
K-ent Reporters Turn to Covering Lee Seon Kyun’s Alleged Blackmail by Two Women Who Were Friends After Meeting in Jail

So this story if true sounds so plausible and probably happens often to rich and powerful men who have something he wants to keep from becoming public. K-ent is reporting on the alleged blackmail that resulted in Lee Seon Kyun‘s alleged drug use coming to light in early October and subsequently the text messages between him and the bar Madam. The October scandal was that he used drugs and had an affair with the Madam and was being blackmailed by another woman A. His side commented that he was tricked into using drugs by the Madam and further drug tests by the police came back negative. Turns out Madam and A were good friends, they met in jail on separate crimes of fraud and drug use and lived together after coming out. A learned of Madam’s affair with Lee Seon Kyun and duped Madam’s phone texts and used it to anonymously blackmail Madam knowing she would go to Lee Seon Kyun for the money to keep it hush. Lee Seon Kyun paid Madam who found out her blackmailer was good friend A so Madam took the money and fled herself. A was upset and contacted Lee Seon Kyun directly this time for a second round of blackmail since she didn’t get the money the first time. Lee Seon Kyun paid A directly but afterwards A went to the police with the information anyways which is how it became public information. If true this reminds me of Lee Byung Hun‘s blackmail scandal a decade ago but he came out unscathed in both career and marriage and the blackmailing women went to jail. But his reputation was pretty shady to begin with and different people react differently to similar stressors.


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  • Cheaters are disgustingly selfish people who want it all. If you can’t resist the temptation to cheat, then it’s time to be upfront with your partner. End the current relationship you’re unhappy with before you hop into bed with another. Seems these celebrities know exactly the consequences they’ll be dealing with. Yet they still choose to take the wrong path. SMH As I said before, my sympathy goes to the wife and sons. They’ll be in grief for who knows how long and still have to deal with the aftermath of his selfish exit.

      • Agree.

        It's horrible that a Human has been driven to such desperation, to want to find peace this way.

        But the real cruelty is for his family left behind, trying to move on with their very broken lives, turned upside down in a mere 2-3 months. For a mess they did NOT create.

        I keep reading "Justice for Mr Lee" but really - it's really justice for the living who has to somehow (if ever) mend broken lives. Korean society can be quite gossipy, even if they move to USA.

        I was listening to Seoullite on you tube.

        There's apparently more to this and somewhat linked to Burning Sun (these VIP clubs run like mini Burning Suns)
        1) Out again comes the dark Dairy Princess connection, then the YG almost girl-group member who was jailed too back then ... plus his affair club hostess - Kim Nam-hee, whose home he supposedly visited and ingested this 'sedative' he thought it was.

        2) It's devastating so many factors including the financials were overwhelming stress. The shattering of his image, which is possibly another huge component. We wish this didn't happen, but it also doesn't take away that video of the Parasite celebration in US, once his club visitations came to light - where the gestures between him and Jo Yeo-jeon were undeniably somewhat too 'familial-intimate' - no wife/gf would be thrilled.

    • I get your point but being hounded to death...as selfish an exit it was he was hounded to that choice. Also there are still many rumours gossips lies badmouthing and somewhere in there is one part of the truth. I think we need to be kinder as a society. Being too harsh caused this consequence. In the end the affair is something personal, and has no bearing on the so called drug investigation except now we know 2 women colluded. I find their credibility zero.

      • I’m a huge fan of LSK, the actor. I was very happy for him when he got the recognition he so deserved after My Mister. Even more so when he contributed to the successful, internationally recognized film Parasite. When news of his drug and cheating came out in October, I felt, until there are facts and proven, one should not judge. Hence, I waited until now to voice my opinion. Given that LSK has been in the industry for some twenty years, more or less know of how corrupt and greedy this entertainment business is, I’m just disappointed and sad he made such a foolish choice.

        I agree with you that we need to be kinder as a society. Empathy and sympathy are traits most people are lacking. It took me some time to learn these traits myself. K-nets, the hounding media, his business partners (agency, production companies, etc.) and the crooked police, all had a hand at pushing him into suicide. If only, he had stayed stronger, accepted the consequences of his poor choices, show people he is capable of change, there really is hope for a comeback, as he was an established actor.

      • @Peppa

        It's hilarious that people can presumably consume so much media which exhorts us to be kind and not judge others lest we be judged and yet you can still write such a self-righteous comment. Why not support stoning as a punishment for adultery if you care so much what someone else does in their marriage?

    • I don't judge the dead unless he had committed egregious crimes such as murder or rapes or other violence. Whether he was led astray and betrayed his marriage, that's between him and his wife to deal with. We don't need to be nosey busybodies to give any moral preach.

