
Filming Stills From of Zhao Lu Si in New Drama Set of Love’s Ambition Reignites Plastic Surgery Rumors

The first Zhao Lu Si plastic surgery rumors were a few years ago and was around her nose, which is usually where it starts. Now it’s back in chatter and reportedly she got more work done on the nose plus the lips and eyes and cheeks. Basically the South Korean special, and she was in SK for a few weeks this year between wrapping The Story of Pearl Girl and starting her currently filming drama Love’s Ambition. Her team said she was on vacation and she also brought back a new makeup and styling team of Korean coordi’s to further change up her look to be more SK rather than China. I don’t care about tweaks from stars, it must be so hard to be in the industry and scrutinized daily that if they feel the need to go under the knife that’s fine. But it gets distracting when too much or too drastic is done and a star looks different enough it’s noticeable. I worry Zhao Lu Si is right at that edge as filming stills from LA really hit home.


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  • I'm no expert on plastic surgery, but in my personal opinion, she looks like she had a blepharoplasty (her double eyelids are more noticeable now and she has more of a sleepy, heavy-lidded look now), rhinoplasty (her nose looks less “strong” and prominent now), lip fillers (lips look poutier and fuller and has more of that rounded, Wonyoung-esque lip shape), and also something was done to her cheeks, jaw, and chin to make her face shape slimmer and more oval. I can detect probably a subtle buccal fat removal.

    Overall, her face does look more proportional now but she kinda lost that girl-next-door vibe that made her popular, but maybe it IS her intention to shed that vibe/image? IDK. Again, these are just my speculations and I'm not acting like they're facts so nobody come for me please.

    She looks great tho, and I'm definitely not judging. Both men and women are heavily scrutinized in the entertainment industry, but moreso women, so I can't blame her. There are a lot of negative commentary about her looks, even on this blog (go to the comment sections of past ZLS articles to see for yourself lol), so let's not pretend to be surprised that she get most likely got affected by these comments.

    • Lol with ur first paragraph,knowledges about make-up can do the trick too depending on how u apply it , u don't really needs to go far with all those procedures u mentioned by ur speculations, her buccal cheeks removal (could be extreme weight loss from 42kg to 38kg giving her more an oval look). Her double eye lid more prominent now it give her a more sleepy look ( believe it not she intentionally draws it herself with make-up to give her that look ). Her nose looking sharp and prominent could be contours on the edges of nose and a highlight. Her lips becoming fuller (could be an over applying the lipstick above the shape of her lips to give her that effect). People are just smart now with beatification, one does not need to do all those speculations procedures u talked about to have that effect. ( To let u know she is personally styling her character for LA which includes cloths and make-up).

      And yes apart from PS , alot of things can change a person's look , from extreme weight, maturity and even make-up. Because of stars history with Ps , it seems to be the first thing we point out first because they have the money for it before anything else. Just my two cents.

      • Girl I love ZLS but you are delusional. She 100% got PS. What you're describing can in no way change her face the way hers has. She definitely is trying to go for an idolish wonyoung look. Which is so so dumb because she's an actress and trendy idol looks aren't going to serve her in her future career. She is gorgeous now for sure, but she was before too and it makes me sad that she thought she had to change herself.

    • @ foulthings , it can and am not delusional, u can check on YouTube or tiktok how make-up can change a person appearance, it not that far fetched. U can also check out her new stills of LA , where she is acting the high school part, with the black short wig cap and no make-up , she looks the same, with the exception of the extreme weight loss of course. The fact that u think otherwise doesn't mean a person delusional, has it is now u r also speculating , no one really knows indeed she has done Ps, it ur thoughts , and I also have mine.

    • 100% agree with you! Her features look too different to attribute to just makeup and weightloss. I see work on her eyes, nose, lips and maybe fat dissolving injections on her chin. It's bizarre she looks like a completely different person now. She doesn't look bad, she just has douyin influencer face now. We'll see how her new drama turns out. Usually faces with alot of work look more natural in still photos and alot more unnatural in motion.

