This weekend was the 2023 iQiyi Scream Awards held in Macau and the young and pretty C-stars were out in attendance. This was a streaming platform event so the winners isn’t anything more that the platform paid to do their productions or will be doing one so it was more a social event than anything. I’m there for the C-actress fashion and many starlets went for multiple looks before, during, and after the event at the post party. Here are just some of the colorful and mostly voluminous gowns on parade and I liked so many I don’t really have a favorite other than appreciating the more risk taking and fancier styles.
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These visuals are truly magazine worthy. But most of them can't act compared with K actresses. No offense. LOL
Of the ones featured on this article, only NiNi can act lol. Not surprising because the rest are traffic stars. But they are indeed all gorgeous. Korean stylists need to learn from their Chinese counterparts. I've stopped watching Korean awards ceremonies and events because of this.
I guess cultural emphasis is different. Actors are still respected and remembered by their works not their wardrobes. LMAO.
@XZ I'll say Song Yi and Jin Chen can act too. But I'm not surprised as many legit actors and actresses don't attend these kind of events, you'll mostly see them attending the more prestigious ones like Magnolia Awards, Flying Apsaras Awards etc.
I like Song Yi, Ni Ni, Jin Chen too. To be honest, I dont recognised a couple of the actress...
@Somebody I mean, not trying to fight or anything, but why not both? I just think Korean actresses can aim to be great both style and acting-wise. Many fashion icons are actually known for being stylish as well as being a great actress (Audrey Hepburn, Katharine Hepburn, and many Old Hollywood icons come to mind!), so it doesn't have to be one way or the other.
I don't know, like, I get where you're coming from, but I just feel like Korean actresses' visuals (I personally prefer their visuals over Chinese actresses' visuals, actually) are quite wasted on those ill-fitting, bland outfits they always wear on the red carpet
@Somebody... what a dumb generalization to make.
No generalization at all. Most of the actresses in those stills can't act. I watched all of them. Those who can act are not posted here. LOL.
C fans like you really have a fetish to use derogatory tone! To defend your vulnerable ego? But then why is C actresses' bad acting anything to do with your ego? LMAO. What a dumb reaction!
Each to their own. I think some here CAN act and I enjoy watching them as leads!
Says nobody: ____
You: K-ent actresses can act, these C-actresses are no match for K-ent.
I don't believe anyone asked for the comparison on acting for a social event? If you want to compare, go on Korean posts and do that there.
I also made comparison on K section. I'm not partial. LOL. It's your vulnerable ego that's hurting you too much to take fair criticism.
Maybe it's you who's butthurt and can't stand China doing well in one sector and seeing them win. You must specify a reason why it can't compare to Korea.
Stay on topic. This was a fashion post. Nobody asked for acting reviews
Gosh! Typical Chinese personality came out loud again - you absolutely have trouble tolerating differences. This is a free forum and visitors are entitled to comment how we want to as long as no harassment or bulling is involved. I'M STAYING ON TOPIC but you're obviously got carried away by the extravagant gala show of these ladies who can't act. LOL. Didn't I say the wardrobes were totally magazine worthy? Was my plain English not clear enough for you to get my compliment? Do you have Dyslexia? LOL
Also what is China winning out of this lavish night gown show? LMAO. Don't be shallow!
@Somebody by how much you complain and keep comparing Kdramas with C-dramas, you already have an agenda and frankly, sounds like you have low EQ. And don't tell me that isn't true, because I've seen the discussions.
Most of us can be objective and don't need to bring unnecessary comparisons on every. Single. Post. Once or twice, fine. But I already mentioned previously how you love to bring Kdrama comparisons on acting, production values, etc on every single post. And you keep doing it.
Free speech doesn't mean you're not annoying, just like those evangelicals who love spamming passerbys. You can abuse your rights however you want, but it's also our right to tell you how much of a dinglebat you're being.
I've seen comments from you that are valuable, but many times you have to add a comparison. I don't understand why.
LOL. @Coralie, you can gaslight me as much as you wish like many emo Chinese fans. You're not objective as you perceive yourself. You're no more than a full time C drama fans and do not watch genres other than Chinese now. I recall you confessed that. From that perspective, your drama views are extremely narrow and objective. I strongly believe that your big ego and low self-esteem as Chinese has been hurt so you're persistently residing on the same grudge against me doing a very harmless and common act as a drama fan - making comparison! As I said, I also made comparison on K section. There might be one or two but not many protests over there about my comparison of K drama to the Western films. In C section, however, it has obviously become an identity issue for many Chinese fans. Criticizing C drama or C actors = Criticizing yourselves ! Defending C drama or C actors = Defending yourselves and your values. LOL. It appears many Chinese fans including you can't set themselves apart from whatever is labeled "Chinese," regardless of whether these labels are prescribed by state or showbiz.