      The main issue is: did he ever commit a crime bad enough to deserve being pushed to end his own life while other former convicts of rapists have been warmly welcome back to the K-ent. LOL. Where's the moral standard?

  • So he cheated? That was the only reason? Yeah, similar to byung hyun Lee's case and also jang dong gun right? He too was caught making some obscene calls or smthg...?...
    Lee seon kung couldn't take the aftermath of his own actions..

  • Honestly the irony that LSK had his face smeared on every "news" portal 24/7 and everyone would know if he even used the bathroom at the police station yet these two blackmailers get to remain anonymous lmao
    Whatever the man allegedly did (or didn't do), the way he was used by the media, police, politicians etc and pushed to the very edge was disgusting and a clear violation of not only all ethical and journalistic practices but even of his human rights.

  • tbh.. I'm not really emotionally affected by the sudden news of his death. i dont know. maybe bcoz he cheated on his wife. I despise a cheater & disloyal spouse.

    • Cheating is a deplorable act(its not illegal btw) but its nothing compared to what police and media did to him.

      • Funny enough it was illegal till afew years ago when they changed the law. I was surprised when I learnt Committing adultery was illegal in SK till 2015...

    • I get he's wrong in cheating but no one deserves to be sentenced to death for this, especially after being blackmailed by people who have wrong intentions.

    • @kiki

      No one cares if you are emotionally affected or not. But it sickens me that so many people can be this self-righteous in their little glass houses about other human beings.

  • People here are crazy... He was made as a target for a whole country by the Police and the media. After 19 hours of interrogation, he lost hope,it's very sad.

      • He admitted to snorting but said he thought it was sleeping pills. That’s his defence against the charges. No normal person snorts sleeping pills. Take for example glue sniffing, glue is an everyday substance but glue sniffing is an offence. Ultimately people do all these to achieve a certain sensation which then evolves into an addiction, which is clear was what happened because he also admitted to doing it not just once.

      • @G I guess passive consumers of media like you don't care to fact check... right?

        LSG never said that he himslef snorted sleeping pills or some other drug. It was an outright lie. That news article was a hit job on him by overeager police. LSG even requested for a polygraph test to clear his name. Each time LSG refused the drug intake the police released some malicious (often without context or half-baked) crumbs of information to public to pressurize him. Even after his death someone released some content of his suicide note (against his wife's will) to media. Police never had any evidence of the drug use against him except the words of a professional scammer.

    • Indeed. He has passed. If they don't have anything nice to say, then better just keep quiet rather continue vilifying him who could no longer defend himself.

      There's an article ran by Dispatch over the botch and unethical investigation by the police with timeline. He was the sacrificial lamb by the police and the higher ups.

      Well, he is no more now. Perhaps he was wrong (too) but he hurt no one but his family but here we are, with so many still judging like they are mpre entitled of forgiveness from him. Some people are just too cruel.

  • Once you do something bad just get on with it. How can he end his life if he's got young kids? I understand mental health and/or shame but what about his partner and kids? I'm sorry but only they ARE the victims not him at the end! There's no excuse to quit like that and leave them alone to deal with his dirt and death. Not fair.

    I hope that those women get what they deserve.

    • With you. Seeing the poor kid carrying his Dad's picture was more devastating.

      We're NOT him, nor walking in the high stress shoes.

      But somehow I feel sadder for them, as well his wife-long time gf. Apparently he is a frequent familial face in these VIP clubs.

      Bewildering for his young kids is to be yanked off to US when this scandal happens, and overnight they had to come back to this tragedy. Traumatic and Cruel. It's like a surreal real life makjang. But they did not even create it.

      There're those who have hung in there despite - Park Shi-hoo (drunk-rape), Kim Hyun-joong (DV), Jun Ji-hun (drugs), Lee Byun-hyun.

  • oh come on , even if what he did was morally reprehensible , it doesn't justify the "witch's hunt" he was the victim of .Medias and the police have a responsability in the way they treated the case . He wasn't Ted Bundy for the God's sake . As it was said Lee Byung Hun wasn't better than him but he keeps on working and winning awards ! I feel the most for his sons whom will have to live with a father gone too soon because he felt cornered . As for the viewers, reporters,... they will soon forget about him when a new scandal will appear . Sad but true !

  • he was selfish. Full stop.

    He took his own life cuz he can’t bear the guilt of admitting that he cheated on his wife. Such a trashy man, I pity the wife and kids for having a selfish guy who happened to be their partner & father.

  • K-ent needs to uncover this story well because this isn't the first time its happened. Can't begin to imagine this happening everyday to regular people who end up like LSK...I hope these type of people get exposed, to teach others a lesson this shouldn't be happening.

  • I think the 2 women colluded. Yes he may have cheated but that's for his wife to decide his fate. Not us and not for him to die.

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