I hope this is the end of the public holding Byun Woo Seok personally to task for his action/inaction at that moment in the airport when his security team was checking other passengers tickets, blocking the entrance, and shining flashlights in the eyes. Those were the conduct of the security team hired to protect him last week as he left Incheon airport and became a huge outcry from the public over the misconduct and overstepping their rights towards others. This week Incheon Airport filed a lawsuit against the security company and will be taking them to take legally for their actions. This, along with Byun Woo Seok continuing with his CF endorsements, seems to point to public slowly moving on from castigating him and letting this move through the courts between the two entities involved.
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If the airport security personnel were also involved as is alleged by the private security company, I wonder what kind of charges they could press. Unless they have deleted the CCTV footage. There is no way that the private security company would go ahead and block the door for 48 seconds without prior consultation with the airport. The airport is just doing PR and denying everything to save its ass. They didn't even identify one single security guy in their formal filing with the police except a general reference to the private security company, and left it to the police to decide whether this constituted coercion and obstruction of business. The PR effect is what they are after. What a shame.
Agree. The airport are just doing this for a headline. There is no way the security company could possibly have done anything without the co-operation of a at least some airport staff and the airport know it.
They likely settled under the table... This will not go to court.
In SK, there are more gangsters than we know... And they do take certain jobs that they can do. And not all agency will want to spend money on professional trained security teams. They will just pay for what they get.
I am not shock by some of these incidents...however with such incidents, it will highlight the core issues that goes on in the industry, and prompt change to the security industry. They learn how to select, train, set boundaries, guidelines to build a professional security team. Those thuggish behaviour needs to be stopped.
It is very important to punish those that cause harm/hurt to innocent people. Then more will take note how they should behave as a Professional security officials.
Ah yeah gangster business.. that does make sense. It would explain why the bodyguards overbearing and rude actions. They’re just thugs after all. So this boils down to bws agency trying to cut down the cost (?) oh well I need to see which other artist is in this agency
There are of course companies who are different, very high level security officials... but that level of standard must be costly to engage... That will be for Top Gov officials and Top stars and the Rich..
Again just observation...don't quote me on this.😂
Not all security companies employ ppl with background in organized criminal activities, aka gangs. LOL.
Take the security companies I interviewed for services to my own family for example, they were recommended from some govt safety officers and their employees either retired from US military, public law enforcement, or secret services like FBI. I eventually settled a deal with one company. They are indeed very expensive but very professional. These companies also provide security services to international clients outside the US per the descriptions in their service portfolios.
I believe there're also similar private security services in SK as professional as the ones I interviewed. They are supposed to have some industry protocols as to what to do and what not to. They know the boundaries. The incident like this airport conflict is never heard of.
Definitely different levels of standard....different price different quality. I am not going to ask why your family need such service 🤐🤐.
As for Byun Woo Seok, I am unsure he gets that level as yet... Likely choose them for crowd control and basic security. But they way they check people passport without legal rights, that does indicate how trained they are. As for flash light shining...that must be trying to be smart without getting physical. They did not realised the boundaries they have crossed.
Again it is just speculations. And truth being told, SK does still have lots of gangs around. But that is not surprising...until the 90s, the Country was super poor. And kids join gangs to live and survive.
Fortunately things have improved alot since. Thus we still see violence at school, it is nothing like it was in the 80s and before.
When you want extra protection of your property and safety and can afford security services, no brainer to hire pro to make you feel rest assured in certain scenarios. No need to elaborate. All the private security services are similar around the world. LOL.
S. Korea is among the advanced economics and developed countries by international financial standards. Not to hurt the egos of some SE Asian countries, those countries aren't at the same level in many living standards and the scales of economic/financial activities. It's comparable to Japan, Singapore, and now Taiwan in terms of prosperity, beating Hong Kong. SK is also a very important producer in the key global semiconductor supply chain. When talking about high tech, knowledgeable ppl won't skip SK in the talk.
Given that how advanced SK is in high tech, consumer market, as well as modern living, and how thriving K-ent is, it's unfathomable that there won't be plenty of domestic security services on the same level as the one I used in the US to private clients including K celebs who have frequent public activities.
