TW & C dramas

Yang Zi’s Next Drama Family Business Confirms Production and Han Dong Jun as the Male Lead

So it’s been a drama news filled week for C-actress Yang Zi. Her finished filming drama Flourished Peony confirmed a 60-episode count split into two parts to air, and now her next drama got inked for production. The period drama Family Business will air on iQiyi and her male lead will be Han Dong Jun (Elvis Han). The earlier rumored male lead Liu Yu Ning was in serious talks but their two fandoms tanked it by being upset with one another so the production moved on to a less triggering choice. The drama will start filming soon and obviously be a late 2025 or even 2026 airing.


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  • I always find it odd when I read from members who say Yang Zi just stick to Xianxia type drama, she does not diverse... I really want to laugh when I read that.
    She spend years as a child in family comedy/dramas and historial dramas, she was great in Ode to Joy, a few more serious dramas like Battle of Changsha and others...she has 37dramas, 14 movies. She should not be judged just based on her recent works which frankly is also varied.
    She have been supporting in many projects before leading many. People enough working with her as she is professional. She never throws her weight around.
    I have lots of admiration for this actress and her journey. I have watched a number of her early shows thus I really feel there are many ignorant viewers around who keeps misjudging her. She is not a one trick pony, she is has done many different characters. I may not enjoy all but I respect her choices. In 10yrs, 20yrs, 30yrs and more, she will take on different roles and grow as a artist.
    I am looking forward to this drama.

    • YZ debuted more than 25 years ago. Her fans like to name drop daylight dramas like ‘BOC’ and ‘OTJ’ whenever they want to boast but both these dramas success were never because of YZ. She’s just part of the cast with forgettable characters. Although she debuted in 1999, she only got really ‘popular’ in 2018 after AOL so of course the viewers will anticipate her next projects after that.
      But nothing really change after AOL, she’s still stuck in doing the same idol dramas with the same roles and her acting never evolved into higher hierarchy. It’s always the same ‘shout cry stomp thy feet’ type of acting.
      She SA many of her Male colleagues but get away with it because she’s a woman. But if the gender was reversed she definitely will end up like KW.
      Can you name drop any of those 14 movies that break the box office bec she’s the main character? You cannot because there’s none. She will always just ride on other people’s popularity (e.g. Jia Ling) then gobbled all the praise that were never for her and she never deserved.
      She ruined an actress career just because she got insecure over her beauty just to get slammed by karma when she got caught in 4k fornicating with LXY that was in-relationship with another actress during the their cake scandal.
      Her future will just be the same, buying nominations, buying recognitions and continue to water her dramas.

      • not a fan of YZ but you sounds bias. Can you name an actress of the same age group of YZ who has more accolates/success? I’m genuinely curious coz I’m not that familiar with C’ent

      • I can swear i've read something similar on a twitter a/c called chiguabye or something. SA are really grave accusations and shouldnt be throwing around this easily. Is LXY Li Xue Yi the one in In Blossom? If she had a thing with him good for her he is pretty hot. I'm not a yz fan because i dont like a lot of her choices but there's no need to diminish her career like this. Traffic actors do heavy marketing, this is not something exclusive to her.

      • Ok i didnt read your comment that well, i dont advocate cheating 🤣🤣 Anyway you dont sound very credible.

      • This is rubbish, ur words doesn't justify anything, it only gullible people who will believe u. Wheather Traffic star, improvement or not, this guys work hard and they still have their value in cent , that why they keep getting casted in project.

      • SA is too much. She does like to dig her male leads' nostrils and be touchy with them but I don't think she's a rapist.

      • This is literally copy and paste from yxh on weibo, who posted it on Twitter, reddit and now here😂😂

        This drama is a big drama, no wonder yxh has been dragging her for a while now

        To now debunk your lies, yang zi has been famous since 2005, for home with kids so don't bullshit us about her not being popular until AOL in 2018, OTJ was a huge success and she was nominated for TWO prestigious awards and you tell me she didn't have impact??, she also got so much praise for BOC and her 2015 drama Yangko dance too

        Crying that her acting skills never improved but she was nominated for Best Actress for magnolia awards this year for her drama😂😂

        About the SA, there was and is still absolutely no proof whatsoever that she did that, so pls stop spreading fake news and shit

        You can count how many movies she has as main character with one hand and we all know it's hard to enter into the movie circle, her movie Bodies at Rest broke 100 million for box office

        No yangzi fan 'gobbled' all the praise for YOLO bcs they all knew she was a cameo character, instead she was praised by the public for her portrayal of the villain, so how is that her fault??

        She ruined an actress career 😂😂😂 yes cause she has the government at her neck and call and can ruin anyone's career with one phone call

        She was caught fornicating with LXY in a house where everyone was together celebrating his birthday 🤣🤣🤣

        Her future is looking brighter than ever, she's happy, she filming and living her life better go and get mental help cause anyone can see that the person that wrote this is extremely bitter

      • @TJCHot Agreed with you on everything except the SA part, I only know she likes to stick her fingers into her co-stars' nostrils. She markets herself as a "husband-maker" with great acting when in fact she's a mediocre actress who largely depends on her male co-stars' charisma to pull in the viewers for her dramas. Her dramas like My Mowgli Boy, Psychologist, Immortal Samsara, Love Endures and Best Choice Ever all flopped because her male co-stars couldn't pull in the views. Oh, and I'll never forget that time when she won Weibo Queen for the first time, her votes had continued to increase even though voting has already closed.

      • Hold up! You sounded well until you accused YZ of SA. LOL How can anyone take your shit seriously with such a baseless accusation? You must secretly love her because you are very detailed in listing a lot of info about her, even the false claims. LOL, now that's a true closet fan!!

