TW & C dramas

Tang Dynasty Drama Brocade Odyssey Focuses Promos on Female Lead Tan Song Yun and is Cutting Third Male Lead Scenes After Scandal and Hopes to Quickly Get Airing Approval

The period drama Brocade Odyssey was always intended to be a late fall or early winter 2024 airing but now every week faster matters for the production in light of Zhang Hao Wei the third male lead’s scandal last month with allegations of prostitution and maybe even tax evasion and his claim he’s being blackmailed. He has enough scenes to not be fully cut out but the production this month has been working hard to minimize his scenes, he’s been cut from the first trailer already, and the goal is to fully focus this drama on female lead Tan Song Yun and her character as a female empowerment story ala Blossoms in Adversity. New promos are out and indeed it’s mostly Tan Song Yun centered with a new poster of male lead Zheng Ye Cheng. The production is hoping to air this as quickly as possible before the third male lead situation has any chance of getting worse.


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    • Yes. Unfortunately her plastic surgeon didn't do a good job as he gave her an obvious PS unnaturally short, snub nose.

    • Are you all sure it's Plastic Surgery instead of Photoshop?
      Because there are other pictures, other posters and different versions of the article's poster circulating in the web.
      Nothing looks the same including the facial features of any actor, colors, color grading, color tone and everything else in any picture.
      I might remind you'll that in chinese fandom's world, it's very usual for haters modify images and make them official.
      Or I might be too myopic though lmao

      • U are not, u speak absolutely the truth, if funny how some audience are gullible to believe in still pics in c ent , apart from the obvious photoshoped, fillers , antis also have their way of manipulating pics of the actress they do not like.we should all know that we haven't seen this stars personally to judge their appearance base pictures and comments that some people make. I personally don't see any problem with her nose. We speak about appearances of actors all the time because apart from acting , they also present their looks, i get that but actors that can act will still grab audience attention regardless of how they look because their main job is to act, appearance comes in second and they are always subjective.

      • I'm fond of her because of her onscreen presence. PS or not that won't be a factor for me to like actors if they do their jobs on set. Some actresses are boring on screen and their PS looks become a noticeable issue for me. That's not the case for actresses like TSY and Zhao Lusi for example.

  • Hopefully this drama is at least as good as Blossoms in Adversity. I like both leads and look forward to its airing.

  • Zhang Hao Wei! I really never liked this actor since I first watched him...he made me very uncomfortable to watch. I will not miss him at all!!

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