It’s the second to last weekend airing of tvN hit drama Queen of Tears and I’m so not ready to let go. It’s like we viewers are parallel living the nostalgia and amazing experience of watching this drama along with in-drama female lead Hae In trying to keep her memories of her love and marriage to husband Hyun Woo. What is an experience if there is no memory of it? But even without memory loss we saw Hae In and Hyun Woo fall into cold indifference the first time around despite all those cuter than cute fall in love moments that led to their marriage. So love isn’t enough, but love with loss is what this drama is trying to show should be enough. It’s what makes one fight for things through difficulty and obstacles, and we see it with so many characters and non moreso than our leads. This weekend’s episodes 13-14 could be considered slow for some, it’s really all Hyun Woo and Hae In living in marital bliss and understanding the terms of this second chance. I loved it and even love having dipshit Eun Seong and his psycho mom Camilla still trying to wreak havoc, because we do need a little more adversity for the well-earned payoff to come next week in the finale.
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This drama is crazy. It does not make any sense. But you just can't look away. Waiting dor the next episode, watching bts, previews is what I do the entire week.
this is what all QoT fans does i think..and 21% that mean around 12 Million South Korean peoples watching this drama live?..damn!!
I think the percentage is of the people watching tv at that point, not the entire korean population
it's actually 5.4 million.
What doesn't make sense? Even in the reddit episode discussion, there are comments that x thing and y thing don't make sense and then you have other watchers saying that it was clearly explained in the drama itself, even if not everything is spelled out (like why YES is obsessed with HHI, which is quite easy to understand). Why don't people bother to actually pay attention to what they are watching?
Take a bow and then another few. What. A. Performance. I felt like I was right there in that car crash scene. Right smack in the middle watching him turn from a state of pure panic to disbelief and eventually to literal knee bending relief. Imo, this is the best character KSH has played with a performance for the ages, in a drama of a lifetime. Don’t care what others say about the writer because all I see is a character I’ll never ever forget. Thank you for writing someone like Baek Hyun Woo!
Eun Seong that piece of trash bastard. That turd of a monster. That crack headed leech. His delulu ass needs to be burned. I was *this close* to physically reaching out to my tv and wiping that slimey little smirk off his face when Hyun Woo was being carried away. Park Sung Hoon is particularly skilled at making people murderous (even if I admit I find him utterly sexy and psychopathic tendencies aside, an eye Candy. Sue me). Hae In knows he isn’t the person she can’t remember but also can’t forget. She is too smart to let herself be played so I am not too too worried about her. And Yoon Eun Seong, may you live your life and the next however many lives in miserable pain.
Hahaha this comment is so funny I laughed out loud literally. Hating Eunseong is half fun, half rage inducing. He isnt even smart, he just has resource to get him what he wants. He probably even paid the German hospital to be allowed to be her guardian or smth.
IMO, PSH does villains so much better than heroes but since he wants to be a hero soon, I hope he gets back to being one.
And hope Haein clues in quickly in eps 15. Hyunwoo will need to save himself first before he can get to her. The preview shows her meeting her family in the airport with Eunseong. How? They will tell her the truth? Ah, I really want to know!!!
The romance between the Otp is so angsty and epic that I feel I could pull a Hw and break a car glass window if it doesn’t end well 😂
Ksh and Kjw is proving their worth in every single scene. Hw breakdown after sending off Hi was utterly heartbreaking stuff. The feeling of goosebumps is fr. Ksh the actor you are!
honestly this is the most epic OTP of the last few YEARS if you ask me, just a golden combination of characters+actors, and perfectly matched actors at that.
KSH and KJW were both always good actors from very early in their respective careers, but together it's like they enhance each other's powers, just incredible.
