I was solely covering K-dramas in 2012 but even then I heard of the infamous Backstabbing (Sword Stabbing) Yin Xiao Tian Incident that year. It’s so famous it even has its own Baidu page haha. It spawned factions, memes, accusations, denials, betrayals, and true friends emerging. In 2012, then one of the four top male leads Yin Xiao Tian was filming a drama with actress Bian Xiao Xiao. Her assistant made a post accusing him of hitting her and demeaning her on set. It blew up and immediately lots of C-ent stars took positions claiming to believe her unequivocally and demanding he apologize or saying they believe in his character and he would never do this. The ones who immediately took Bian Xiao Xiao’s side of the story with zero proof were called the Backstabbing Sect with Sect Leader being Du Chun (who was one of Yin Xiao Tian’s good friends), the four male lieutenants were Li Chen, Jia Nai Liang, Bao Jian Feng, and Huang Jue, and the four female lieutenants were Xue Jia Ning, Wang Lu Dan, Li Xiao Lu, and Dong Xuan.
Yin Xiao Tian immediately spoke up that he never hit Bian Xiao Xiao on set or ever, there was nothing physical, she went at him in a tirade causing him to lose his temper and speaking back to her, that was it. The ones who voiced their support for Yin Xiao Tian included Nie Yuan, Yang Zi, and Han Xue. Yin Xiao Tian searched far and wide for videos on set to clear his name and once it was released in its entirety proved his side of the story. Bian Xiao Xiao went silent along with all her supporters afterwards. But C-ent is saying that justice/karma plays the long game and the members of the Backstabbing Sect have all ended up with poor careers while the righteous supporters careers have flourished. It sure looks like it. Yin Xiao Tian’s career was basically tanked for ten years even after his vindication until he won an acclaimed Best Supporting Actor award in 2022.
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Okay. But why are you suddenly bringing up such an old incident? It's not like there's any new updates? Unless you want to link this to something else in the near future?
Do you struggle to grasp the concept of a PERSONAL blog? That means the blogger can write about whatever the hell they want to, whenever they wat to, for no reason othre than thay they want to. They need give no reason, nor seek anyone's permission or approval for writing what they like, when they like.
This is called having critical thinking. Don't simply lap up information without a mind of your own. There's a reason for every action and I just want to know the reason behind the posting of this old news.
By the way, plenty of social media accounts had also claimed to be "personal" accounts but they can receive money for fueling rumours and scandals, I'm not claiming that Koala did of course.
@Lilith, this is not critical thinking. It's called Paranoid personality disorder (PPD). LOL.
I didn't think of anything else when reading this blog. Why should I? Is it odd to you that someone just happened to recall an outdated story in her memory of the past? LOL.
You surely are entitled to raise any questions. But if that has become a pattern of your personality that you're always suspicious of something more behind other than what it appears, then you are kinda paranoid. You have to stop thinking ppl are as scheming as CCP. (Oh yeah I can't help referencing CCP again cos CCP leaders surely have PPD. LOL)
@Somebody Really? Don't backtrack and criticise Koala later when she starts linking articles like this in future to someone you care about. Remain quiet and watch if you don't understand how the world works.
Lilith, these are seriously dumb questions and statements you have made towards both Koala + Vicki. Maybe Koala recalled the story and wanted to post on it. So what?
Although, you may not have out right claimed Koalas is getting paid for what you consider "fueling rumors and scandals", you are heavily insinuating it. Since you have no proof of this, it means you are openly questioning Koala ethics and morals when you know nothing of the truth of this, and that would make you a hypocrite.
And even if she was paid, what's it to you? Just don't read her blog if you don't like it.
I have been a active reader of koalasplayground since 2012, and never once felt that she was fueling rumors or scandals. She has definitely reported on stories and issues that are already ongoing topics in entertainment news, but I have never read or interpreted her articles as being full of malintent as you suggest.
Additionally, as Vicki states, Koala is allowed to have a personal blog with her own opinions. People like you who have a need to accuse and blame her for no reason at all should seriously just take your ass elsewhere. No one is interested in your petty ass, passive aggressive comments that you are claiming is "critical thinking". I can assert you are NOT a critical thinker if this is where you landed.
bye b*tch.
@Kamg If you've been on this blog for almost as long as I did, then I envy you for remaining naive throughout all these years. You don't want to think critically? Fine, but don't stop others from doing it.
