
TWICE’s Chaeyoung and R&B Singer Zion.T Confirmed to be Dating in More K-ent Romance News

I don’t know what’s in the water lately in K-ent but we have another dating news in K-pop. Chaeyoung of the group TWICE is reportedly dating R&B singer Zion.T for the past few months. After news broke, both side’s agency confirmed so this feels like the most nothing burger dating news of late, but then also kinda weird since KarinaLee Jae Wook got K-pop incels to lose their minds until they broke up in a month, and the messiness of the Ryu Jun YeolHan So Hee dating news with Hyeri on the sidelines was non stop news for two weeks straight. TWICE is such a big girl group I couldn’t pick Chaeyoung out of a line up and Zion.T is famous in his own right with his niche genre so happy they appear to be openly dating in a IDGAF way.


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  • Chaeyoung is the least popular of Twice members, so it's easy to miss her out. Plus, Twice isn't as big as it used to be, so the fandom craziness has died down. Also, they have been dating for 6 months, so I think the relationship is quite stable by now.

  • So basically if the idol is not super “in vogue” people don’t care. Both look quite ordinary especially the dude so it’s understandable. I am always surprised how things are in K Ent especially since Korea is so much more liberal than india. In india the more affairs the female star has the more her market value increases. It’s almost like people love the idea of a “s@x goddess”. The exact opposite if the female entertainer is too clean people just denounce her. There is also a name for such women. They are called Sati Savitri (meaning mother Mary type asexual woman). So every time a movie or a drama releases we are fed scandals of affairs just so that more people tune in… it’s actually quite liberating for the actresses since they can do as they please as long as they are not homewreckers and having affairs with married men.

      • It’s not bizarre really because usually Indians are extremely conservative and women are not allowed anything. Things are changing for sure but it still remains extremely conservative and patriarchal. So it always amazes me how the people are quite ok with actresses leading more open lives.
        Which is why I said I am surprised with K Ent, I stay in Singapore and keep traveling to East Asian countries including Korea. I have met many Koreans in my line of work and otherwise and usually Korean society is way more liberal and open minded for women. This is why I made my comment, since I fail to understand why fans want their idols to live a certain way when they themselves are leading normal lives.

      • There is nothing gross about it. Historically the Indian society has always been more forgiving of performers and media people. They are allowed way more freedom and s@xuality than people from other walks of life. But this also extends to diversity too. There are visually impaired performers and people with other abilities. A very famous leading actress is actually an amputee in real life and has featured in many movies and dramas. Similar to Peter Dinklage we also had vertically challenged artists who featured in movies. So you can think of the entertainment being almost like a carnival of sorts with very flamboyant or diverse people.

  • It is IDGAF until the crazies hire a bus to go pass your residence with a big megaphone screaming their disapproval and disappointment in your daring to love an actual human being. LOL. That was emotional blackmail at its most mind blowing.

    • Is this some sort of metaphor for fangirl protest, or did this actually happen?! Because if it’s the latter, no freakin way 🤣

      • It happened to the other rockstar/actor couple caught dating. They admitted it. Crazy fans sent bus. Couple broke up. The IDGAF didn’t work.

  • I think it's because Twice debuted so long ago and Chayeon is not a popular member. One good thing about being an unpopular member of an idol group is fans don't really care who you date lol.

    • Yeah, imagine the chaos and wrath of the fanboys if it was Sana, Momo, or Dahyun who dated someone lmao

  • So people are saying " you can date because we don't care about you , you can be replaced easily " thanks for the self estime of the girl . And only Kpop fans are crazy because the guy do another music genre . So the big problem are the KPOP fans who think that the idols are their puppet and nobody can touch it ! They aren't humans who have the right to have a private life after giving a performance . They aren' liked for their talent but are simply a beautiful toy that is thrown away when a new collection( group ) is out . I don't may be normal because when i was very young i used to like Johnny Depp and Backstreet boys and i was only excited when a new album or a movie came out , i couldn't care less about if they were dating or not .

    • * As long as i love their music " " i want them that way " 😜😜😜 older people will understand !

      • I think you did not understand my English, when I said I don’t know what it is about being a teenager, what I meant was I really don’t know what makes us crazy at that stage. I was super rude to my mom and used to shout at her a lot. I also wasted a lot of my precious time reading smutty books. Thankfully I was an ugly duckling back then so boys were not a part of my picture. But my friends got into horrible affairs, would smoke on the house. Like I said since I was one myself, I have no sympathies for some of us. Not all of us. We were real class AH@LES back then. The body is powerful, mind is super intelligent at that age and that brings a sort of arrogance which goes down and brings more sympathy and empathy as you physically age.