  • Jeez, koala, I love u but sometimes the way u post shows that , u do really do ur own enquiries but run with what so many others have said. Yes was she in Korea before LA shooting to buy a whole new wedrobe for her character since she is styling herself n didn't bring a whole Korea make up teams has u put it lol.
    Her livestream yesterday she talked about the changes people talked about. She especially going the miles to make her character In LA different from what she has played which involves in her looks too, She has also learned to do her make-up, so she does them now by herself n draws her eyebrows differently than before n whatever contours she does to her face with make-up, weather that r Korea inspired I don't know, all I know is, she has lost extreme amount of weight for her character in LA, those plumb cheeks have definitely reduced, such a shame, love those cheeks n seems to have beautiful herself in her own way has she matures. Contours can do the trick for the nose issues, it not science. Make-up can be applied in so many ways that changes a person looks imo.
    Anyway she put her make-up routine on the net and some fans have used it n applied it, the effect was scary I must say, they almost look like her but it worked so that's that, which so also point this out yesterday in her livestream.
    A lot of things can tweak a person look not just ps, remember that.
    I know this post going to be heated under the comments section considering the history with commenters here on actors and actresses appearance, she is going to be butchered her for sure.
    I will be surprised if koala think this post is going to have actual constructive criticism or kind words under this post, of course few are, but all know how most of this issue go.

    • she is 38kg rn....in comparison to whatever she was before....this time it's the lowest. Makeup, editing and losing weight to an extent she is just bones.....Koala rather than talking about plastic surgery let's talk about how C-ent industry is making a very terrible trend viral. Even kids nowadays are more than 40KG.
      Her, bailu, nazha, tian xi wei etc. Look at them before and look at them now....

      Also Koala compare videos (of livestreams) rather than photos to see if there is any difference. I am usually not a fan of C-stars but even I am not blind.


      I saw this yesterday and it made sense tbh. I believe people watching the post whether they are a fan or not..... will be able to not be blind.

      • Give it up, she had plastic surgery and at this point you just look delusional when you are denying it.

        There is nothing wrong with doing PS. If you keep denying it, you are just making it seem like there is when it's blatantly obvious she has done it.

        If I were a fan I would worry about her stopping because she already looks generic (beautiful but generic) while she used to be quite unique.

  • She had plastic surgery, her fans can cry about it till kingdom come.

    It's not a crime. I hope she feels good about herself and is enjoying her new looks. She really does look great.

  • East Asian actors are not natural overall. Even the ones I love have gone under the knife. I've read a comment on Facebook that say Yang Yang, Dilraba Dilmurat, Cha Eunwoo, Tang Yan, Zhang Linghe, Fan Bing Bing have a generic beauty. For me, it's not bad because at least they aren't THE hardworking beauties: resort to heavy plastic surgery, depend on makeup, editing, filters, etc.

    I must say East Asian celebrities can't compete with the Western ones in terms of beauty. There are few who actually can do it.

    Even those who appear as the top (including K-pop idols) of "worldwide" beauty lists wouldn't be outstanding in the West. Still good-looking, yes.

    • i don't know if agreeing with you will make me look like a discriminator but i'll do it because it's laughable to me when i see east asians artists labeled as the most stunning or gorgeous... i literally can see more beautiful men and women in my city streets... of course there are good-looking east asians like the names you have mentioned but they aren't on the same level that caucasoids are. that's why they keep attached to plastic surgery and whatnot. they can be top beauties in their countries because of the lack of beauty and variety but still not the same level.

      • "of course there are good-looking east asians...but they aren't on the same level that caucasoids are...that's why they keep attached to plastic surgery"


      • Lol what's with the racist comments in here? Lots of western celebs (like Daisy Edgar-Jones and Dakota Johnson) are plain-looking as hell and will easily get overshadowed by beauties like Song Hye Kyo. Even Wonyoung managed to overshadow Sydney Sweeney and that other woman at an event: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQZ7F_6VgWdwdJe1OLipP6lI7twCsUO45dojw&usqp=CAU
        Wonyoung looked like a living doll (yeah, I'm aware she got work done, don't care, she still looks better lol), while Sydney looked plain and the other woman looked too masculine. But then again, I base my opinion of beauty on a person's features, bone structure, facial harmony, and proportions, unlike y'all racist twats in this comment section who base your opinion on what race a person is lol

    • Stop with the westener superiority complex,different cultures have different beauty standards. Have you noticed how many celebrities are getting buccal fat removal? How many are obsessed with having the perfect body? The botox and fillers trend? Unfortunately beauty is still highly valued everywhere.

