Sigh, when one is in the news for all the wrong reasons is just so disappointing to see. K-actor Lee Seon Kyun has been confirmed to the top actor L who earlier in the day was reportedly under investigation for illegal drug use after a police bust at an entertainment establishment. The cops were tipped off and went there hence the bust. Lee Seon Kyun’s agency Hodoo Entertainment confirmed he’s is under investigation and will fully cooperate. It also added that he was being blackmailed, and insiders say its a drug dealer. Lee Seon Kyun was supposed to start filming a new K-movie last weekend No Way Out with Yoo Jae Myung, Kim Moo Yul, Kwang Soo, and Greg Hsu but didn’t show up on the film set due to this incident. This matter is still progressing but if true it will severely affect his top star acting career whether a full exile from the industry or a hiatus and remorseful return one day. As for his personal life, Lee Seon Kyun has been married to actress Jeon Hye Jin for over a decade and the two have two sons together.
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If, even him ,Mr voice,is being investigated for illegal drug use, i 'm definitely disgusted in Kent . Once upon a time i thought that Kent was all painted in pink and korean actors were virtuous but year after year , i see that they are like others. The guy may have a mental health issue or going through the crisis of the 50 years old man . If not, he is a fool , He is married to an amazing actress, has 2 sons, a great career , ...speechless... I see now that Yoon Eun Hye worked with a lot of toxic people ( Ju Ji Hoon, Yoochun, Kang ji Hwan,Park Si Hoo, ...)
My goodness. The need to bring up Yoon Eun Hye in every posting. Get over yourself. This is not about her. What's your point actually to relate her in this story other than these ppl ever being co-workers?
Btw, she chose to work with Park Shi Hoo even after his scandal blew up. Mayb she's equally toxic. And the gall of calling Ju Ji Hoon toxic when he has turned his life around, served jailtime and worked hard to revive his career. And don't go talking on me that he survived the k-netz brutality because of his gender cause he also had it rough but still thrive.
Why can't a man bear responsibility for his own actions? Why do you have to relate it to a woman, only to use it to tear her down? Yoon Eun Hye has NOTHING to do with this scandal. Your misogyny is really showing if you can't focus on the issue at hand and need to fall back to the standard criticism of females. Are you uncomfortable chastising a man for his own actions?
Not into him….
@Xoxo, it's okay . I'm sorry if i misunderstood your comment . My comment wasn't anti feminist , i'm for equality not only between man/woman, but also for the rights for poor people to get the same medical, legal , educution ,..treatment . And honestly a drug case isn't what matters to me because under every druggie there is a human who is suffering . What i don't like is that they bring pain to their family, fans,...I feel for his wife, children, friends ,...
Thank you @Somebody, i was sad to see that people misunderstood me . Your post gave me confidence . I write many comments here since years now and i' still self-conscious about my bad english , but i can't help myself to continue . It was the first blog i liked and as i am a long time viewer of dramas, french blogs aren't enough interesting for me . The infatuation for the K wave is recent and they don't know much about all the dramas, the actors , of what we used to call Hallyu .
I think that all of you didn't understood my meaning, but it's okay because my english is bad . I wish to have this conversation in french .
1 i just stated a fact
2 I'm not a mysogynist and i didn't want to bring her down as she is one of my favorite artists until this day
3 The man is guilty of his own actions and i never said otherwise
4 Didn't i say that for using drugs he may have mental health issues or going trough a crisis?
5 XOXO , i'm a french woman who wants sex equality ! Same rights, same salary , traitement,... and not being condemned by a patriarchal society !
Ikr! Asian drama fans are over sensitive, will easily misinterpret, and get offended. It appears to me nothing out of blue for someone to think about and bring up other celebrities even they are not the one in the news, but just bocs it somehow occurs to us someone had either collaboration or any past experiences shared with those who are in the news. My goodness, the pattern of pile-on is really farcical! More drama from comment section than drama news itself. LOL.
I don't see any malicious reference of YEH in your first comment anyhow. What the heck is wrong with all the aggressive defense of her? You didn't even criticize her and I recall you're her fan. Aren't you? LOL . Many regular visitors of this site are emo wreck who don't have civil understanding to comprehend online communication. A bunch of emos once they found something not to their liking, they would get ticked off and bombard with verbal attack. I question how these gals even got education at school to respect free speech and be tolerant! I frankly have never seen verbal attack so much of this scale in English forum discussing Western films, art, and music.
My response was to @Oyen, calling YEH toxic because she chose to work with Park Shi Hoo after his scandal.