I thought YFAS was it. The love story that transcends all love stories for me. A love so grand it will always remain #1. But PJE said hold your horses LOL. I’m not saying QOT is getting that #1 spot. I’m saying I can’t believe anything even came close to it. KJW has turned me into a new fan. Her chemistry with her costars amazing. As for KSH - well. I feel like after ep14, if someone disputes just how brilliant an actor he is and how legendary this performance has been, then my reaction would just be to laugh. Because frankly, that person either hasn’t seen the drama, or is plain lying. Plain and simple.
I think the love Hyun-woo and Hae-in shares is one of the truest and most touching type of love I’ve seen in a kdrama. KSH said while reading the script he thought “can someone love this much?” He wasn’t bluffing. I am so invested in this couple because this is one of the most powerful love stories I’ve seen. There is no fantasy elements, nothing even so grand. It’s just two flawed humans who lost their way at some point, but never lost their love for each other. It’s epic in a completely believable way. There’s definitely no Do Min-joon, or Kim Shin or Eun-tak in and around my life LOL. But I might know of a Baek Hyun-woo somewhere who loves his wife to this extent. And I may also know a Hong Hae-in who was willing to give up everything she values for her husband. We always hear the word “die for each other” often, and that sounds pretty easy to do. But these two chose to live instead and there just is nothing more touching and romantic and epic than that.
The writing is a mess and makes no sense. Such a waste of the talented casts and directors. Still gonna speed through the last 2 episodes for the actors but safe to say I’d rather not touched any work of this writer in the future.
I liked some of the writer's past works. But QoT is the worst IMO. Her past works did showcase creative writing that's worth discussions in classrooms. QoT? Creative writing my as$. LOL. An ensemble of all outdated elements from Kdrama Makjang !!!! Snoozefest up to ep 6 that I had trouble moving beyond. LOL.
ahahaha I'm obsessed, yeah the episodes are long but somehow when they're focused on our couple+family they don't feel like it? Even the villains are fun to swear at (and they better get their comeuppance next week, jail for Camilla and her snake son please!). For that, I will forgive some nonsense like - how is the snake even allowed to be in Haein's hospital room when he's not her husband or legally related to her??!! Going 'yeah I'll be her guardian instead' after having her husband falsely arrested - seriously?? They even made a point of the Korean doctor in ep 9 refusing to tell him anything about her illness because he wasn't family or a guardian but the German hospital just lets him chill in her hospital room like that??!
It's been years since we had a proper Hallyu drama done well with all the tropes and that 'classic kdrama' feel (you guys know what I'm talking about, right?), not since Crash Landing on You in fact. Ever since the MBC/SBS/KBS weekday drama slots died I've been missing that kind of drama, I find Netflix original kdramas mostly either too glossy and flat/lacking soul, or far too violent (Kingdom, Squid Game). It's nice to have a drama that feels like the kind of kdramas I first fell in love with, do so well. QoT deserves it!
URGHHH the level of pure loathe I feel for Eun-sung is not healthy… I really believe my blood pressure goes through the roof when he gets any sort of win against Hyun-woo…
On the flip side, I love seeing sexy snu lawyer showing this mf once and for all who Hae-in belongs to… The fight back better be epic since I am tearing my hair out in anxiousness for next Sunday…
@Cessy1 - I want to throw rotten tomatoes at the screen whenever that snake appears lol, PSH makes it so he's fun to hate and even more fun when when he gets his *** handed to him by Hyunwoo (I cheered when his fist met ES's face) or Haein (who is not having any of him even with a brain tumour or brain damage, imagine doing all that just to be told the sight of you causes her to lose her appetite, she's indifferent to the childhood sob story too and she chooses Baek Hyunwoo every single time). Jail for that mf!
He's like the most unhinged villian ever. That being said I feel sorry for the actor idiots don't know how to differentiate character from actor and the poor guys ig is being flooded with hate comments.
Are you for real?! Oh no Park Sung Hoon!
