So Queen of Tears was filmed in 2023 and wrapped awhile ago so it’s not a surprise that the leads are scattered to the winds. But they will be having a second wrap party since the drama is doing gangbuster ratings and massive buzz, plus tvN is releasing two additional special episodes so I’m assuming the main cast is getting summoned back for interviews at a minimum. Leads Kim Soo Hyun, Kim Ji Won, Park Sung Hoon, Kwak Dong Yeon, and Lee Joo Bin all took commemorative photos celebrating the drama hitting 20% ratings on cable, and I call these “proof of life” photos like asking a kidnap victim to take a picture next to today’s newspaper with the date visible haha. Even funnier is how derpy some of them look, well okay the sole derp is Kim Soo Hyun and his level of derp is so high it’s equivalent to a few people’s worth heh.
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lol the hand scribbled notes look so chaotic but kind of endearing?
It's only tvN's second drama ever to reach the 20 percent mark after CLOY and the first to do it before finale week, good for them they deserve to celebrate a bit and I hope they enjoy it. And both are by Park Ji Eun.... I assume tvn is happy with the result if they're talking about a reward vacation and airing specials.
I am really happy for all the casts specially Kim Ji Won who was always a good actress but underrated. This drama has definitely increased her fan following a lot more. It's really nice to see someone you root for being sucessful.
LOL KSH looks like he had way too much Ramyen the night before while studying for a college exam. Guy does not freakin age.
He looked even better in the Mido event yesterday tho. And innocently gave out the location of the wrap up party to the media while he was at it 🤣 I highly highly doubt the reward vacation is going to happen. It’s almost aa unlikely as the leads getting paired up again. They all have different schedules now but at least the ratings vow has been renewed so we may get something. Hopefully it’s a couple shoot since I feel for an OTP this popular, it’s a huge miss not to have them feature in a magazine at least.
This drama's had oddly had a lack of promo couple content, I was surprised that they were always in a group.
Absolute missed opportunity on tvN’s part. I don’t mind the group interviews. I love the other cast members and the group dynamic. But it would have been nice to get a magazine shoot for the two leads. KSH is not big on photo shoots for a while now, but I remember him doing one for IOTNBO. Oh well, maybe we might still get it!
I agree with @Butterfly, it's a missed opportunity.
Kim Jiwon is on the May cover of Cosmopolitan Korea but solo, I know tvn gave us some nice wedding photoshoot pics of them in character but a couple photoshoot in a magazine would have been the perfect finishing gift to the QoT fans. Hyun Bin and Son Yejin didn't do one for CLOY either but they had done one for their film in 2018 so I suppose they felt it was redundant.
I finally tried out a few eps of the drama this week after seeing all the excitement over it. It doesn't really work for me but I want to give a shout out to Kwak Dong Yeon. I've never watched him before but he's so effective! Funny moments, dumb moments, earnest moments, heart jerking moments, he was good in all of them!
They all look adorable and well rested. This drama did better than even tvN was expecting. The last 3 episodes were all over 20% with still 2 to go. They’ll likely pay big bucks to keep PJE in the network. Only her or KES can achieve these numbers. The follow up drama is underwhelming but at least they will get the boost from QOT which is a huge plus.
Fair warning, if you will get triggered by what you call [rabid KSH fan] comment dont read this. It will save you some teeth gnashing 😅
KSH is seriously everywhere right now in Korea. The craze itself is crazy!! Variety stars keep mentioning him, there was SNL parody on his drunk cute scene and even his insta post and bubble responses keep getting posted w/ 300+ comments every time. He had a huge media turn out at an event recently. Usually that kind of event only gets a few reporters. But really whole place was packed to the house with reporters. Even he was so shocked.
Haha sorry need to gush for a bit… despite the risk hehe. Tbh, I missed KSH [IT guy] status during MoonSunStar days. I wish I was a core fan but I was more casual. Its crazy to see it happen again a decade later. Im so glad to be part of it this time seriously.
Haha I love your comments every time! That Mido event blew up on my tl too. I realized also how popular Hyun Woo as a character must be because 3 separate reporters called him that instead of Soo Hyun (and he casually responded to as well lol). He’s been in the industry for 15+ years and was an A-lister for 12, so to forget mistakenly call him another name is rather hilarious to me. It’s been a good year for KSH fans for sure! KJW and PSH fans too no doubt!
Man I miss the IOTNBO era but happy he's getting more love and constant praises. I saw that he rejected post drama interview I think he hasn't done one for many years maybe since mets but new fans I mean qot fans are being weird about it,saw some calling him ungrateful...
Sorry, but I most definitely do NOT miss IOTNBO era lmao. As a KSH fan, that has got to be the worse experience for me. I hated even going to my tl while it was airing and the following months after.
The shippers of that drama were a whole different animal of insane and delusional and obsessed. So no tyvm. At least while the shippers numbers and posts are a gazillion times larger in count for QOT, they for now haven’t driven too far into the nutjob territory. Early days but at least I don’t loathe my tl whatsoever. Anyway, hate shippers in general so I block most of them if they get too insane for my tastes.
Lastly, anyone calling him ungrateful, or KJW for that matter as she is also not doing it - 🤷🏻♀️ again, who cares.
Knetz are finding him so adorable these days, like when he spilled the beans on where the celebration party will be, lol. It was pretty cute though how he answered everything without hesitation.
@butterfly Hahaha this is trueee! He also introduced himself as Hyun Woo in the event, ha!