To be honest, I had the same thoughts... I was wondering why did this pop up? Likely just something Koala just found out. 12yrs back Yang Zi mwas so young...she actually spoke up in support? Wow, I did not know that. But I have heard of those that supported the actress...it was quite a big new then.
I am glad Ying Xiao Tain cleared his name. He is a good actor, I enjoyed watching a few of his projects.
Perhaps. We shall see if she'll bring up anyone else from this article to elsewhere in the near future. Yep I'm glad Yin Xiao Tian managed to clear his name in the end too.
Watching Weibo Night's livestream now, loving all the gorgeous dresses and outfits.
@Lilith, I am watching it too!!!! How co-incident...
I do find it amusing when I watch young actress dressing up looking 10yrs older and older actress dressing up looking 20yrs younger...
So outfits are very nice... I wonder if there will be many outfit change tonight for some of the artistes..
@HL Most will definitely have a few change of outfits, especially the actresses. They have dedicated outfits for red carpet and for receiving the awards.
Hey, it’s her blog and she can post whatever she likes or link to whatever she wants. Maybe you should chill once and a while.
I am free to ask questions right? Or are you saying that people cannot ask questions here at all and should only sing praises and agree with whatever she says? I wasn't even criticising her. In fact, the way some of you get so triggered over a few simple questions made it seem like guilty conscience instead.
God, Lilith....you are obsessed with koala at this point. Critical thinking, my a*s! Why do you keep getting back here to prove these weird conspiracy theories....Seriously, get a life. Its a personal blog, these aren't rumors....these are things that have happened.
@Lilth, Lol...Lilth, I am really amused how a question you post can create so much discussion. It is really a very logical question...no big deal. I did wonder about it too. Koala is a content creator...she create content for discussion and pose interest. I too wonder if it will lead to something...or someone...
I am glad there are still many who can see your train of thoughts. If you really dislike Koala...why would you even visit her blog and contribute to increasing traffic.
@HL I'm amused too. I was only wondering about her timing for this article and people get so triggered. I know Koala is always a few days late on C-ent news because she doesn't get her news directly from Weibo and/or she's busy with RL, but this piece of news is not just a few days late, it's months and even years. It's perfectly reasonable for me to wonder why it was suddenly brought up again out of the blue.
It's comforting to know that there are still rational people out there who don't jump on the slightest things.
I'm not sure, if it is because your not an English native speaker (I'm not, I'm German and always afraid of being misunderstood) or if you are a native speaker and you do it intentionally.
However, you sound so accusingly and grouchy. And Mrs Koala and her blog posts often seems to be your pet peeve that rubes you the wrong way.
Critical think and asking questions is wonderfull. Especially, it it leads to open and fruitful discusses. On the net people think that includes to be more hostile and rude with each other then in real life.
Some here just defend Mrs Koala simple because of the uncalled rudeness and uncalled alleged conspiracy. If you're following her blog like me for more than 13 years, you know what to expect and how to read her blog. It doesn't mean to agree to all she writes. I simply skip to the next post, if I'm not on the same page, since I know it a personal blog not news outlet. And personal opinions differ like tastes. And she often directly writes to take it with a grain of salt since she knows she is writing about rumors (of her interest ).
Sometimes it makes me wonder, if you are the one with an agenda trying to place it here since you're so suspicious of her blog, doubting her personal opinionons.
Since you questioning underlying motives and agenda setting, I like to reminde us all of China's ambitious plans for a new world order benefiting only them.
It is known that the CCP is trying to influence and undermine the westen media according to their agenda and their societal system and do not permit any kind of criticism to their behaves (done by thousands of online staff and volunteers). CCP isn't shy about their great plan to make China the only global domination powerhouse by PRC's 100 year anniversary.
So, are you Chinese or of Chinese heritage? It would put things into perspective. Especially, if Mrs Koala would be of Taiwanese descent (I don't remember exactly Mrs Koala's heritage)
@eJc Hmmm...did you happen to miss the articles where I had agreed with Koala? I'm sure there were many articles here where I had held similar opinions and praises for the celebrities and dramas with Koala, but it seems like some people chose to focus only on the ones where I differ in opinions, almost like they're attempting to shut me up.
It's weird that you suddenly bring CCP into the conversation. I hope you aren't like a certain someone who keeps rambling about politics on unrelated articles.
U r not wrong lilith , it normal for a human to have questions n such thoughts because of our different ways of viewing things.
@Mercy Thanks for the support, I appreciate it.
