TW & C dramas

C-drama Follow Your Heart with Luo Yun Xi and Song Yi Airs to Uneventful Feedback and Lackluster Buzz

So I probably will end up skipping Follow Your Heart, and initially it was due to logistics and now due to feedback. I was super addicted to The Double and only had bandwidth for that drama and was planning on watching Follow Your Heart after, but then when The Double ended I heard that Follow Your Heart wasn’t really interesting. The online reviews are mid and the buzz isn’t there, the general vibe is that it’s alright, not bad enough to complain about but not good enough to recommend. Being boring is absolutely a nail in the coffin for me. I’m watching The Princess Royal now so have another drama to follow which means Follow Your Heart ends up being the middle child skipped past because of more interesting older and younger siblings.


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  • Whether they think it’s lackluster or not enough I don’t care. This drama is my comfort drama. It is so silly and funny and I just love the main girls character. The side characters make it fun too. Yes it will have a couple of obnoxious characters that might make you want to slap them but so far it’s not bad at all. The thing that drags the story down is a drug case that is never ending other than that I recommend it.

    • I agree. The first couple of episodes were a bit of a drag, mostly because I guess I expected something else, but once the friendship between the leads took off I startest to enjoy watching them both. And the ML's Mom is a hoot. It's a real comfort watch after a long day.

      I had to pause watching The Princess Royal after a few episodes because I disliked the Male lead character and the female lead actress leaves a lot to be desired. Not sure I will pick it up again, maybe skip watch.

      • I put princess royal on hold too. But there are so many annoying characters and the drama gets me too anxious. I will wait till it finishes. The only thing I would say the main couple trying to portray like they were 30-40 in the beginning felt like a little kid wearing his dad’s suit pretending to be an adult. But their acting in their 20s is more believable.

    • That’s my take on the drama. It’s a nice comfort watch, and i don’t think it’s meant to be exciting and buzzy. It’s a warm drama with nice lead characters that I would like being neighbors with.

      • Hmmm..I like both Leo Yunxi Song Yi amd Zhang Ling He previous for Zhao Jin Mei I just watch her in Proncess Royal (necoz I only follow c coatume drama)...
        As deep as I love Leo Yjnxi in TTEOM..but I have to asmit that it is quite difficult to continue Follow Your Heart...the premise is interesting and I love the actors even I am fans of Cheng Lei before he got big hit in my Journwy to I dunno why the drama is not captivated me..I try but I think i will stop for now and come back at epsoode 30 to watch the peak plot

  • The pace of the drama is much slower than The Double so it's less compelling and buzzworthy. However, it's a sweet, slow burn drama that is worth watching. It won't sweep you off your feet, but the story is engaging enough that you want to continue, and the actors put in a praiseworthy performance. I'm watching and enjoying it at the moment. Leo Yunxi is always a treat for the eyes and Song Yi is very charming here (surprising to me as I don't really enjoy her performance in most dramas) but she turned in a memorable performance in this drama.

  • I dropped Princcess Royal. I'm watching Follow Your Heart and so far it's a decent drama. There are scenes in which leads deliver above average performances, but there is nothing to highlight yet.

  • It's a romcom, if you expect a romcom and not some political drama or heavy angsty romance, then you'll be fine. I put Princess Royal on hold too because this one is much more refreshing after all the back to back political stuff post Joy of Life.

  • This drama made me cringe so hard, the few first episodes was good but then it went weird pretty quickly, the script writer needed to get fired, so many repetitive and lazy lines, they use the same plot over and over, she is in danger he saves her then she is in danger and he saves her AGAIN and ......, look so low budget cuz they keep using the same set over and over
    they keep saying it's a detective supernatural drama, Nah this is just a cringy romcom

    • I agree with Merry. The boring comes with the repetitive danger/save action over and over, with no indication of gratitude and growth of deeper character. So FYH is on hold. However Royal Princess, had to stop. Something about Zhao JinMai in historical does not work and is super unappealing.

  • Let's not beat around the bush. It flopped, big time.

    But LYX was never a big star, so it's actually not a problem. If that tacky not-a-wuxia does well in its niche, it's good for him. He is heavily into production now anyway.