I am not really a fan of YEH, but as a woman, I’m sick and tired of the female blame game especially when men are at fault. Whether unknowingly or not, such references serve to distract the audience/public away from the faults committed by the man and land it squarely on the shoulders of the woman. I have seen it similarly played out in the Seo Ye Ji/Kim Junghun scandal. After the buck was passed to her door step, antis and the press went rabid on her. And the errors her boyfriend committed were largely forgotten/forgiven. It’s always easier tearing down a female celebrity than a man. Especially in Asian culture- ‘Oppa didn’t mean it, it must’ve been a woman who led him astray”.
Instead of deflecting attention to a non- related female celebrity in this instance, let the attention be on the man in question, who broke Korea’s drug law by choosing to purchase weed.
@Somebody, Why aren't you calling them Chinese like you did in previous articles? Or Korean since this article is about Korean entertainment? LOL
@Anon, Deranged maniac! LOL. There are way more international fans of various ethnicity for Kdramas than Cdrama. You don't know the fact? You're starting fight on purpose! TROLL! LOL
@Anon, BTW, Cdrama viewers are still mostly oversea Chinese-speaking population. Believe or not! Otherwise big international streaming site such as Netflix and Disney+ will definitely invest in Cdramas. But they don't! I'm knocking some sense into your airhead (as usual). LOL
Don't deny yourself are one of the obnoxious Chinese fans I referred to.
@Anon, you have a fetish to pick a fight! Troll. LOL
Everyone knows that Kdrama by far is still more popular in the world and has a variety of international fans with different ethnicity. Cdrama, however, is mostly popular in Chinese-speaking communities and I'm pretty sure the lunatics piling on me (you included) are ethnic Chinese.
@Somebody, Oh, you're only basing off on an assumption? Cool LOL. Yup, I'm ethnic Chinese, Taiwanese in fact, I'm pretty sure you are ethnic Chinese too. The reason I speak up is because I can't stand seeing you licking America's boots while demeaning your own ethnicity.
@Anon, LOL. I'm a Taiwanese American. The US is my country. How the heck do you fucking Chinese call me licking my own country's boots??? Pissed?? Then get your ass out here and stick inside the great China firewall !!!!!! I have nothing to do with China except for knowing Chinese language. I'm not ethnic Chinese. My ancestors have more to do with aboriginal Taiwanese and Dutch. So ignorant! Get yourself more educated about the Taiwanese history and demographics! LOL.
@Somebody, LMAO since you aren't ethnic Chinese, why are you so busybody about overseas Chinese and calling us names over a few comments online? Racism at its finest, just like the rest of your racist White masters.
Why did you call Ju Ji Hoon a toxic person?
I am referring to @Cahill listing all those "toxic" actors that she worked with. Why the need to mention that? She was fully aware of PSH scandal when she chose to work with him. If you want to bring up toxicity, it's a two way street. So, there's no need to suggest something when the toxic ppl ( at least in the case of PSH) didn't bother YEH.
Btw, that's always the way to silence others opinion, by throwing misogyny troupe.
I wonder what will happen to him from now on. Will he be imprisoned? Will he never have a career after? hard to say, as he might. There have been others who was jailed due to drugs taking but still have a acting career after their released. SK is quite forgiving towards popular males artiste..
LSK is basically doing YAI + YG + LBH + JDG in one go. Drugs + blackmail from the aspiring celeb/drug dealer + cheating + adult establishment. His top-star career is likely over, not sure if he can come back as a lesser-than-a-top-star actor. I doubt he'll go to jail, as the other 2 names attached to his case (Hwang Hana and Han Seo Hee) have been convicted for multiple drug charges (using and distributing), but still got out and doing the same thing. Han Seo Hee's name has been attached to most celeb drug charges, blackmail/extortion, and even that Burning Sun scandal, but celebs are still associating with her.
His reputation is so bad.Sound like he is really a very naughty person.. Gosh. His wife and kids will suffer..
Hi miss Pick-me male defender @Rina, how does it feel to be wrong 😍
Let's see how you can defend this man's abhorrent behavior now lmao. Or maybe it's still his wife's fault because men just can't do no wrong in your eyes, huh? 😂
Cultural differences is so interesting to me. Over in the US, something like this would not affect an actor's career, top star or not. At least, not as negatively, as in the Asian entertainment world, where one faces total career cancellation and humiliation.