Actually Hyun Woo his character is very popular in Korea. If you check any Naver TV video comment, even the pre releases, even if he has just one word in them like the family dinner in Yongduri or the ottoke scene, 90% of the comments is about Hyun Woo. Even the thu prerelease comments was either the way Hyun Woo said Hae In, or how they hate that he is in prison attire. Most cafe posts are also mostly Hyun Woo related. I think maybe he represents the ideal husband personality who is sort of a heodang but also very intelligent and loyal/loving.
But anyways I think his character is super attractive and very similar to his real persona too so everyone is feeling immersed by it all hahaha
@Anna haha yes we do love him! So many posts on that interaction. Even the headlines were calling him things like cute, innocent and puppy! His personality is so genuinely funny and so full of charm. He would absolutely never but I think he would ace variety. Anyway I do prefer him focusing on his day job and acting more.
Park Sung Hoon my beloved 😍
Is park sunghoon trying to erase his villian image why is he looking all cutesy haha as does soohyun with his chubby cheeks.😂😂 Looks like Jiwon's got her cheek back too, she can finally have the Chinese food she had to give up for a yr haha.
I read some comments online some fans hope kim soo hyun + Kim ji won will be the next couple after hyun bin and son ye Jin but I doubt it will happen. However it will be nice to see one more photoshoot or some magazine one last time to satisfy some fans
Lol in every romance drama shippers wish for this. From their interviews they don't give off that couple vibe at all.
They have taken it too far though, I'm trying to understand what is there to ship. With syj he seemed more comfortable and flirty, so I get the shipping. The qot couple makes no sense, I've noticed that ksh is not his usual goofy self. People not to separate great onscreen chemistry from offscreen, cause from what I see kjw and ksh look distant.
Sorry reply was meant for @butterly
I’m sorry you 100% sound like a KSH-SYJ shipper. Every comment you’ve made, you’ve compared SYJ to KJW or QOT to IOTNBO. It’s ironic how you want “your guy” KSH to be free while shackling him with another delusion.
The truth: I hate shippers of any kind but am *particularly* allergic to any KSH-SYJ shipper. Big time. Avoid them like a tsunami about to destroy my sanity so apologies but I’m getting right out of this discussion.
Some comments? From what I’ve seen, more like half of QoT viewers are shippers. There are a number of Korean shows where the host asks fortune tellers if they will be the next BinJin couple, several said there’s a good chance. In China, there is a shipping fandom called “Soo Bin”. Even in HK, there is a discussion forum where male commenters who are fans of KJW ship her with KSH. It’s kind of insane.
What in the world is Soo Bin? Is that like KSH-Hyun Bin related? Or literally the name of Hyun Woo and Hae In’s child that her dad suggested? Lol shippers are another level crazy that I just don’t understand 😂
But you’re right. The number of shipper vids, TikTok, Twitter posts, shorts and insta reels are just completely out of hand. I’ve seen so many dramas where shippers go all out (PSH has been a part of a lot of it in the past) but this drama’s leads might just take the cake on the shipping intensity. It’s completely out of whack. I can never understand. My only hope is they keep it at knowing they are delusional and having fun instead of bashing the next person being paired to these actors or even their real significant other… I’ve seen shippers more insane than sasaengs…
Yea, Soo Bin is their future baby’s name. TvN is playing along and changed their ratings pledge. Cast will longer give audience a big bow, instead BaekHong will do a sweet couples challenge when they break ratings record.
Why are they being shipped so intensely, they don't even seem close, compare ksh with syj and you'll see what I mean, there's still rumours about them secretly dating but with Kim ji won lol ksh seems awkward. Also, how are they comparing to hyun bin and son yejin who've been spotted together before the drama aired and they seemed so comfortable in bts/interviews.
Oh puhlease. We know NOTHING about KSH-KJW just like we know absolutely nothing about KSH-SYJ. The personalities of the 2 women are polar opposites, therefore, the interactions are different. KSH and IU have very similar dynamic as KSH-KJW. And as the world knows, IU is one of his best and closest friends.
My point is, we know nothing about these actors personal love life and have no right to know. They could be very close, actually dating, or hate each others’ guts. Idgaf either way as long as they do their jobs. My bone isn’t on the “why” people are shipping. It’s the “how” and the extent to which it’s done.
When I first watched k drama back then, I shipped a few couples but ultimately I grew up and learned it’s just all a show. Now I just watch and then move on. Sometimes I do hope to see one onscreen couple that I like become a reality couple one day but this is not within my control and if it’s doesn’t happen it’s ok. Life goes on
Free ksh from these delusional shippers, he's not doing anything to feed their delusions and here they are, other leads do fanservice which can warrant shipping but my guy is being shipped for no reason . When qot ends this weekend hopefully this will die down I'm sure Kim ji won fans want the same.
As a jiwon fan I couldn't care less about shipping stuff, it doesn't affect my enjoyment of a show, I'm actually gonna miss QOT when it ends. Literally every couple in a popular drama gets shipped, it's not that deep.
Same, I don't care as long as no one's hassling the actors with the shipping, after the drama ends it'll all die down. I would like a couple photoshoot in a magazine too though.
also don't get the people mentioning KSH/KJW seem awkward in interviews, as long as their onscreen chemistry is great that's the only thing I care about. And from behind the scenes footage they seem quite comfortable around each other? Not everyone is immediately comfortable in interview settings like that and she's well known to be an introvert anyway.