  • It's actually a warm and sweet watch. I went in after the double as well and found myself enjoying it in a different way. The characters are endearing for the most part and get nice developements. I hope it gets a nice ending too.

  • Surprised to see so many liking FWH. Would not call it boring but the chemistry and romance to me is not strong enough and that’s the nail in the coffin. Without any interesting political shenanigans I kept dosing off. TPR bored me too even tho I am sticking to it for now.

    • Believe it or not people actually enjoy this show than u would think, am surprised too, but sometimes it about the hype and good reviews ( I mean it matters) but sometimes it can be a mood or emotions that may click with certain show for one to enjoy.

    • Hmmm..I like both Leo Yunxi Song Yi amd Zhang Ling He previous for Zhao Jin Mei I just watch her in Proncess Royal (necoz I only follow c coatume drama)...
      As deep as I love Leo Yjnxi in TTEOM..but I have to asmit that it is quite difficult to continue Follow Your Heart...the premise is interesting and I love the actors even I am fans of Cheng Lei before he got big hit in my Journwy to I dunno why the drama is not captivated me..I try but I think i will stop for now and come back at epsoode 30 to watch the peak plot

  • The two leads of FYH have never been among those who are interesting to me. No pain to skip FYH at all. I was pondering whether to watch the Princess Royal though. But the feedback here seems meh. OK, I'll just be headed to my treasure trove of old K dramas, not bothering to check out C dramas again for the time being. After the Double, I went over some recommendation list of C dramas but haven't found anything interesting to watch so far. I'd say, the Double is just rare among recent Chinese productions.

    • I think u r easily pleased with a fast paced dramas, I always thought u r over critical about dramas but it true when they say everyone has a weakness.

      • Slow paced dramas need to be particularly artistic for viewers like me to appreciate fully. There are quite a few classical Western films that are melo focused and I consider legendary, e.g., Doctor Zhivago and The Best Intentions. These films are all slow paced. I also appreciate some old school K melodramas, e.g., Winter Sonata. Without unique artistry, slow paced stories are snoozefests for someone like me after busy days at work. LOL.

      • @Mercy In my case I only like slow paced dramas when there is tension in the narrative. LOL.

    • @Somebody I have not yet checked the C-dramas I told you about, I just don't feel like watching anything at the moment. But my mother wants to see The Double again so I will obey her wishes. LOL.

      • I'm honest with you I'm currently not in the mood to check out those other C dramas you and others mentioned the other day. I used to spend a lot of time just checking if some C dramas were entertainment worthy but ended up being pretty frustrated. Unless there's buzz around a particular drama with leading actors I like, I won't easily check out a C drama again cos I used to waste time doing so. Now I'm back to binge watch some old K dramas again.

      • @Somebody I still plan to check them out because of 1) the good reviews from respected producers and directors, one of them being Zheng Xiaolong. 2) The relatively short number of episodes. Just as there are good actors who are underrated, there are certainly Chinese productions that lacked popularity but had quality. What old K-dramas are you going to watch? I will need them in case of emergency LOL.

      • Which drama did Zheng Xiaolong recommend?

        Not sure about the genres you like. I personally love fantasy, thriller, mystery, suspension, and action. Not so much of melo and romcom though. I've recently been into legal dramas too per good recommendations from some folks visiting this site. Here's a list of some of my favorite that I watched in 2023-2024:

        Fantasy: Alchemy of Souls 1&2, Arthdal Chronicles 2 ( I did not watch AC 1 cos of negative reviews)

        Action: Moving (this one won the latest Korean Daesang.)

        Thriller: Flower of Evil (highly recommended, great directing), Beyond Evil (great great acting), Children of Nobody

        Legal & crime drama: Extraordinary Attorney Woo (amazing acting), The Fiery Priest. I'm currently watching One Dollar Lawyer and Lawless Lawyer.

        Others" Hot Stove League (surprisingly interesting sport drama), Castaway Diva (great acting and interesting plot)

        I actually watched quite a few good K dramas before I took a hiatus years ago. The list would be long if I listed them out LOL. I don't re-watch them nowadays though. But there was one I've never got tired of re-watching LOL. It's Moon Embracing the Sun (historical fantasy, my favorite genre).

