TW & C dramas

Production of C-drama Be Passionately in Love with Liu Hao Cun and Wang An Yu Release Lovely Posters and Promos as Filming Commences

I love seeing a drama go the extra mile and do promos at the very start of filming, if done right it sets the mood so well like here for the modern romance C-drama Be Passionately in Love. The drama stars Liu Hao Cun and Wang An Yu and from the first posters and preview looks right up my alley. The leads are looking pretty individually and together and appear to have chemistry in the short teaser. I love when he one arm picked her up that was so swoony lol. I spent all of The Last Immortal wondering what made Wang An Yu male lead material but in a short few seconds in this teaser I understand his appeal potential.

Preview for Be Passionately in Love:


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  • I really liked him in Our Shiny Days drama. He literally stole the show. He was very endearing and hilarious. However I think for historical stuff it’s the darned wigs that he can’t pull off very well. I feel a lot of actors these days can’t pull of the wigs very well and hence why many still remain second lead or supporting for such stories. He is gorgeous for modern stuff. Some actors look better for historical because those wigs look stellar on them however now that we know those wigs cause baldness and hair issues. I feel a little bad for them lol

    • There are actors whose bodies are very skinny and therefore wigs and ancestral costumes help them look more harmonious.

  • You probably haven't seen lighter n princess, to wonder why he is a male lead. I think he deserve it.

  • You should watch him in Falling Into You. I loved it and him in it. I’ve even rewatched it and found the singer from one of the songs online. Funny, the singer didn’t even know his song was in it till I told him. Great show, great cast!! Love it. Must watch.

  • The teaser is too vague and cheesy to do anything for me but he is very handsome in modern dramas. On the other hand, as others have mentioned he doesn't have the same appeal in period/fantasy costumes.

    Recommending his drama "Forever Love". It's a small low budget campus romance melodrama from a few years ago but it's an enjoyable watch and he has crazy good chemistry with the female lead