I am of the opinion that anyone can make mistakes in their line of work. Doctors/hospitals get sued all the time, anyone can be sued. Even big hospitals and firms and organizations. It's not always an indication that the firm hired quacks. Anyone can make mistakes, it's a human element that will always be there.
It isn't fair to take this situation and say it must have been a cheap security agency, there's no proof of that, and even if it wasn't the most expensive it still doesn't conclusively prove anything. We must shun the desire to place blAme at bws agency's feet, they are the doing the best they can.
I was mad and angry at the security agency, now I just pity them. Assuming that they infact have more thugs than professionals in their team, I would want to believe it's because the 'thugs' wanted to work in a legitimate manner, and the company was willing to give them a chance(of course I'm just assuming, there's no way of actually knowing). I sincerely wish even the security company can come out of this stronger, because one way or the other people's livelihood depends on the company's survival.
@Jennilee, @Somebody, Dont get me wrong, the thugs in security jobs is not something to be ashamed off. It is good for them to get jobs instead of doing illegal things.
I am in no way critical of that background. I am more interested to see more companies investing into training them professionally. SKorean being a very poor Country for many years. Education was something for those who can afford. With the war with North Korea more active in those days..it was really very tough periods for them. food was limited, even the middle class struggled. One best interview to watch that can give you a insight into those year from a popular actors is Lee Seo Jin in Nattering with Nah. This is really worth watching and understand SK's recent history. It gives you a better understanding for its nation and people.
They have found their strength now and have prosper from 90s. Education is now core for the growth of the Country and their future...there are still lots of older generations that did not benefit from such education but they are still doing their best to fit into this change. This is progress.
I own afew restaurants and I have employed a number of such staffs with similar background. I have to spend time training them as they do have anger management issues and also some bad habits. But with strict and firm training, they really changed for better...mind you soft approach did not work for them. 😂😂 . They are used to giving respect to those they feel is 'stronger' then them. Not just in physical strength.
I am aware my first comment may sound like I am being critical of them which I am not. My point was always about giving the correct training to get a good team. I too agree the flashlight was a error then a bully tactics. But the passport checking, more aggressive forcing the other passengers are not just a 'mistakes'. That need to be address and educated.
Of course we are not just referring to this case, there are many others. Idol's security teams beating fans or being very rough with them, etc...all those tactics needs to change for better.
No offence intended to anyone. Just sharing my thoughts. Apologise to those who are offended by my content. Please excuse my typos and grammar...I have dyslexia. Thank you.
Thanks Koala for approving this post!! Wonder if @Somebody, @Jennilee saw this post?
I did see your comment. Thank you for taking your time out to explain. I believe I am better informed now. And no, I was never offended by your comment, you always go out of your way to try to communicate your point and opinions respectfully. So really to me, I haven't had course to be offended by your comment, whether or not I agree with your comments, I always respect them because you say it respectfully and you are entitled to your own opinion.
I respect that, you're one of my liked commenters because of your respectful approach, that's all I can ask for. Shalom...
@HL, no worries! I've never taken your remarks offensive cos I know you're not a troll. LOL.
Different views make discussion more nuanced in free forums like this. I welcome that.
I just thought SK now should also have private security services on the same quality level as the US. The kinds of security measures (flashlight and checking travelers' passports etc.) at the airport that BWS' security team are accused of have never heard of from my experience working with my own security team. He is a famous celeb. It's odd his agency would have hired a security team who had no basic knowledge of proper protocols. I gather all the security companies have similar security protocols regarding what should do and what is cross the boundaries.
At this point it's clear the issue is between the two organisations (private security and airport) who both made mis-steps because despite the airport trying to place all the blame on the security company it's obvious to anyone with sense that the airport also have some culpability here and are trying to cover that up. Of note neither company has blamed BWS for what happened despite the best attempts of the online mob and some low grade journalism to incite hatred against him. By rights the articles at this point should be about the named private security company vs Incheon Airport but BWS is the famous name and gets clicks so his name and picture are, unfortunately, still attached to this story even though what happened wasn't his fault.
The consensus in the industry per the Korean article I read is that the controversy is obviously undesirable but BWS is innocent in all of this. I suspect there have been discussions at the various companies but now the furore is dying down it appears his CFs are standing by him.