      • Sorry, my bad Sk2 , English is my 4th language . I was the opposite of you . Perhaps because i was the older child i had a lot of responsabilities which made me grow very fast ! But i loved books and read everytime i could . It was the best time of my life along with the university years !

    • Personally I feel alot of this streams from stress living in SK...Long school hours, after school lessons till 10pm. High unemployment rates. Many SK are fearing for future and turning to idolism to get Emotional Fulfillment, happiness and hope. And the Gov does nothing to discourage such behaviour because K-entertainment is one of SK biggest money makers.

      In UK, times are bad. But everyone still have jobs to keep them too busy to idolise. Kids are not stress from not having a balanced life. Kids in Europe are really happier then kids in SK. Of course we are not saying it is just SK, China, Japan, Singapore are too similar.

      • I stay in Singapore and the education system is pretty bad. But I don’t think the kids are so stressed that they do not have a balanced. Go out to any place on a weekend such as the beach or coast areas and you can see so many older kids out and about. Also unemployment rates are pretty low. There is also the compulsory conscription. So boys over 18 are serving military anyways. I honestly think is a specific Korea problem. But other countries especially the west does have problems with drugs etc. for kids. I don’t know what it is about being a teenager but one is prone to anything extreme within that society. For instance in Indonesia there is a rise in extremism among students… maybe it’s the underdeveloped prefrontal cortex or extreme high levels of energy and physical stamina who knows. They the young adults and teenagers keep doing crazy things…

      • I feel sad for you @Sk2 when you say you don't know what is it to be a teenager , even if i my parents gave me a strict education for a teen in a west country , i have good memories of this period of my life . But back then the education system was good, now in France it's catastrophic ( France ranked 27 among OCDE countries in terms of education system ) it's a shame .

      • Have grew up on SG during my teens before I left after...SG is stressful but the Gov really promote lots of family bonding. And as you say unemployments is low there. Thus there is a future in sight for the kids. And in SG, such idolism is not something the Country promote nor encourage. So even thru a stressful Country to study in...it is still a more balanced then SK.

      • Hi that’s what I was also trying to say. I have nothing but admiration for the tiny red dot country for way it takes care of its citizens. You go to movie theatres and there are so much promotional activities about inclusivity, making people with disabilities a part of society. All of these social messaging does help. Plus there are so many social services groups to help the youth. I actually am part of some of these social service groups for the teens. In Singapore there are also social service groups to provide free tuition services in mandarin, maths and English and I have also been a part of math and English coaching volunteering for the kids. So like I said problems are there but it for sure is more balanced.
        Now my country of birth India also has very strong social bonds and kids grow up with not only parents but grandparents. So more emotional support. Plus iodlism is not really a thing at all.

    • @cahill, that's how crazy KPOP fans are. I used to be an avid KPOP fan. I created several accounts to vote for my fave group for their comeback at each voting platform. I religiously replayed their MVs several times a day to increase the viewership. LOL. It was like being addictive to illicit substance. After I outgrew Kpop and quit following it anymore, I realized it was a mental illness craving for something desperately to fill void in our hearts. I've never missed anything of Kpop since even BTS made it really big here in the US years later after I quit following Kpop.

      I believe those Kpop agencies and label companies sorta encourage obsessive fan culture by making idol dating a taboo. This isn't something new. It's been practiced like that for more than a decade. When a member in my fave group was reported by Dispatch to date an online influencer, he was also forced to break up with her soon afterwards. Many fans cried out by this bombshells cos he's the visual of the group and a had a huge following of fangirls. In the meanwhile, there were all kinds of malicious allegations from fans against the gal he dated. International fans were receptive to his dating news, but not SK domestic fans.

      I don't think much has changed since then, perhaps even worse given that Kpop has become more popular.

  • It's not the first time that a TWICE member has a dating "scandal". Momo dated Super Junior Heechul, JiHyo dated Kang Daniel, etc.

  • Interestingly when I look up their ages - chaeyoung & Zion T are 10 years apart (24, 34), Karina & LJW are 23 & 25. Karina sounds very immature to be at 23, and her fans are juveniles. LJW is only 25, he still needs to fulfill military service… maybe they are just playing the field so it was so easy to breakup to avoid fan wars. Just guessing.

  • Twice is in their 9th year. They also had a dating ban and when Jihyo, Kang Daniel dating news broke, drama happened beck then too but now, most people expect the girls to be dating.

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