I often have thought K-ent is like the 1950ies Hollywood studio years. Back in the day Robert Mitchem a big A-list movie star went to jail for weed. I don't see why Korea should change their laws and looking at the West, they probably don't like what they see but I do think drug and alcohol rehab should be pursued. (Joo Ji Hoon came back from drug issues to successfully continue his career so it can be done.)
Korea is copying all elements of Hollywood, stands to reason they they will copy negative elements as well as the positive ones. Everyone knows that drug use is the bane of Hollywood and most popular there, even in elite circles.
Knowing that the drug in question is weed - makes me give it a pass - I mean, weed is all but legal here in the US. I might feel differently, though, if he's abusing harder drugs than marijuana. I wonder if he started using with the success of the movie, Parasite. He did gain international exposure at that time, and maybe he didn't cope with it very well.
I agree with you @Kat , but he could go back to the studios and did great roles , and he was a gentleman . Once he had to slap Jean Simmons for his role but Otto Preminger the director wasn't satisfied and made him repeat the scene 3 times, Robert came to him and gave him a big slap " It is harder enough now ?" that's what he said to him . He was a womanizer and the most beautiful actresses as Ava Gardner, Jane Russell were in love with him but he never divorced . He always tried to protect his children . And Norma Jean ( Marilyn Monroe ) was one of his best friends . I liked the fact that Joo ji Hoon came back too . I'm against drugs but i'm for rehab . For me it's the same thing that alcoholism . It's an addiction . That's all
I agreed Hollywood have had both positive and negative influence on K-ent. I've seen K dramas making such impressive leaps on production values on par with Hollywood production. But since when K-ent started to be dragged in a barrage of substance abuse scandals? What I can recall was T.O.P in used-to-be the IT Kpop group, Bigbang.
I wonder if too much stress a trigger for these popular celebrities to take risk for stress relief.
i see, he’s following the LBH’s route. He will be safe then 😁
What is LBH route?
I'm not sure, but I think they might be talking about Lee Byung Hun who is considered a super talented A-list actor who has also been in US productions. His status seems to have protected him from being cancelled though the last kerfluffle I remember, he actually turned two K-pop gals in for attempted blackmail. (it's on Wikipedia if you look him up).
Oh Yes, you are right. I remember that case... It did not affect his marriage much as his wife continues to support him. As for his career, it is still very sound.
Yeah comapred to drug abuse which doesn’t impact anyone, LBH is morally worse too, cheating on his wife while she’s pregnant with young kpop idol tsk tsk
LBH is shameless
Devastated because I really like him as an actor. Not to mention he portrayed Park Dong Hoon so effortlessly.
There's no way around this other than this being wrong. Drug use incl recreational one like marijuana is illegal in SK and most Asian countries. He should have known better. Can't understand why he brought all these onto himself. All those years of career build up wasted away due to stupidity.
He got busted because he was there or because his name was there? I don't believe. He should deny unless there's a video of him popping pills. So now we know a k actor when dealing with stress and pressure either unalive themselves or take pill etc.
They've basically confirmed the drug usage, as his agency's statement also included the blackmail case against the drug dealer (aspiring celeb). News reports confirmed that he paid the $250k. I guess the only thing now is the types of drugs and the extent of usage.
I agree and I also wonder if they have him spill the tea on all the people involved. He might be the big fish, but I bet a lot of people in his sphere are shaking in their shoes right now.
He seem to be shifting the attention on blackmailer... I wonder if that is a tactics to make him look less bad in eyes of the Koreans?
yes, that’s what i called as following the LBH’s route in the earlier comment.
for LBH’s case, he shifted the attention towards the girls who blackmailed him instead. So, the public kinda forget/brush off the fact that he was a serial cheater to his wife.
To be fair, the thing with LBH was a total set up. It was planned but all they could get him doing was off color jokes and flirting. LBH is a hounddog but they were trying their hands at blackmail and he flat out had every right to turn them into the cops.
If I was this guy, I would be turning in my extortionist as well...I mean a quarter of a million dollars is no joke.
Smart team he has there, what with emphasising the blackmail. That's a very good angle to exploit. Considering who he is, he might get away with it with a slap on the wrist.
Also, if the theories are accurate that the alleged drug used might have been months or even a year ago, and with them only testing him now. He really might get away legally, and just might need a couple of years before he resurfaces with a more humble project. The names being linked to the case, chaebol and the aspiring celeb, are the usual names linked to celeb drug cases. Han Seo Hee (not the actress) is in jail now, and Hwang Hana was released just a year to a couple of months ago. If in that span he was clean, his levels might not be significant.
Nooo! Not Lee Seon Kyun T_T