I hate kdrama fans so much sometimes. They are so freakin unhinged. Shippers are already bad, but sending hate messages to an actor doing his damn job is disgusting. Ughhh. Poor PSH, he is such a sweetheart in real life too. I hope he doesn’t bother reading any of them. This made me more angry than what Eun Seong did lol
@Butterfly it's not just kdrama fans, you know Stranger Things? The CHILD ACTORS playing bullies in that show got hate comments because of the roles they played! Some people are idiots and shouldn't have internet access if they lack the basic skills to tell the difference between actor and character.
It's not new to kdramas either, I remember the same thing happening to Na Young Hee after The Producers (hate comments because she played a character)
@Royal We
I can see why some actors like to keep it to themselves for the most part. It is “fans” this level on insane that ruins the fandom experience as a whole. Kpop I expect because teenagers can be deranged. But kdrama fans stooping this low is plain nasty and surprising. You’d think a majority of them is in the 20/30s range. I was so frustrated with shippers last week in the actor posts on Instagram. But I’ll take delusional idiots over verbally abusive morons any day.
I just hope PSH and those child actors can take heart in the fact that they did their jobs so well that it seemed real to these nut jobs. It doesn’t make up for the abuse, but at least it’s a small thing.
@Butterfly, shippers are harmless, it just shows how amazing the chemistry is between the actors that people want them to be a couple in real life. What’s funnier is I see a tonne of male shippers for this couple, not sure if that’s normal since I don’t follow news about other couples.
Shippers are harmless for the most part if they keep to themselves. But spamming an actor’s instagram and/or official sites demanding for real people with real emotions to date like they are some characters in a drama, which then turns to bashing of other costars they get paired with. That’s seriously not okay. I’m sure they are professionals and know this is a part and parcel of their jobs. But I find the lack of respect for the humans behind the characters they play pretty disgusting.
But yes, I do find it rather amusing that this drama has a lot of male fans. That’s very out of the norm to be sure.
I love this drama so much it has become an obsession, Otp and second otp both shredding hearts
Please don’t end! But if you have to, please give us more amazing OTP scenes. Cute ones ofc but angsty are even better since I like my heart being pulled out and slammed the ground once - Im crazy but the feeling of heartbreak is hard to find so I want more before everything is done. The car-truck-o-doom scene in Germany felt like a music video - I watched it 947262525x. Kim Soo Hyun decided this is the drama where he will exhaust everyones emotions - 3 years he was gone so he is compensating the pain 300x over. I felt just as drained by the entire scene as he must have been filming it. What. An. Actor.
You have no idea how much I love both kjw and ksh I never watch any of their drama before this is my first time. ughh soohyun and jiwon has explosive chemistry, amazing visuals, terrific acting skills. the pairing is damn perfect bravo to the casting director.
Shout out to KSH who is undoubtedly one of Korea’s best actor in any age group. Years ago, JJH said Korea is lucky to have an actor of his calibre. Now he gives out Baeksang Daesang level acting. He had a total of 3 career defining scenes within the span of the hour and they were not even his best acting of this whole drama if you can believe it. He is fortunate to come across a script that allows him such a range of emotions. Who knew he could do comedy so perfectly before this? Who knew he could play a cold hearted villain? Who knew he could be cute and say mundane lines and make people weep simultaneously? I have a weird feeling that despite thinking him to be fantastic the whole time I also underestimated him.
Re: plot - I LOVEEE. I am an angst lover so sue me because this amnesia plot is my catnip lmao. I legit watched Trot Lovers after finding out it had a bout of amnesia. And that drama was top of the poop level drama qualities lmao. In case anyone is curious, it has JHW and JEJ as leads. Anyway I cannot ever resist amnesia so this is right up my alley.
I have not heard about Trot Lovers in ages! Omg you unlocked a core memory of mine. I used to watch it with my cousin who is a big A Pink fan. I only remember one scene about the leads talking about little mermaid and disappearing. Aya, I want to see it again even if it was so bad 😅