
Ahn Hyo Seop in Talks for Melo Romance K-drama The Night of Heaven from the PD of Lovely Runner

Since there aren’t as many K-dramas being produced compared to year prior there isn’t as much casting news to report on so anytime there is one that piques my interest I get so excited lol. This one sounds interesting but also fraught with hhhhmmmm wondering if its going to be any good. Ahn Hyo Seop is in talks for the male lead of a new drama from the PD of Lovely Runner. It’s a melo romance titled The Night of Heaven and is adapted from the same name novel. The male lead is playing a top night club male escort and the female lead is a rich daughter type. K-netizens are not feeling the casting or the plot set up but I’m curious to learn more and also see which actress is the pick for the female lead.


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  • Ahn hyoseop is not really my type… the story hmm.. if it’s pure romance then not really interesting. But put some revenge elements, it should be good to go I guess

  • I'm anticipated to see next project of Lovely runner PD. I read synopsis and didn't quite understood it, except it sounds as something depressive and both main leads traumatized by their parents.
    Some k-netizens already complaining about romanticizing escorts, but the plot clearly says male lead doing this not due to good life.
    I know one drama with escort male lead - Todome no kiss, one of the best drama I ever saw. Male lead there started escort due to similar reasons, and drama showed him lost his soul and found it again. I'm interested how they will write it here.

  • I have no issue with the plot. Lost was kinda the same genre.

    Jdramas do this kind of story very well.

    I'm not sure AHS can sell a man who adapts to his clients. I would see someones like SIG instead.

    • Yeah I personally think ahs is not a good actor at all, just got lucky with biz proposal n romantic doctor.
      Story sounds abit boring and trust that korean production will water it down, Japan makes these kinda stories better

      • @Anne
        Yeah agree. Someone already mentioned todome no kiss and it’s really good. You can really count on japan when the story is about human nature and emotions.

        I pictured seo inguk and he does fit. His role in smile left your eyes is somewhat similar and he is so fantastic in it! Ahn hyoseop never strike me as someone that could emote that well. His performance in time called you is so underwhelming

    • Ahn hyo seop can pull off this quite well if he is as good as Seo Woo Jin in terms of performances. His mannerism and body language is quite alluring in dr romantic 2, he is quite a tease there to cha eun jae. I can see it.

  • I believe the male lead is in his 20s and the female lead is 39yo. I remember reading it somewhere and that’s prob where the skepticism is coming from. AHS can hardly pass in rom coms so not sure he is ready for anything more complicated. But maybe if his costar is a very good actress, he can pull a CEW and do decently well. No idea but meh on the storyline for now.

  • lol it’s interesting how the LR PD became popular over the writer. Usually it’s the other way around. Anyway I don’t mind the plot itself, but I do care about the tone. Not sure which direction they’re going for but that’s my make or break.

    AHS is such a mehhhhhh actor but this PD has the ability to bring out the best in actors. We’ve seen proof of it this year.

  • I'm serious how they will explore a sensitive and taboo issue like an escort male lead.. More over, who is the screen writer ? That's one of the question. And who is the female lead?

    I can't wait to see Ahn hyoseop doing another gloomy male lead. Maybe it will be similar to Seo WooJin. but this is darker.

  • I don’t know the first thing about the source material but I like that it’s a bit different from the usual. AHS isn’t as bad as, say, Song Kang. I know that’s a low standard but they’re by far and large the most popular in that age bracket (94-98) along with LDH. So if the production is gunning for that age, the choices are quite limited lol.