      • @Lyss, I forgot to mention Itaewon Class. This is one drama that has depth behind the story with the kind of impressive script through memorable interpretations of the actors like some other dramas, e.g., Castaway Diva, Children of Nobody, Beyond Evil, and Hot Stove League.

        I hope I did not miss any interesting ones I watched.

      • @Somebody It was To The Wonder, which was included in the Cannes series selection.

        I can watch any genre. But I have a high preference for those that address the human condition. Children Of Nobody is the first K-drama I saw and I remember looking for similar productions after I finished. LOL.

        I've already seen the ones you mention except for Arthdal Chronicles, Moving, Hot Stove League, Castaway Diva and Moon Embracing the Sun. I'll take a look at them as soon as I get my academic stuff out of the way. LOL. Have you seen The King Of Pigs or Mouse? I've read positive reviews about both.

      • Nope! I'll check it out. But I'm currently booked with 2-3 dramas to follow at the same time. Patiently wait until my retirement. Long way to go though. Sigh!

        BTW, I did watch a lot of K romance from old days. But I've lost interest in romcom or melo. They appear repetitive with recycled tropes, so predictable.

      • @Lyss, believe or not I'm eating my own words. I'm actually watching To the Wonder. It gives more an indie film vibe than just a short drama. I happened to be in the mood to watch an artistic production like that. But if you are not so much for documentary style, just skip it. There were moments I felt as if watching National Geographic. LOL.

        I'd say go for it if you can appreciate directing artistry more than acting. In a short drama like this (seemingly) produced in an art house, acting isn't that important anymore. Directing and camera works matter more than actors and shifted the focus IMO. I only have 3 more eps to wrap up. Can't believe I binged 5 eps yesterday. LOL. I was just in the mood for this kind of documentary-ish film. LOL

      • @Somebody I'll take your opinion into account since I've only seen two productions with artistic direction from China: Return to Dust and 'Til Madness Do Us Part. I appreciate both for their realism and sensibility.

        I thought To The Wonder was similar to a slice-of-life. LOL. Do you find it inspiring?

      • @Lyss, I don't find it inspiring. It just has beautiful cinematography. I also found it perhaps unrealistic cos the nomadic life was depicted too rosy. The film may serve the purpose for CCP propaganda given all the negative publicity of human right violations in Xinjiang. But it's an easy watch without a lot of emotional investment. I'm sorta taking a break from more intensive legal K dramas I've been watching after the Double.

      • @Lyss, I stayed up last night to wrap up To the Wonder thanks to July 4th holiday in the US today. Woohoo. I'd say ThW is more like a long film than a short drama. It was directed with movie quality. I appreciate camera works and directors' edit more than story itself and the acting. As I said, the first few eps were really documentary-ish to let viewers have a visual feast of beautiful scenery around Xingjian. But at the same time, tough life under low living standards in the region was drowned (or overlooked) by pleasing cinematography. Each scene was shot with aesthetical calculations that I couldn't feel the frustration or pains or emotions of the characters. Perhaps that was purposely designed to be presented that way on screen. It's legit to imply CCP propaganda from that perspective. The storylines were pretty flat without interesting narratives until the final 2 eps. The first few eps mostly showcased director's camera works and cinematographic artistry.

        This short drama isn't something worth re-watching for me. But I didn't feel a waste of time on 8 eps as I have felt about even checking so many C dramas. If you're the one for poetic documentary sort of artistic style, just go for it. You may like it a lot.

    • Wtf you can't really judge a drama by seeing these comments.These post was disgraded to follow your heart drama that's why this drama watchers camping here to defend this. While if you watch Ratings Princess Royal is Top. Many are saying Princess Royal is better than The Double.I also liked Princess Royal more.

      • @Arin "Many are saying Princess Royal is better." LOL! If we limit ourselves to others' opinions, would it be fair to say that The Double is better than Princess Royal just because it has a higher rating on different review sites?

  • FYH was just what I needed after some heavy stuff I had watched recently so I guess it depends on your mood. i have fun watching it and feel for the chars too. I had the same feeling about royal rumours.

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