      • I bet those comments above were not even written by Westerners.

        There's an annoying obsession in the Asian entertainment fandom to pit East Asian celebrities against Western ones. Of course, it's always the Korean and Chinese celebrities who come out on the bottom.

        I watch UK/US shows too and I never see this kind of comparison the other way round.

    • Was this comparison really necessary?

      It's saddening that even on a blog centered around Asian entertainment where many readers are probably Asian too, some people are far too eager to put down Chinese and Korean people at any opportunity they get.

      You're all getting called racist, not because you have personal preferences for celebrity visuals, but because you're promoting a popular negative stereotype that East Asians are inferior and can never be as good as Westerners.

      It's awful that racist mentalities are still so common, even for people who actually engage with East Asian media.

  • That weight loss is the more concerning part for me... too many females are just trying too hard to loss weight. It is worrying.

  • Let’s be honest, they ALL had plastic surgery of some sort. I don’t think a few tweaks here and there are the problem, but some of them (like Zhang Linghe for example) had their face pumped so full of fillers that they can no longer use it, which in my book is detrimental to any attempts at acting. It becomes very distracting seeing their faces transform into a completely unnatural shape once they try to cry or laugh.
    The root of the problem, however, lies with the audience, not these stars. All the people who kept scolding Zhao LuSi for looking chubby are probably the same ones who now complain about the plastic surgery. The amount of pressure that is put on someone like Liu YuNing for looking “too ugly” is just ludicrous. Why can’t people be allowed to look different?
    In a toxic environment like this, is it any wonder that instead of concentrating on improving their acting skills, these people spend all their time and energy on turning their faces into masks that all look somewhat the same all while starving themselves into skeletons.
    It is high time for C-ent to get back to more natural looks for the people on screen, instead of the ridiculous filters and “actors” with unmovable faces.

    • Plus 100 what you wrote. The people who mocked are most likely the one who are criticizing the plastic surgery done. It's crazy what these young actors have to go through to make a living--they have to starve themselves, cannot date, are subjected to crazy fan demands without any personal boundaries whatsoever. No wonder the dramas start to look the same.

  • One can never tell from stills, they are heavily edited anyway. But in Lusi's case it is hard to tell from video too, because she's lost so much weight. I am not one for bodyshaming people, but I liked her more with 7-8 kilos more.

  • Zhao Lusi fans can deny it all they want but we have eyes. She is a star and probably the top 95 actress right now.The heavy editing and dieting were signs her agency wanted her to be a beauty, not a cute next door type of actress.Beauty helps in fashion resources and brand deals. People saying how the recovery for plastic surgery is very long dont know what they're saying. Kpop idols with busy schedule can do it and come back in a week. Invasive procedures are taking less time to heal and botox and fillers are the favorites which can make your nose bridge taller but keep certain natural bumps. Wonyoung did it and she still has a bump in her nose.

    • You know what you're talking about regarding procedures. There's so much you can do that requires only a week or two recovery. Fat dissolving injections will cause a bit of swelling at first. This might explain why her face is so weird and puffy sometimes but slim at others.

  • I love ZLS but everyone with eyes can tell she had a lot of work done. She looks less natural and more ‘plastic’ ‘Barbie doll’ kind of look. It’s unmistakable. Not judging her. If she’s happy with it, that’s what’s important.

    But there’s a vast difference between understanding and supporting your star’s decisions; and being in complete denial about them because of one’s personal prejudice or fear of discrimination from others.

    It’s obvious that what’s affecting her is a lot more than makeup or weight loss. My concern for her is that PS tends to be okay as long as one knows when to stop. With some celebrities, some work done leads to further work done down the line, and a lot of maintenance in future years which might eventually result in some kind of facial paralysis where the celebrity no longer emotes or expresses emotions. I’ve seen this a lot with older actresses. So it’s not a slight or a dig to her, but just a reality of plastic surgery.

    She’s a rare, talented actress who can go very far in her career. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders. So I can only wish her health and happiness in her future endeavors.

  • Based on the picture above, she’s gotten pretty thin. Her lips look fuller too. If she received plastic surgery, so what? It’s her choice, not her fans. She’s in a business where appearance is probably THE most important thing, sometimes even more than being a talented actor. As long as she can delivers as an actress, I’m still interested in her work.

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