
TW-ent Abuzz with Rumor that Actress Janine Chang is Tying the Knot at Year End with Malaysian-Chinese Director Sam Quah

So neither a confirmation or a denial speaks volumes haha and this one fits the bill. This weekend came the rumor that TW-actress Janine Chang, one of the remaining actresses of her gen that is still single, will soon joined the married contingent. The rumor is that she is marrying Malaysian-Chinese director Sam Quah (Ke Wen Li) who is best known for directing the C-drama Detective Chinatown and also Yang Zi‘s drama Psychologist. Reportedly the two met on that drama when Janine guest starred. She’s 41 years old and his younger by a few years being 38 years old and already the C-netizens have launched into lamentations that such a beauty is marrying a comparable beast. This is Shu Qi and her director husband Stephen Fung all over again and you know what, the people involved hopefully do not give a fug.


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    • RIGHT! He was my childhood crush, I remember being obsessed with the TVB series The Green Hope and the movie Gen X Cops because of him! His dimples are soo cute and he's soooo talented.

    • I came here to say this! He was my celebrity crush at one point when I was younger watching the TVB drama in which he portrayed an autistic prodigy musician!

      He’s no beast, he just dgaf as he ages, but not in a letting-himself-go kind of way but enjoying-life’s-simplicity kind of way. A trend among aging heart throbs like Tony Leung, Takeshi Kaneshiro, and Stephen Fung..

    • I never realised Stephen Fung was called a beast... He is one of the early pretty boy! Noe he may be older but he still looks good. Both are well matched.

  • Netizens are delusional - even actresses have to settle if they choose to marry late in life. That's just how the cookie crumbles.

  • Guess in their eyes, everyone has to look like a drama idol to get married. Hope they ignore these ignorant comments too.

  • Adding that Stephen Fung is as good as it gets for handsome guys. ShuQi is just average looking (in my eyes).

  • He just looks like an average guy on the street. The ugliest feature is that weird hair which looks like an emo teen boy but hopefully Janine can get him to update his hairstyle.

    At least he has career so she isn't marrying a leech. Good luck to their marriage.

  • I also thk Janine is really pretty but hasnt been that lucky in her lovelife. Hope shes found her betterhalf.
    Just to add I have a serious crush on Stephen Fung. Hes seriously cute in my book.

  • I checked out Stephen Fung, and he's pretty handsome. Then I looked up Sam Quah, and he's also not bad-looking. I guess looks aren't everything after all. Maybe she's just attracted to his personality. Seriously, people need to stop being so materialistic.

  • Agree with everyone in here, Stephan Fung is good looking. And for me personally, Shu Qi is just average looking. I mean, she's indeed a great actress and having great personality also great body but not to be called as 'beauty and the beast'. But well, love their relationship tho. Hope everything goes well for Mr. Fung and his wife.

    Janine is really pretty. I used to ship her with wallace chung bcuz of their drama. But she's not only pretty but also smart. I guess, man with brain is what she wants.