TW & C dramas

New Xianxia Period C-drama Yin Deng Jue Cast Wang Chu Ran and Ding Yu Xi as Leads

A new C-drama is reportedly to start filming next month in August and it’s titled Yin Deng Jue (引灯诀). The drama is a xianxia story between a female demon and a male exorcist who is really the crown prince in disguise. The leads will be Wang Chu Ran and Ding Yu Xi, and joining as second female lead is Shen Yu Jie, most will recognize her face from the C-drama Only for Love as the second female lead. She also looks like the smushed together version of Zhang Jing Yi and Yang Chao Yue to me. Both Ding Yu Xi and Wang Chu Ran are sitting on two finished dramas that will air soon and may help their currently flat buzz in the industry after some less than stellar ratings and reviews for their most recent dramas.


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  • Ding Yuxi is one of the least appealing young actors these days. Its a wonder he keeps getting cast in costume dramas

    • Can I know your reasons?

      He can act, he is a good actor when in the right role and he is popular.

      I can count with one hand only how many popular actors of his age who can act. It's a dying species.

  • If this turns out to be truth.

    I do not have a good impression of WCR's acting. I watched her in other dramas. She can only do well the basic stuff in acting. Anything other than basic, it was huge struggle for her to perform decently.

    I hope she got much better.

  • They look odd and fake in the stills.

    I'm so much not the one for C costume visuals in general. I think the problem is the heavy makeup. I'm re-watching K drama Moon Embracing the Sun. It stood out to me how much more makeup in K historical dramas appears natural than C costume in general. C makeup artists should tone down palette on their actors' faces. I'm not interested in Beijing operas. LOL.

    • That plus the filtering they use just in case there are still visible flaws. It’s something I don’t think will die down because it is there thing to mask their faces as much as possible but lately Korean dramas have been using a lot of makeup too the ghost kind lol. But China does go the extra mile with makeup. I feel like if they didn’t the netizens will gripe up a storm. And that’s their money makers.

      • Take one of my favorite C dramas, the Untamed, for example. I love the plot, the directing, the ML and many other things to pieces. There are many international fans like me. But I also read a lot of complaints (or teases) about heavy makeup on Chinese male actors. Gee they're not wrong about that. LOL. My fave Xiao Zhan is beautiful who doesn't need any makeup TBH. But his powder in the Untamed is thick too. LOL.

    • @Somebody

      “… not interested in Beijing operas…”
      “… go the extra mile with make-up…”

      It’s so true. It drives me crazy when males actors wear so heavy make-up and lipsticks. Sometimes they have even more lipsticks than the actresses. Why can’t they apply the matching skin tone foundations to the actors or actresses’ faces? They look so odd when their faces skins’ tones don’t match with their upper bodies and the rest…. Another thing is when they apply lipsticks to make the actresses’ lips look thinner… Please stop all that… 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

      • Thank God, am not the only one who thought they apply the lipstick to make the actress lips thinner, found it recently, it ridiculous.

      • I also sometimes think they go overboard with the makeup on the male characters but there are some productions/dramas that have natural-looking ones, like Mysterious Lotus Casebook & Joy of Life 1 (S2 got cakey). A lot of the low quality/cheap dramas seem to have those heavy filters & makeup.

      • @Rero

        I believe in the old days in China they considered small and thin lips as beautiful. I just think it looks odd when people paint their lips thinner when their lips are actually bigger and fuller. In western world they like fuller lips like Angelina Jolie.

      • @XZF, yup! "Small lip" beauty is praised all over Chinese literature and paintings for at least 1000+ years, traced back all the way back to Tang Dynasty when "cherry-like tiny lips"(櫻桃小嘴) originated.

        I've never found small lips attractive though. LOL.

      • @Somebody

        I have never found small and thin lips attractive also. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

  • They don't really look visually compatible, which could affect on screen chemistry, but it might work out perfectly well anyway. Just have to wai and see.

    That aside, while I like DYX as a ML, WCR does better in supporting roles.

    • He matches better with cute, average height to petite women. Wang Churan can be cute but she gives more of a grand beauty aura. But first impressions may be wrong.

  • I thought second female lead Shen Yu Jie was pretty! Saw her as the FL in Hard to Find and she did pretty well.

    • @@avarachika
      I agree. I think Shen Yu Jie has lots of potentials. Classic good sweet looks and her acting seems okay too.

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