TW & C dramas

Tian Xi Wei Declines Female Lead Role Opposite Wang An Yu in Aftermath of His Disappointing Performance Reception in The Last Immortal

I think this is one where anti-fans are really not at play and C-actor Wang An Yu really just failed to delivered for what was required. He’s been a rising lead actor and this year popular with fans thanks to joining Divas Hit the Road season 5. His side reportedly was banking on The Last Immortal to permanently level him up one notch with the overlap of Divas 5 so it’s quite a shocker that the opposite happened. His performance in The Last Immortal has been rounding criticized as wooden and his looks/outfits mocked for being tacky and unattractive. Reportedly he and Tian Xi Wei were in talks for a A-level drama and her side just turned it down because she doesn’t want to work with him now. Acting careers have ups and downs and from all accounts Wang An Yu is quite good looking in real life and in modern dramas so he best stick with that and just chalk this up to a miscalculation that he could carry a xianxia role.


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  • Nothing against Wang An Yu, but he's one of those actors who I think should've stuck with 2nd lead roles until he built himself up enough to be a male lead. It's essentially the same reservations I have with Gong Jun.

    • Too many young starts really need to go thru that if they want to stay long in this career path...but they dont really have much say as their career is just managed by people who invest in them. They just have to do well in what they are told to do. They are just commodities in this competitive and heavily invested industry.
      Very sad.

      • Yes. At his level he has to take the parts the agency tell him to take. Even if he thinks the script is crap or he doesn't like a character, he just has to accept. It's the same for all these rookie fresh meat actors until they can break out with hits and have some money and clout of their own or start their own studio. As @HL said they are just regarded as commodities to churn out drama after drama.

      • I completely agree and many times it saddens me that their companies try to profit off their little successes by pushing them into roles they aren't ready for.

    • Same. As much as I like him in Divas Hit The Road, I feel he would fare better if he took on supporting lead roles in historical dramas for now.

    • I adored "Forever Love". He had such intense chemistry with the female lead and he looked handsome despite the unflattering haircut. I do think his features and acting are more suited to modern drama.

      • Totally agree. I think his look in this drama is a bit too washed out and flashy. His look in FL worked because it was a bit rough around the edges and didn't make his features feel flat.

  • He should stick to modern rom coms or maybe some action. His acting is really limited. Since he won't play support roles like any of these people who rely on their looks then he might as well do what does least damage.

  • Poor dude. Even if the script was crap, he would have skated by on his charisma and good looks, like Dylan Wang did in Only For Love; and Li Hong yi does with many of his B-list dramas. Unfortunately for him, his looks don’t match xianxia and he has no charisma whatsoever to speak of in this drama. Lusi is hard carrying this drama.

    I think he can recover his image, he just needs to choose his projects more carefully going forward. Others have recovered from train wreck performances in the past with one hit project, so fingers crossed.

    I will not be watching his next drama unless word of mouth is very good.

  • I still lament about the fact that Chasing the Light probably won’t ever see the light. He really does well in modern dramas and I was so excited when he got casted as one of the MLs. It’s quite unfair to pin him alone as the cause for Last Immortal failure. The drama itself is weak in writing and narrative. The colour scheme alone is a big turn off imo.

    • I agree with mina 💯,I won't put all the blame on him either, his looks does not suit historical genre, he wasn't style well too, plot and narrative is weak has u pinpoint. But when u look at Data ,the last immortal is doing well than expected, it not a hit imo but it not a total failure either

      • yeah it is not a hit but definitely not flop. the yunhe data maintain around 3000-5000, datawin 2 ish, vlinkage 85 and above. this data is good considering it is not winter holiday yet. I have no problem with WAY visual but he needs to improve his acting I swear. I find him a bit stiff in some scenes

  • If that’s true, that’s unfortunate. I thought he looked good with the second look as god Yuanqi (hair down). Is it because his character failed to trend like AhYin/FengYin on VLinkage? LuSi’s character is consistently breaking 9 and has been top two for the last ten? days. However, it’s Journey to Love main couple right after her, not GuJin.

    WAY is an okay actor but he isn’t dynamic like LuSi and his expressions are limited. He has been overshadowed by LuSi’s very expressive acting—the LOLs are hers, the sads are hers, the painful parts are hers. His character had to show anger and total frustration at his own powerlessness in an epic situation as a newly emerged true god. WAY hadn’t been able to do that. I watched the spoiler of him killing AhYin and that moment, although sad, was very muted on his part. He was calling his big sword down to hurt his girl, for gadssakes. Show a little more grief and reluctance LOL

    But I am still liking the drama very much. It has all the feels of xianxia and that’s what I signed up to watch.

  • I didn't watch this series, but I know him due to Wan Peng. I dislike the agency he and Wan Peng signed with, they doesn't know how to market their artists. Wan Peng got handicap with similar roles that it's really frustrating to watch.

    • Oh..they are from the same company. Wan Peng is definitely a much better newbie actress compared to many who are better managed in her age group. But life is like this isn't it? One can be talented and skilled but luck plays a part...who you sign up with, who manages you etc... there have been many good artiste who are badly managed, they lack the luck some others have.

  • I'm sorry to hear this, I do think he is still a bit green, there are some scenes he can't carry well but he has a lot of potential!

  • He was really good looking until the weight loss rumor, or IDK if it's something else, plastic surgery? He was already so skinny, did not need to lose weight. His acting is good. Despite him not looking as handsome as before, his performance was not all that bad. Given such a dumb storyline, they still manage to do quite well with it, he deserves more. Boo all y'all haters. Tang Xiwei has a rumored boyfriend, maybe she or her bf just doesn't want Wang Anyu after some intimidating photoshoots of him and ZLS. Maybe they fear it's his agency that requested for those photoshoots. I actually don't even trust this rumor TBH, bc it's very unprofessional of a celebrity to let public know they won't work with another celebrity. TXW is still a noob herself, she's been in a few cheap period dramas but they're cheap, and they're not even any much better than The Last Immortal either.