully, specifically those who were not school trained theater major.
I've actually warned about this before on a previous article here. That if she and her fans continue being like this to her co-stars' fandoms, she'll have trouble finding co-stars just like Wang Yibo.
Why did you mention WYB? WYB isn't in the same league as ZLS. WYB isn't on par with ZLS in terms of acting chops. WYB fandom is notoriously toxic hating his rivals and his agency has very powerful connections, manipulating media to make sure their heads are above water even the financial reports show their revenues and profits are declining.
ZLS team and fandom are the notoriously toxic ones. Her media team is ruthless, powerful and they have tight censorship everywhere to control the narrative. It's mind boggling the amount of whitewashing in these comments. Anything negative said about her is immediately tagged as a hater or anti even if it's true. Either they are part of her troll farm or they've been brainwashed. I guess all her media-playing abroad is paying off.
But no matter how they twist words around, they can't hide the fact that she's unable to find a male lead willing to work with her and has to wait for LYN to finish filming his current project, making it almost an 8 months hiatus for her. There are also rumors he only took on this project as leverage for a leading role in another drama.
As someone who followed k-drama and only started paying attention to c-ent after watching and liking LLTG last year, I have no reason to be her anti. I actually started out very positive about her but the amount of shenanigans she herself, her team, and her fandom have pulled has totally disgusted me. If it wasn't for the fact that Koala's been on a streak shading and smearing actors and actresses targeted by ZLS's media team, I wouldn't even be here commenting and giving her the attention she craves.
@Somebody They both have toxic fans who keep terrorizing their co-stars and co-stars' fandoms. Which results in them facing difficulties finding co-stars now.
hahaha Imagine believing/trusting YuZheng's words like gospel truth...
On the contrary, I love her more. Every celebs slandered/attacked by that guy is worthy of my love and respect. Yuzheng is a loser, he can't deal with rejection and is deadset on spreading hate content in revenge. Man shouldn't be trust, he's just an attention seeker and would do anything to stay relevant.
As a casual fan, I'm super duper happy that Zhao Lusi will reunite with Liu Yuning and also glad production didn't yield to those unreasonable demands/pleas.
Lusi scolded WL was a malicious act by hater, he/she edited the video/audio. Her studio sued him/her and they won. The person had to pay fine and already published an apology letter. Even Yuzheng had to post clarification abt that gtb pic. Liking other celebs bad news, she said it's accidental (like most of us ever did) or didn't do it. Hate it but gotta accept that until proven otherwise? But I guess ppl just don't care abt truth or fact, just believe whatever suites their judgement about actors
ZLS fans are either brainwashed beyond help or lying through their teeth.
A low quality video of her cussing leaked way before the drama aired but it was swept under the rug by her PR team. The person who posted the video was probably threatened/bullied with legal action. As a layperson with no backing, that person was strong-armed into writing an apology, saying they are sorry for posting a video of unknown origin (note, they didn't say the video was fake, just that it was not clear where it came from and that they shouldn't have posted it). During the shooting of a drama, fans and spectators often take in-progress pics and videos. These photos and videos are sometimes sold to social media outlets to generate interest for the drama. Apparently ZLS team tried to buy out all the videos related to that incident.
During the airing of LLTG, a BTS video was released where the cussing part was edited out, only showing the aftermath, making it look like she was just surprised and scared. The video was edited as part of fan service to shippers because it also showed Wulei awkwardly trying to comfort her by giving her a tissue for her tears. Note ZLS's company YHYK is part investor in the drama, so they probably have a lot of say in how the drama is marketed.
Fast forward to late February of this year (half a year after the drama has finished airing) when rumblings of the cussing incident and the low quality video (cussing and all) started surfacing on social media again. Her fans tried to cover it up by mixing words around and saying she was yelling something other than M**F***. However, a day later, a more clear video taken from a different angle was posted on Weibo. This time, her cussing is much more clear and crisp. Someone did a sound analysis of the two videos by overlaying the two videos and they are an exact match, making it unlikely someone fabricated the the video to smear her.
Screen shots of exchanges between her die-hard fans show that they suspect the person who released the 2nd video is ZLS's previous manager, who left her right before the controversy blew up in February. However, publicly on social media, they tried to throw dirty water on her co-star again by accusing his team of releasing the video.