Not everyone visiting the blogs reads each comment. Therefore, while my criticism of Cdrama's cheesy quality sounds repeated to many, it may be a fresh view to others. I stand by my consistent opinion of Kdrama having better productions and acting-wise than C drama in general. I'm not making the preceding claim without exception though. I personally consider Nirvana in Fire, the Untamed, and perhaps Love like the Galaxy have exclusively creative writing, directing, and acting. Unfortunately, the ones I appreciate are not among the ones you like and I particularly dislike Esther Yu whom I recall your fave? Sorry no sorry! You can't persistently target me just bcos I don't like what you like. LOL
@Coralie, no offends to either of you. I came across the word 'dinglebat' from your writing and was very curious by it. I have never seen this term before, is it American slang? English is not my first language thus I am still learning each day.
@HL lol dinglebat is on urban dictionary, means hostile person or general idiot. It's not used often, but some slang from my generation. Def not what gen z's use nowadays.
@Somebody let me give you an analogy. I like Chinese food, but I also eat other foods. I critique Chinese food based on the dish itself and why. You, on the other hand, only like certain Chinese food but thinks Korean food is so much more superior. On posts about Chinese food, you specify how Korean food is superior. And oh, everyone who comes across this discussion must know that Korean food is superior.
Even if by most metric Korean food is better, I don't understand why you have to try Chinese food constantly while saying how bad it is compared to Korean. Make it make sense
@Coralie And when people say they think Chinese food taste better than Korean food, he will start claiming them to be Chinese so as to invalidate their opinions. Just like how XZ antis love labelling everyone who like XZ and his works to be XZ fans in order to maintain their narration that XZ is not popular and well-known among the general public.
@Doona, I don't disagree with you though. I just spelt out a fact not right or wrong. K-ent is still not as liberal as Hollywood and the West. If their actresses are liberal enough, I believe they'd be way more dashing. That being said, which part of the entertainment would be more valuable (to me as a drama fan) given just given one choice but not the other? I would say I definitely prefer actresses to focus more on their works than their wardrobes. That's my point. LOL
Wow, that Song Yi dress, it's so breathtakingly artistic. *Whistle* I can stare at her dress the whole day.
Can't really see BL's dress.
I think the last pic is of Jelly Lin? It's definitely daring and unique, but not necessarily that pretty? It needs a diff background.
Can't see the details on Esther's dress either, bummer.
Ni Ni.
Currently enjoying her drama Parallel World, she looks like a model dropped into the desert world
I agree...I LOVE SongYi's she is such a artist herself. She looks so mesmerising in the dress.
More variety and flair in these images than in ten years worth of Korean red carpet events put together
I love how Chinese celebrities dress like true celebrities for the red carpet. Celebrities exist to entertain the public, and entertainment shouldn't be restricted only to their acting in a drama or movie.
I agree. Others can disagree, but I prefer my celebrities to bring in the glitz and glamour personally. They can be great actresses while still being stylish
This I agree, I like to see those beautiful photos
when it comes to red carpet, they are truly winning over K-ent. But talent wise, they got too many so called ”actors/actresses” who can’t even hold a line
Chinese entertainment is many, many times the size of Korean entertainment... so of course you're going to see more idols/bad actors.
K-ent has Cha Eun Woo and Song Kang too, plus many Korean idols who can't act. C-ent holds no future for idol groups so those who should have become idols all went into acting.
Having understood what 'liuliang' means, I would agree Cha Eun Woo and Song Kang are definitely the current top few SK liuliang. Of course they are still not the same level to BTS and BlackPink.
So gorgeous. I appreciate the effort to dress up.
The event is more like a party than proper award show. Checked out the looks on the guys side as well.
Wow, I love all of these dresses, I can't choose which one I like the most! I hope Korean stylists can take notes. I think Korean actresses are gorgeous (well, most of them, anyway), but their visuals are wasted on meh styling. I feel quite jealous seeing this, knowing my favorite Korean actresses can look just as stunning, breathtaking, and stylish, but their styling holds them back 🙁
Liu Shi Shi looked absolutely stunning in the light blue gown - and she's not here!
Had to go google the event to see her dress. It's beautiful! 😍
So many pretty dresses! They must have fun dressing up.
Always feel like k celebrities are required to wear white and black mostly. I actually look at their event photos to see who's not wearing black or white. Haha
Chinese actresses and actors dressed way better than Korean when comes to event. They can't act, but surely they can dress :D