      • @/darkangel
        I knew that you will name drop and I am really waiting for that 😏
        This production is nothing but a regular filming group from iqiyi yet you are recycling your lies how ‘big’ this drama once again! And will most likely swipe feminism card!
        Yes the director of Yanxi Palace and director of other some Yu Zheng production low-budget dramas Pls! None of his following dramas got attention. Winter Begonnia bored viewers to death that even the handsome face of HXM can’t save it!

        The screenwriter for Imperfect Victim received a lot of criticism for the boring to slow moving story! The plot was padded with too many unnecessary subplots! Although the main theme of the drama gain attention but sadly the 22hours running time really bored the viewers and failed to gain followings.

        So with this level of production from iqiyi, YZ drama will be nothing but a long, boring drama with too many episodes of YZ PS face.

      • @TJCHot I agree with you for the most part except SA which I hadn't heard of. Reposting since my previous comment seems to be mod for whatever reason. Good luck fending off YZ's rabid fans here when this site has shown multiple times to be biased towards YZ.

      • This comment regarding SA is what's wrong with social media. Spreading absolute lies about someone with zero proof! This completely blows your credibility and makes your whole comment invalid. LOL

    • @/stranger you’re not familiar with c-ent yet you are calling me biased? You’re the one who’s biased for judging me when you’re not even familiar with the topic. Also, u can check actress Zhou Dongyu to give you an idea what is the definition of accolades + success!

      @/lizzy8 Orlando Brown and Katt Williams were called crays whenever they spill the lore ‘bout PD but guess who’s under Feds custody now!

      • @/darkangel
        ‘this drama is a big drama’ a repetitive lie spread by her paid yxh to her gullible fans. It’s the same lie that get recycle ♻️ for all her upcoming projects. Yet when you look at it, the production company (or +from her own pocket) and still with the same mediocre to subpar filming crew. The subpar customs, styling and poor filming set, with post production good CGI only applied on the teasers/trailers clip use for promotion but the CGI applied on the whole project was too poor even for a low-budget internet drama.
        Claiming ‘popularity’ since childhood yet still doing the same idol dramas with no big movie under her name unlike the actress from the age group like ZDY.
        With 🐧, she was able to get nomination yet did not attend because of the negative feedback. There were many instances in c-ent that the crowd give cold shoulder to the underserving nominees and winners. All the nominations related to her watery-drama got mocked by netizens esp her nomination and the one related to CGI 🤣
        Several derogatory memes were generated from how ridiculous the CGI and how she looks like chunky aged mother of the male leads instead of love interest

      • @TJCHot
        Now I know you really really need help😂😂

        This drama is from her pocket?? I didn't know zi is the owner of huace and IQIYI now
        Even at IQIYI conference on 25th they called it a big budget drama that was included in huace financial report as one of their big dramas to to filmed this year. Go and fight huace and IQIYI instead of barking here

        You are crying that she does so many costume dramas but statistics shows that among her age group she has done the least amount of costume dramas😂😂

        Now tell me how many mainstream actresses have big movies under their belt? ZDY is a movie actress so it's normal for her to have won numerous awards for MOVIES

        The director for this drama is the same director for yang xi palace, the screenwriter is the one who won best screenwriter for imperfect Victim and you call it a subpar production crew😂😂

        Why blame her for the poor CGI of LYF?? Where is the logic in that

        P.S only your fandom mocked her nominations cause you guys are so bitter

        Seeing you cry like this online is so funny

  • I dont see nothing wrong with doing another historical drama but maybe a wuxia would be cool. The Tang dinasty one is business related why do another one so similar in theme? I just think she doesnt do many martial arts related historical dramas and it would be nice change from her usual roles.

  • Ahh! I haven't seen Elvis Han for a while, he was so good back then. But I wish he'd stop smoking - his lips are rivaling Tang Yan's husband. It's exciting to see Yang Zi in a drama that isn't with all the more recent younger liulangs, but rather someone more mature and has an established career. This is refreshing.

      • He got a bunch of works waiting to be released or waiting for approval to be released.
        The same phenomenon happens to too many actors who are not known or popular.
        Every single time I enter a MDL's page of an actor, I get surprised and shocked by the amount of work everyone have which won't air.

    • It was truly a well-done mature corporate romance. It unironically got me into the genre I thought I would want nothing to do with!

  • Ah i miss Elvis Han in my small screen. He's a great actor but unfortunately not that popular. Hope this drama will bring more popularity to him. Good luck to this production team and actors. Fighting!

  • Are you seriously using P Diddy case in comparison? Ok no point talking to you, it seems like you are just a dedicated hater maybe you are the owner of that hate a/c chiaguabee, the comments are way too similar.

  • Sometimes I wonder where koala gets her news from.
    LYN was not offered this role in the first place, I mean yxh threw out so many names from WDX to XK etc and Zi's studio has come out to say that the male leads were true
    So it's not that he was changed bcs of both fandoms weren't happy with each other but bcs he was never the choice for the drama. I mean we've seen so many fandoms fight and their faves still gets casted in the same drama with all the fighting involved

    • Sorry, I was reacting 'huh' for a moment there like are you contradicting yourself? lol, then I saw your amended comment, I think the drama producers just try to throw the name around to gain heat and exposure for the drama hence gaining more capital. And they sometimes do pay yxh to spread it around to test the waters although they claimed they don't lol. If it get enough heat some people will take it as facts. But it always resulted in fandom wars but I guess to them bad publicity is still better than no publicity?

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