TW & C dramas

Both Bai Lu and Wang Xing Yue’s Respective Fandoms Unite in Hating Yu Zheng as He Uses Them Again to Drum Up Controversy for Buzz

There is a reason why the abused stay with the abuser for way longer than they should, and the same goes for artists stuck with Yu Zheng who does a lot to make his stars famous but also milks each star to the max. This week Yu Zheng went on a publicity rant about the drama Tang Palace Strange Cases (唐宫奇案) and it wants to cast Wang Xing Yue and Bai Lu which is Yu Zheng’s dream for his top actress and top rising actor to work together again. But he admonished their respective fandoms for complaining about this pairing leading to Yu Zheng telling the production to only take one. But if it was just Wang Xing Yue it would be a S+ budget but if Bai Lu also joins then a S++ budget, and he says Bai Lu loves the script and wants to do it so why shouldn’t he support that and make it happen. Why does fans say he’s forcing Bai Lu to carry lesser than male leads to make then famous. He wants Bai Lu’s fandom the calm the f*ck down and let her decide if she wants to do it or not, no one not including Yu Zheng can make Bai Lu do any drama she doesn’t want top. And he tells Wang Xing Yue’s fandom to also pipe down and be happy he got such a big biscuit (i.e. top project) and go smile in a corner. Instead of quelling the fandom complaints, his rant let to an escalation of hate against him from the fandoms which are not united in hating Yu Zheng rather than fighting with each other about this project for their respective stars.


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  • Yu Zheng is so clever...he always knows how to push the buttons of these fandoms. They will jump to his words and help him drum up publicity. He clearly understand the terms : No publicity is bad publicity.

    Anyway, Yu Zheng will do what he does.

  • Regardless of anything, I do love both actors and would like for them to pair up together in a project, not necessarily this one. But if this project pushes through then that's sooner than later of their pairing and if the script is great I'll be happy as a fan

  • I want to see Wang Xing Yue reunited with Zhou Yu. Although he pairs well with much older actresses, it would be nice to see him pair up with Zhou Yu who looks more compatible in age.

    Unlike fans who love to see older married women pair up with younger male stars or young actresses with uncles, I rather have stars of small age gap team up as OTPs.

    It’s kind of weird of fans who are clamoring to see married pregnant Wu Jin Yan paired with Wang Xing Yue again. I really think WJY should act next to an actor in his 30s.

    • Age, marriage, and pregnancy should have nothing to do with acting in this case. People like me would like for WXY and WJY to pair up again because they have great chemistry, both can act, and they just can deliver in general. Having both actors in a great drama would be entertaining to viewers which is what really matters.

    • Unlike fans who look at age and see uncles and married women, I look at the pairing of acting styles and abilities that interest me. I’m not, like some people, looking for young actors CPs as main leads and complaining about leads being married.

    • I thought I was the one who thought WXY had amazing chemistry with Zhou Ye in Scent of Time. I remember that Yu Zheng said he'll reunite them in another drama but it got sidetracked I suppose cause the actor got more fame with WJY. I didn't watch their drama so I have no comment on their chemistry. I'm all in for another WXY-ZY pairing.

    • I prefer leads to be close in age, but I don't mind an age gap if the actors look close enough in age that I don't feel there's an enormous age gap. Definitely don't want to see minors paired with adults. I've enjoyed Bai Lu with almost every actor she's been paired with and I would love to see her reunite with Wang Xing Yue as leads in the right project. I'm also looking forward to his reunion with Wu Jin Yan despite the marriage and pregnancy news. Jun Ji Hyun delivered one of the most popular dramas and pairings of all time as a newlywed with her reunion with Kim Soo Hyun in My Love From The Stars. People knowing she was recently married still couldn't get enough of that pairing.

      I so far am preferring WXY with older actresses because they seem to be allowed to be more daring with their characters. The younger lead actresses seem to be pigeonholed into playing plucky girl next door types or helpless wide eyed innocent types with the male leads being the ones to bring all the heat in the pairing. I would love to see young actresses like Yoon Eun Hye who was able to match her male leads in that department despite her age. I'd love to see more beautiful young mature female leads paired up with their male counterparts in well written romance dramas. It is just too sad the Night Wanderer may not ever air, because it is exactly the type of pairing that I look for. Just a perfect match of a classic leading man and leading lady with all the chemistry to boot. I just keep watching the trailer hoping it will finally air. They just look ridiculously good together.

    • Hate to say this but I agree. Fandoms like to speak out on behalf of their artist but do they even know what the artist themselves wants? Some of these fandoms are just way too involved and opinionated!

    • Yeah in this case he has some valid points. He should've just said those in a more acceptable manner or not at all. All of these things should've been discussed behind the scenes. Nevertheless, I'm really looking forward to WXY BL pairing and if it's with this drama which their saying has a good production team then I'm all up for it

  • I think Koala’s article didn't explain why the fan became so mad.

    Yu Zheng is pretty much pressuring Bai Lu to accept the script by saying all this. Based on her past interview, it seems like she wants to stop doing period drama for a while. Additionally, Yu Zheng is also pissing Zheng Yun Xi fans by saying the WXY and BL pairing should have happened in Lin Ji Xiang. I think BL recommended ZYX instead if he wants her to act in his production.

    Meanwhile, for the WXY case, it seems like YZ signs a WXY contract on his behalf, and all these BL's more famous actress rants make WXY stans angry.

    WXY and BL are like brother and sister irl. It sure takes some ass to rile up both fandom like this, lol.

  • Yu Zheng will be Yu Zheng. He don't care and he'll annoyingly fight back lol. He's not wrong though. Fans are the greatest support, but they can also be so meddlesome like sheesh back up.

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