
Zhao Lu Si Gets Netizen Mockery for Her Whole Look Attending Brand Event in Macau

So it wasn’t the best weekend for C-actress Zhao Lu Si but at least se wasn’t trying to play it safe. Zhao Lu Si was in Macau attending a brand CF event and ended up getting dragged through the C-netizen snarky critique circuit for her entire look. From the long messy hair to the unattractive makeup job to the awkward fitting and poorly designed nude strapless bodysuit paired with silver sequined mini skirt finished with pseudo gladiator sandals, yes it was indeed more of a miss than a hit. But I would say the issue is with her coordi and not her, though C-netizens also criticized her for looking bloated in the raw stills which once it was touched up she looked fine. Honestly, girl probably weighs 95 lbs soaking wet if I ever hear any criticism of her weight then the world has gone mad.


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  • C-netizens won’t stop until Zhao Lusi has an eating disorder. People don’t know how these events work. Most likely this was the outfit given to her by Versace to wear. I applaud Zhao Lusi for taking risks even if they end up not working. If she doesn’t, she will end up like Ju Jingyi always looking the same no matter where she goes or what she’s in. Then netizen will complain about that too.

    • Sponsorship often offers a choice of clothes. Versace has a whole collection, not just one outfit. Her staff picked this one which clearly does not fit her short statue is very unfortunate. This one is a sure miss. Hope the next time can improve. Her photos are always photoshopped, but netizens can always find the real photos to compare and laugh at.

  • I have to say make up can really change how a person look...She looks different here...much more mature. She reminds me of some KPop artistes.
    I rather her previous look.. Refreshing and Pretty.
    I dont know who style her outfit but this combination is really not great.

    • Nope! Kpop idols look way prettier in general. Kpop fans are pretty picky. Although I like ZLS as an actress, I do think she looks terrible here. Blame her stylist.

      • @Somebody, what I meant was, C-ent looking to Kpop for 'inspiration' is not uncommon. Often they dont look as good but it does not stop them looking to Koreans for different styling techniques. Just like Esther Yu who is currently changing her looks by following a Kpop makeup style.
        I see Zhao Lusi make up style different from usual and was wondering if it was another Kpop inspired. But I agree with a member who mentioned this look is more sexy Vesace minus the bad clothes combination.

      • The C-ent younger should look up to their senior actresses, not foreign celebs for inspiration. There are quite a few older C celebs who look fabulous even at their current age IMO. Besides, Kpop makeup that works on PS faces don't look good on less delicate Asian faces. LOL

  • She always criticized for her doing smokey eye makeup but she still did it on many occasions so she just doesn't care, calling her fat since her debut just cuz she have round face is ridiculous, her round face with cute cheeks suits her and gives her a young look, Cnitezens really need to stop worshipping that V shape, other type of faces are cute too, should everyone shape their face

    • Um, FYI, Chinese does not worship V shape face. Don't know if you're another person who got tricked by ZLY, sounds like something she would say to promote herself. Anyone can have baby fat. People with V shape face have baby fat as well. Doesn't matter what face shape you have, China doesn't like fat. Like Baby Zhang, she has a V chin and face is tiny, but her waist was thick. They call her fat.

  • Didn't notice the cut was that low. I mean if she got sisters and she wants to show it then go ahead LOL. I honestly think the close up shots which reveals less looks better than the actual far away pic and yeah to me this is a miss. I feel like she's been trying to go for a sexier image from what I've seen so far from her recent pics.

  • Those ever-ranting C-netizens should get their eyes checked. Her hair looks fine (natural, not a wig that looks perfect), her weight is fine, too. The outfit isn’t the most attractive, but I have seen much worse. Kudos to her for trying to pull it off.
    It’s nice to see that isn’t as obsessed/insecure with her looks as a certain aforementioned actress who cannot even bear to look unkempt when the role requires it.

    • I also think the hair and eyes look fine. It’s calling back that beehive retro style which I personally always like. The only issue I’ve with her look is the ill fitted top. If you want to go for that “ooh is she nudeee?” Illusion then you’ve to make sure it tailored to fit her flawlessly

  • She is representing a brand which is Vesace, n it known for their smoky eye and sexy look, I don't see the problem here. She mostly always have the clean girl look there is nothing wrong with a little experiment in fashion. Am l love those cheeks, she better don't go under the knife because of the silly critism, it will serve her well in a long run when she get older. I see it has her trademark , there is no need for her to look like every other actress with the same face shape, it so overrated at this point 🙄.

  • She has been messing with plastic surgery and it's a shame. That rarely ends well.

    I don't get where the fat talk comes from because she is so thin. She can't help her body build which is a bit ehh but she is so thin she should never dip lower because that way lays trouble. Anyway, I thought she looked nice.

    • Lol 😆 i don't know where u get the ideal that she done plastic surgery, any one who know lusi from the beginning of her career knows she hasn't done anything to her face, if that was the case she might has well get raid off the full cheek that sometimes she get criticize of ever since she started her career. Her child hood pictures shows she grew up with this face, nothing has changed.

      • @Mercy

        Her stans can give me a miss. She absolutely did do plastic surgery. It's not a crime. She needs to put a stop to it though because she looks fine now.

      • @Ehh - I don't see any evidence of surgery, more of weight loss. Not arguing with you, but just curious as to what work you think she had done on her face?

    • @Ehh, no offence intended at all,but I dont see Lusi under going PS alot too. Maybe nose which I am even unsure of. But I doubt anything else. Her childhood photos look similar... I feel make up can really create many different looks for her... Just my observation.

      • @ Ehh, She hasn't done any plastic surgery at all, when u compare her infant to adolescent pics to her now pic, everything about her face is laterally the same,not a twig has changed. Make up and maturity can give a little change but even with that u can tell she is still the same. I don't know what facts u have for u to insist she has done plastic surgery. If it base on melon 🍈 then u have eaten a bad one and if it is based on rumours then u have decided to be naive and go along with it.

    • @Xoxo

      Her nose for one. There are raw, old photos of her from when she was younger and it's very obvious. It's a really good job too, that surgeon was excellent, probably Korean work. Her stans know this so their favorite avoidance spiel is that it's make up conturing lol

      There was some subtle work around her eyes too. She really looks good now though (imo she did before too but this is a brutal industry so yeah) so she needs not to fall down that pit. Look at Park Min Young. Another gorgeous woman and yet. Not to mention PS needs touch ups and it's ok while it's subtle work but as soon as it gets into PMY territory, that face is doomed eventually.

    • I think she's been messing with her face too. She looks so different but honestly it's hard to tell with all her photoshopping. She looks different all the time! But I will disagree with the fat complaints. She is sooooo thin! Its her body proportions (short legs) that doesn't work well with alot of clothing styles.

  • The stylist who styled her for the night is a bad one. The outfit and the makeup doesn't flattered her. All the celebs are imperfect so it's the stylist jobs to emphasize the pros and "cover" the cons.

  • Lol. It is FOR SURE the eye makeup! Whyyyyy would they do her wings like that!?!! And the skirt needed to be shorter for the poof, or else tighter at that length. And for an outfit like this, the hair needed to be shorter to actually show whatever dimension is there. I guess it WAS everything. LOL. Mannnn her stylist did her dirty. Smh.

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