@Lilith, OMG! I thought you had changed a bit since you responded to my comments in another thread with sensible points. But obviously nope! You're still the same airhead residing on the past resentment that you have to insinuate my comments about CCP made no sense. Don't blame others for bringing up CCP and preaching you cos you do exhibit signs and characteristics very similar to the CCP lackeys and I've observed consistent behavior patterns from you on this blog site. Like others being critical of you, it's obnoxious and we don't like to see this bad cultural influence spread on the western SM. CCP lackeys do like to label ppl from nowhere without evidence but all thanks to their (and your) unstable, wild mental gymnastics which are part of Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD). LOL. I guess there's no remedy for this type of abnormality that's perhaps all coming from your deep rooted and insecure upbringing. Only God's mercy can change you! Poor thing!
It's an interesting list of names isn't it? I laughed negl. Very obvious.
Looks like we're on the same page 😉
LMAO I'm laughing at the comments and thinking...WHOA! Yang Zi has been in the industry for a long time!
@Lilith is well within her rights to ask questions. This site is not a personal blog. It is a a public, MONETIZED blog with ads enabled, and Koala writes about whatever will get her site activity. The easiest way to see topics you want covered is to type up comments in those topical posts. Even better if you can stir up fights in them.
If Koala doesn't want to receive questions, then close comments and/or take the blog offline. It's weird to see a bunch of fonts like @eJc, @Gem, @vlive@, @kamg, and @vicki get overtly sensitive and start spouting Sinophobic conspiracy theories just because someone asked a q that others are wondering too. Em-ba-rah-zzing.
Omg, both peeves and Lilith are seriously so lame. Lilith is making an effort to accuse Koala of things that are entirely baseless. Similar to what you are doing by accusing me and others of being Sinophobic. You have no idea of my ethnic background, which only makes you ignorant. It's disappointing to see people like peeves and Lilith who hide behind a computer, and stupid assumptions about others without any merit.
Yes this personalized blog has ads, which completely makes sense given Koala has to spend money in order to operate a blog of this stature. Its not free. DUH.
There is no point in engaging with you people any further. It legit is a waste of my time.
Well said - the "sinophobic" thing was hilarious (I have personal friends whose L1s are 3 different Sinitic languages), as was their total comprehension failure of what "personal" means.
Like many here, I've been reading Koala for more than a decade, and have OFTEN rolled my eyes at what she's written, but the happy irony here is that those who are attacking her are generating a lot of revenue for her.
👍 Took the words right out of my mouth.
@Peeves and Lilith, you're such condescending beaches! If you are riding on your high horses to view a blogger you basically stalk every day like everyone else, then you're more hypocritical than how you perceive yourself. LOL.
its interesting how the discussion is evolving. just goes to show how different everyone see/perceive things...
@eJc, You're so right about CCP and your challenging questions to Lilith are legit! Some ethnic Chinese have a fetish to label and accuse ppl based upon their own uncontrolled mental gymnastics. That's exactly similar to how CCP accused innocent citizens of the crimes they did not commit or accused other nations of egregious acts that China had done instead. (For example, accusing the US of making the virus in labs and spreading COVID.) LOL. The regime has had a deep impact on the Chinese culture and how their people think, behave, and react to ppl and events, very unfortunately. I used to visit Koala's blogs many years ago and took a break from dramaland until recently. Back then, I had never seen other visitors of this site so derogatory and accusing as some Chinese visitors here nowadays. It's very disturbing since this has never been a norm on western SM.
Also receiving money for fueling rumors and scandals happen most to the Chinese SM, not here in the West. Ppl here have been used to floods of information all the time and won't be so gullible like Chinese netizens who have no much freedom in other stuff and therefore, it's easy to feed them all kinds of entertainment crap. Stop exporting that shitty SM culture from China to the West! Stop borrowing your experience with Chinese SM and applying it to the Western SM without critical thinking (LOL), talking, and reacting like paranoid Chinese netizens. We are not Chinese! We are not in China! Stop that shit!
This blog appears nothing more than a piece of old news occurred to blogger's mind. It's amusing to me some ppl (who I'm pretty sure are all ethnic Chinese) could cause ruckus out of nothing per a stupid question. LMAO. I read Chinese and goofed around Chinese SM from time to time. It's not foreign to me that many similarly stupid questions are raised out of nowhere on Chinese SM. It's part of that sick culture and sick mentality coming out of CCP upbringing. So obnoxious!
It is always very obvious to me who are the immature ones by the amount of name-callings in their comments, and oh, how smart they are to cheat the words filter too.