Honestly, I don't care that she cussed at him. Even though it was her own fault that she wasn't paying attention when the director yelled "action" (too busy messing with her hair by her own admission), she was genuinely scared and let out a vulgarity. Everyone has different thresh-holds and that's fine. It's the actions by her and her team afterwards that are truly eye opening:
1. Bullying a lay person into apologizing for posting a real leaked video is pretty desperate and low.
2. During the press conference for the drama premier, ZLS herself cued the incident by saying she was caught off guard but then started talking about how Wulei was really good with a horse and that he can stand a horse on it's hind feet. It's as if she was trying to insinuate he caused the horse to lose control, which is just evil because something like that could ruin an actor's career. Luckily Wulei caught her words and clarified immediately that he didn't do that during the scene.
3. When the incident blew up this February, her team went into overdrive trying to control the narrative. Hundreds of pages of discussion on forums in which the incident was discussed and analyzed to her disadvantage were wiped off of the internet. Videos on bilibili with millions of views and thousands of comments also gone. Not surprising for a PR team that can get her negative #1 hot search item wiped off of Weibo in minutes.
4. Her team posted on Weibo, threatening legal action against a long list of accounts for spreading the videos. Interestingly, out of that long list of accounts, they included a couple of prominent Wulei fan accounts, some of which merely made comments on the posted video. This further helps to fan her fandom's narrative that Wulei's team was behind the video leak (even though they themselves suspect it was leaked by a previous manager). Of course, their threat has no legal standing because they can't prove the video is false and they can't take action against people for re-posting or commenting on a video. To this day, they haven't actually sued anyone, but her fans are going around blurring timelines by saying they successfully sued, using old apology letter as evidence.
5. A couple of days after the controversy died down, ZLS herself posted 9 pictures on her Weibo account, including dead center a childhood photo of her sitting on a horse, as if she's rubbing it in everyone's face. She's utterly shameless and a bully through and through.
This is the longest comment I've ever made and a reaction to the constant white-washing history re-writing from her fans. As far as I know, it's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what her team has done and is capable of. Not sure who will read this now old thread, but even if one person see it, it's worth it.
Her fans should be grateful LYN is willing to come to the rescue and fill in a role rejected by so many others. Not that this site will write about it but she’s been publicly ridiculed the last couple of months for not being able to land a male lead mostly due to her toxic team and fandom. Compare this to other actresses in her age group who are moving on with good projects left and right, of course her fans are going crazy. It turns out when you use low and vile tactics to smear and bring down your co-stars, people tend to avoid you like the plague.
Boy oh boy you sure do love to hate on Lusi, every post about her you are there and this makes us want to protect her even more. Pile it on
True, the more haters she has, the more supporters she gets because people are not blind and I think of her as a person who what we see is what we get. She's really a good actress
I've read your long comment above and it just goes to show how much time you are spending on Lusi just to justify your hate. Peace to you!
@Anon, you should try to be nicer and more positive with your comments. Ms. Koala can and should write what she wants and likes.
Lol just to be clear there are a few Anons in the comments. I'm the one who mentioned Zhao Lusi's fans harrassing Esther https://m.weibo.cn/status/4952523751034606 I should probably get a new nickname
Thanks for the link... A new nickname: Not Greet tea bitch fan...
I hope she takes time to manage her fans. At this rate Esther may progress faster then her.
Lol a group of haters could also use this situation against her pretending to be her fans. C fans r know to do this a lot.
@ HL open ur eyes, not every thing u see is what it seem. Of course u can chose to believe what u want.
@ HL not every thing looks has it seems. Just an advice
Anon and her hates towards zhao lusi lmaoo. If u noticed she is everywhere under zhao lusi related entry
I have noticed that. And she keeps repeating the same things.
I’m not a fan of any actors in general, I’m a drama fan. But I just wanna say “hahahahahhahbhaaa in your face to those toxic fans.
I'll see where this is headed. I do like LYN and enjoyed ZLS in the killing of 3000 crows.
@ HL open ur eyes, not every thing u see is what it seem. Of course u can chose to believe what u want
When the show was announced early this year ,there was a leaks of the male leads options,LYN was part of the options or candidates. My guess when he was first rumoured earlier, he had already signed but the production teams kept quite for whatever reasons. Unfortunately allowing all source of rumoured male lead to go on for far too long making it affect the said actress. I don't know how to post pics here that would have been my prove.
To some of the previous commenters: it's one thing not appreciating an actress and a whole hating her to the point you guys. Even using misogynistic slurs. Seek help. The internet is not an adequate place to vent your inner turmoil.
"Most haters are stuck in a poisonous mental prison of jealousy and self-doubt that blinds them to their own potentiality." - Steve Maraboli